The Supreme Level Up System

Chapter 310 Ambush

After a few hours, the poster was ready, but he felt that it wasn\'t. As a swordsman, he trained diligently to do most things with close to perfection when it comes to swords, but he always tried to apply that to other fields of his life.

"Are you sure nothing is missing?" Malon asked while checking

"Of course, if you just want information or find a culprit, they will not capture anyone, but once they find them, they will come here to collect the reward in exchange for the location." The tavern keeper replied.

Malon sighed in relief and looked out a window on the upper floor of the guild and saw that the sky was already dark and with some rain clouds. Even the party was increasing by the time, and he noticed some beautiful women starting to enter.

"I guess I need to find an inn to rest and return tomorrow," Malon thought.

Although he wanted information, it looked like it was going to take a while until he got anything else. He wanted to fast forward whenever Malon acted like a pussy, but he couldn\'t for some reason. It was probably an important memory.

Malon left the table and said goodbye to the innkeeper. Looking back, he noticed the same friends partying and already drunk, and the hooded man continued to read the same book.

Even though it was strange, Malon thought it was better not to get involved. Leaving the guild, he went towards the map and then immediately went to the inn mentioned by the innkeeper. Following the streets correctly, he soon found a place with the description of the inn, and I saw a carved wooden sign at the entrance.

[Lizard\'s Home]

Room rent was simple, and dinner was a bowl of soup with a loaf of bread which wasn\'t too bad for the price of ten copper coins.

Malon went to his room and noticed that it was just a small and cramped place with a bed and a closet. Next to the bed, there was a window that made it possible to see the streets of the city.

Tiredness was coming to his mind and body, so Malon just closed the window and put his things next to the bed, then just took off his boots and cleaned himself a bit after asking for a bow of water before he lay down on the bed.

His vision was focused on the ceiling that was slowly starting to darken, the memories of the previous days still hadn\'t disappeared, but Malon found refuge in knowing that he would get his revenge sooner or later, and then he closed his eyes to sleep and wait for a new day.

---- ----

In Red Eagle town, it was raining, and so there was no more fire in the place. Under a tree near one of the burned houses, Ailen was standing. In front of him, there were three tombs that he protected and watched being bathed in the falling rain.

His mind was wandering, and his body was tired, but soon the silence disappeared as Ailen heard footsteps approaching through the rain.

With a quick draw, he prepared the bow and arrow, already pointing towards the direction of the steps, which stopped when the person making them saw the arrow and seeing his target Ailen spoke.

"Who are you? And what do you want here?" Ailen asked.

The person in front of him looked at an adult man with pale skin, his long hair was bluish, and his eyes were green. He wore a long black jacket and white clothes and seemed to walk unarmed.

"I don\'t know what happened here, but I assure you I came to help." The man replied.

"Help?" Ailen furrowed his eyebrows.

----- -----

Back inside the inn, it was late at night, and Malon had already slept for a few hours. Footsteps were heard from the stairs that woke the swordsman, who sat on the bed without understanding what was happening. Still, his instincts woke him up, so that couldn\'t be a good sign.

As he rubbed his eyes and grabbed his sword, the door slammed open and startled him. Malon stood up and backed away from the window while ready to fight.

From the door, several armored men carrying spears entered the room and blocked the entrance.

"What do you want here?" Malon asked, already imagining the answer.

The men ignored Malon\'s words and approached slowly without breaking formation.

"Stay away…" Malon readied himself to face the enemies, but he knew that he would be stabbed to death if he did anything. He was still an apprentice, and they were seasoned warriors.

Malon made up his mind, and he wasn\'t going down without a fight. Still, a knight appeared in the room. Still, unlike all of the others, he wore black and heavy armor, his helmet was a black skull with horns, and it was possible to see only red eyes under the helmet. Malon felt shivers while looking at that guy… he was all kinds of bad news.

Malon held the sword with both hands, ready to fight, but in response, the knight in black armor only extended his hand toward the young man.

Malon felt as if his body was being crushed, breathing became difficult, and his legs gave out, making him kneel.

Seeing the opportunity, the other knights advanced and immobilized him, the sword was taken from his hand, and his arms were chained. Malon saw the knight lower his hand, and his breathing and body gradually normalized.

"MISERABLE…DID YOU…FOLLOW ME? WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY FAMILY?" Malon asked, don\'t do his best to keep his head raised. "What did you do, Ailen?"

The enemy approached and stopped in front of him, putting his hand inside his shirt and holding the necklace that had the ring.

"Ailen? So is there another survivor? I think the service was not done correctly," the dark knight said.

Once again, Aion was left speechless. Malon was beyond stupid, and he couldn\'t do anything despite having trained with the sword for many years… he wondered how someone so stupid could have been considered a god in the future. It was just nonsensical, even though he knew how good he had become.

The dark knight\'s voice was thick, and Malon, lifting his head, saw that at the door, there was the owner of the inn with a worried face, but beside him was the hooded man who was in the guild staring at him from afar.

Malon clenched his teeth in anger and tried to free himself, but it was in vain until he felt the necklace being ripped from his neck by the black knight.

"HEY, GIVE IT BACK!" Malon shouted.

"Shut his mouth." The knight looked at the boy and said it.

Malon tried to free himself again, but he felt a strong blow on the back of his head, and his vision darkened. Gradually the black knight moved away, and he felt himself being dragged until he completely blacked out.

Many later, Malon woke up hearing a constant drip. He felt something in his body and realized that he was lying on a dirty stone floor, and as his vision cleared, he saw iron bars in front of him, preventing him from moving forward.

Already awake, Malon noticed that he had no more sword or armor, wearing only the clothes on his body in a cramped and empty room, noting that he had been imprisoned while sleeping. Then all his memories returned.

Malon would go to the bars and hit them in a rage and still bewildered.

"Damn it..." Malon bit his lips in exasperation.

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