I’m a Villainess but So Popular

Chapter 163: Side Story 11 : The Secretive Autumn (1)

Editor: Aru

Side Story 11: The Secretive Autumn (1)

A pleasant sunset extended across the lake’s surface, where flowers were embroidered.

My ears were tickled by a voice as warm as its colour.

“~~I’m happy to be by your side, that’s what Rachel said.”

Cassius, who said those words, looked to be a really happy person.

I was speechless for a while and couldn’t speak.

I couldn’t say anything for a long time and gradually lowered my head.

Cassius had stated numerous times that he is happy to be with me.

However, it is unavoidable for me to become overwhelmed when I hear such things.


When I heard him call my name, I bit my lower lip and cleared my throat.

And I raised my head as if nothing had happened.

“Really, that’s just like Cassius, as always.”

I reached out, kissed his cheek, and said.

He grinned gently and took both of my hands in his and rubbed them against his face.



A gentle breeze carried the scent of flowers.

The golden eyes I adored sparkled through the swaying black hair.

“Always, thank you.”

“No, I’m more thankful.”

Cassius responded with a smile.

I smiled as well when I saw him like that.

“I’m happy to be with Cassius.”

“That’s reassuring.”

Cassius’s face is blazing with brightness.

Many things came to mind when I saw that mischievous smile.

If this person can be happy because of me.

If this person was truly delighted to be by my side.

If he was feeling the same way I was.

“You know~”


I replied quietly as I stared into his shining eyes.

“Like we said last time, let’s spend a hundred years happily together.”

Cassius then opened his eyes wide.

“I’m not joking, I swear to you. I’m dead serious.”

“Are you still concerned about that?”

“Of course.”

I said it with a glum expression on my face as if I was heartbroken.

“I’m very concerned about Cassius.”

Cassius, who burst into a cheerful laugh, curled his golden eyes like a crescent and hugged me.

“Yes, Yerine is the only one for me, as expected.”

Cassius’s kindness seemed to warm even the deepest recesses of my heart.

I truly believed.

We’ll keep walking down the same path and gazing at the same sights.

In the summer, we’d fan each other in the shade and talk about little matters, and in the winter, we’d hold hands and smile at one other in the beautiful white snow.

Just like we’ve ever been.

* * *

When I opened my eyes, the lake and the sunset sky had vanished into thin air.

Instead, I spotted a familiar pattern on the ceiling.

‘Oh, I had another dream about that day.’

I had a dream again when we went to Rachel’s castle and blew petals in front of the lake.

Even though it was a few months ago, I occasionally dreamed about that day because it was such a special memory for me.

And I always felt warm after that dream.

A ray of sunlight rushed in through the window gap.

The sun appeared to have already risen in the middle of the sky.

‘I need to get up.’

I naturally reached my hand for Cassius. But I couldn’t reach anything.


I looked around, but no one was there.

When I realized that only the cold pillows remained, I sighed.

“Oh, right……”

Cassius slept in a different room last night.

‘First, I need to get the kids ready.’

I called the nanny and servants after changing my clothing to prepare the children’s clothes and breakfast.

And, while I was at the office for a few minutes to finish up some paperwork, the 9 a.m. bell rang.

I got up right away and went to the kids’ room.

‘They might have already awoken.’

I knocked three times on the bedroom door, but there was no response from inside.

I suppose they were both still in the land of dreams.


I summoned the kids and flung open the door.

Chaerine was still asleep in Yssius’ arms, with a blanket wrapped around them, as expected.

‘I’m not sure how to wake them up.’

I smiled and softly called the kids names.

“Wake up, Yssi and Kael.”

When he heard my voice, Yssius opened his eyes and rummaged.

“Um, Mom……”

“It’s time to get out of bed, get breakfast, and visit Aunt Eri.”

“All right, Eung……”

When Yssius awoke, Chaerine, who was in Yssius’ arms, began to move slowly.

However, I couldn’t see her face because she was completely covered by a blanket up to her head.

‘Doesn’t she feel stuffy like that?’

Thinking so, I said to Chaerine who was wriggling under the blanket.

“Kael should also get up, eat breakfast, and go to Aunt Eri’s. Eung?”

I took my time pulling out the blanket so she wouldn’t be surprised.

When I pulled away from the large blanket, it wasn’t a four-year-old child who appeared.


It was none other than a half-asleep baby tiger lying on a fluffy bed.

The tiger, smaller than a big dog but larger than a small dog, stretched and yawned with its golden eyes half-open.

“Oh, you’ve transformed again.”

I embraced Chaerine, who had transformed into a tiger, and swept her back.

Chaerine was born with golden eyes as a symbol of the imperial line and, like Cassius, could utilize healing magic and transform herself into a tiger.

It was only recently that she began to transform into a tiger.

She was, however, still inexperienced with her power.

She once transformed into a tiger without even realizing it.

“Can I have a look, Yssi?”

While holding Chaerin in my arms, I thoroughly examined Yssius’ face and limbs. Just in case she scratched him with her claws and teeth.

Even if she turned into a tiger, it wouldn’t be a major deal because she was still a baby tiger with soft claws.

However, this wasn’t the first time she’d transformed in her sleep, so I checked to see whether Yssius had been scratched by Chaerine’s claws, who were tossing and turning in their sleep.

‘That’s a relief. I was concerned that there would be a scar……’

Fortunately, there were no scars.

“You must return to your original form, Kael. Okay?”

Chaerine returned to her original form in an instant, and her soft hair was caressed rather than her stiff one.


I smiled and rubbed her eyes as I kissed her on the forehead.

“Did you get enough sleep, Cael?”


When the kids awoke and regained some consciousness, I summoned the nanny and changed their clothes.

Chaerine nodded sleepily while getting dressed, and Yssius startled her up every time.

“We’re all suited up, Mom!”

As I waited for the kids to finish grooming, I grinned and hugged Isius, who was shouting passionately…

Then we went down to the dining, clutching the hands of Yssius and Chaerine, who had all changed.

“Mom, where’s Dad?”


“Where’s Dad?”

Chaerine asked, her golden eyes wide open.

“Right, where’s Dad? Was he busy with work?”

Yssius asked as well, tugging the hem of my dress.

Cassius and I usually woke up the children and ate in the dining room together on weekends when there was sometimes no work.

However, as the Emperor, it was nearly difficult to enjoy the entire weekend, and if my duties as Trump and Empress were extended to the weekend or if I went on a business trip, I, too, would be unable to spend the weekend mornings with my children.

Every time, the left one of us, or the nanny, explained to the kids that we were absent due to work.

As a result, the children naturally assumed that either of us was absent due to work or business trips.

“Yes, Dad has a meeting this morning.”

“Ah, yes, I see.”

Both Yssius and Chaerine nodded without saying much.

‘It isn’t true, but……’

Cassius was not far away, and he was not on business neither.

There was a lot of work to be done, but the Imperial Palace officials were capable.

I mean, he was within this palace.

‘I don’t want to lie in front of the kids, but this is okay, right?’

I felt a little bad about it, but I couldn’t help it.

Cassius had to have sought to hide the fact that he remained in the Imperial Palace in some way.

The children had no doubts when they learned Cassius had gone somewhere else.

Chaerine only asked when Cassius would come over for breakfast.

Yssius, too, just asked as to where Cassius had gone.

I left the dining room with my children after the calm mealtime.

It was precisely 10:17 a.m.

“Let’s go meet Aunt Erie right away!”

The children shouted in delight as their eyes twinkled.


I walked to the main palace door with the happy babbling children in my arms.

Bags of children’s luggage were already standing at the door, and the attendants who were escorting the kids to Erica’s mansion were already there.

“Did you miss anything, Nanny?”

“Everything is ready, Her Majesty; I have the Princess’s pillow and blanket, as you requested.”

“Did you also bring Kael’s headband?”

“Of course, Her Majesty.” “For the time being, I didn’t believe I had overlooked anything significant.

Even if I overlooked something, it shouldn’t be a major concern because Erica would have loaded her mansion with everything.

Just then, a servant yelled, peering out the open door.

“I believed Blothea-nim had arrived. Should we leave now, Her Majesty?”


In my words, the attendants took the luggage.

I hugged the kids and went outside to approach the carriage that had come to a halt in front of the palace.


“Oh, Auntie Eri!”

When the kids saw Erica get out of the carriage, they waved their arms in delight.

The children who ran toward Erica after they dropped on the ground laughed and hugged her.

Erica, as usual, greeted the children with a bright smile and gazed at me while holding them in both hands.

“Yerine, I’ll look after the kids, so take this opportunity to rest.”

“Yes, Erica, thank you so much. In fact, if it were you, I wouldn’t be concerned.”

“Thank you so much for believing that.”

Erica gave a sneaky grin.

“Well, I’ll be watching the kids anyway, so don’t be too concerned.”

“Yes, then thank you so much.”

Before leaving, I kissed the kids on the cheeks and waved till the carriage carrying the children vanished from sight.

The kids and Erica clung to the glass and waved at me until I was out of sight.

I returned to the palace once everyone had left and the surroundings had gone quiet.

Then I questioned Clayton who had shut the door on the inside.

“How is His Majesty’s condition?”

“So far, I don’t believe there is a problem. He ate everything and didn’t leave any leftovers.”

After hearing Clayton’s words, I looked away and responded.


The innermost apartment on the first floor of the eastern palace.

That’s where I was going.

A room deep within the palace that is unnoticeable to passersby.

When I arrived, I knocked three times slowly on the door.


However, no response was received from the room.

I knocked three times on the door again and called his name.



“It’s fine to come out right now. The kids have all left.”

Then there was a voice from within that was hushed.

“……can I just stay in for a while?”

“It’s fine, Cassius.”

“I’m not fine.”

Well, I would need something more powerful.

“I want to see your face, Cassius…….”

“I didn’t see your face either last night. Today, I’d like to speak with you face to face.”

I said it in a pathetic tone, without changing my demeanour.

‘I have done this before, but he couldn’t help but fall for sure. Come on, open the door quickly.’

With a sigh, footsteps could be heard coming from the room.

“I’m totally embarrassed. I truly don’t want to show you this side of myself……”

With a click, the door opened.


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