Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 109 - Elizabeth Realise Her Mistakes

"Yes, I did go to meet Jasmine in the bar last night since I was worried about her but I can assure you that nothing happened between us. Our marriage might have been arranged and not based on love but that doesn\'t imply that I am an unfaithful husband," Alfred said in a more composed tone as he approached her.

"Even though I liked Jasmine like you insinuate do you think that your sister who has always threatened to take everything I possessed if I dare cheat on her Big Sis will let me come close to her not to mention having sex with her? With her personality do you think she is the type of lady who would settle for the title of a mistress?" Alfred asked as he focused his attention on the fuming lady.

"That little brat could go to any extent just to make me furious and that includes becoming your sex toy...," Elizabeth paused when she saw her husband raised his hand to slap her. Her eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

"Liza, do you know why we never get along despite that we have been married for a year now?" The guy who withdrew his hand amid air asked staring at the terrified woman.

"It is because all you care about is yourself. You always think that you are right while others are wrong. You have never spared a minute of your time to study and understand the people around you. Your sister has lived with you all her life and yet you have never got to realise how much she loves and wants you to succeed. Liza, you are the one who pushes those who loves you away do you know that?" Alfred asked as he stares into her eyeballs.

"Each time you and I have a misunderstanding Jasmine will always go out of her way to help us settle. \'Alfred, I know that Big Sis might be a little bossy and sound rude sometimes but believe me, she is not a bad person. She is quite a nice person but the problem she has is how to express herself. Since she was the eldest father has always been very strict with her since we were kids so for my sake, I ask that you forgive her.\' This is what she has often said," Alfred said his gaze focused on the woman whose anger he could notice has subsided.

"There are times she takes me to the movies, amusement park and so many other fun places just to make sure that my anger for you subsides. Jasmine has always tried to help you no matter what but I can\'t believe the one she loves and care about is an ingrate. One who doesn\'t deserve her or her goodness. I am so disappointed in you, Liza," Alfred said as he turned and approach the stairs.

"One more thing, it wasn\'t only us yesterday. Apart from Jasmine and me, there were also Jasmine\'s two new finds with us and their names are Steve Crown and Jeffrey Darwin. Their families are quite popular so you can check for yourself if you don\'t believe me," Alfred said when he was at the foot of the stairs.

"I might have slept in her mansion yesterday but to avoid any misunderstandings she left the mansion for me and the guys after her driver dropped us off," Alfred said as he walked to his room upstairs.

Elizabeth who has stood up in the middle of their quarrel sat back down on the couch. After what she heard from her husband her mind was left in chaos.

"Has Jasmine always protected me and my marriage in the dark without my knowledge? Was her closeness with my husband a misunderstanding on my part? Was I unnecessarily jealous of her relationship with my husband because she was able to establish a bond with him that I, his wife has failed to do despite our one year of marriage?" Elizabeth thought looking even more confused.

"Although Alfred and I do not have a close relationship, I know him to be a very honest person. He has never lied to me and I believe he didn\'t tell an ounce of lie earlier," Elizabeth murmured to herself.

"Has Jasmine always love me so much since we were kids? Have l been too blinded by my competition with her to realise how much she loves me?" Elizabeth thought as her mind went back to the past.

Since the time she could recall she has always been competing with her little sister. Be it in terms of clothes, fun, academics, care and attention.

She was just four years old when her mum gave birth to a cute little sister. When her sister was given birth to she was very happy that she was gonna have a sibling to play and do everything with but her affection for her little sister barely lasted for two years. Their mum who was working in the company at that time barely had time for them. She and her sister were always left in the care of the Nanny and other workers. The little time their mum could spare for them at that time was spent on her little sister whom they had always say needed the love and attention most.

This went in until her sister grew up and began to attend school. Little as she was, Jasmine was very smart. The teachers even called her a born genius. She has always done perfectly well with her academic performance and her father has always taken pride in this but that changed when he received Jasmine\'s first report card. Despite doing excellently well, her father still scolded her for letting her little sister surpassed her. She had taken his first scolding as a motivation to do better the next time but not until when his scolding went on each time academic session comes to an end.

There was even a time her father locked her up in her room with only her books after making sure that everything that could serve as a distraction was removed from her room. She was locked in there for a month. Except for the maids who were sent to bring her food daily nobody else was allowed into the room. Not even her mother or sister was permitted to go close to her room and she was not permitted to step foot out of the room until her father said so.

It was after her father uplifts her punishment that he and his mum went on a business trip outside the country. Out of rage and resentment, she had ordered her maids to tie Jasmine up when she pestered her to come and join her on the playground. Elizabeth had then ordered some maids to prepare egg mixture and flour. When there came back a few hours later with the egg mixture and flour, she ordered them to pour it on her little sister.

As if that was not enough she had also have her locked up in their empty storage room afterwards.

Doing all these did not stop her parents from giving Jasmine a little bit attention more than they do to her. Things had continued like this until Jasmine reached grade 3. In grade 3, the once intelligent Jasmine\'s grade drops drastically. With hopes that her grades will improve, their furious dad had let her off the hook by scolding her but not when Jasmine\'s grades the next time worsen more than the previous term.

Furious Mr Avans had spanked Jasmine so hard that day but his spanking did not change anything since Jasmine\'s grade never improved. Nobody knew what happened to Jasmine back then.

Just like before, the eldest daughter became the apple of their eyes once again.

Things went on like this and gradually Jasmine lost the love and care of her father. The incident that happened when Jasmine was 18 years further ruined whatever relationship she had with her parents. Her mother who has seldom stood up for Jasmine before gave up on her too after that incident.

As far as she could recall Jasmine has never treated her badly first. She only tends to retaliate whenever she provoked her beyond her limits. She could also recall occasions where Jasmine butts in whenever her father scolds her. There were even times Jasmine ended up receiving a tight slap from her father because of this.

Back then because of her competitive spirit she could not understand why Jasmine always butts in whenever her father was mad at her but thinking back now she realised that Jasmine often did this to protect her from her father\'s wrath. Recalling yesterday\'s incident she was certain that if she had not provoked Jasmine first, she wouldn\'t have resorted to calling her husband to spend time with her just to piss her off.

"What a silly girl she is! I can\'t believe that bratty girl has always protected me without me realising it. How foolish I was to hate my sister who has done nothing but always have my back," Elizabeth said as she cupped her face in shame.

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