My Vampire System

Chapter 2288 The Unknown Hero (Part 2)

Layla thought she must have misheard Minny, because the name that came out \'Stark\', was one that she didn\'t expect. He shouldn\'t have even been on the ship, and if he was, of all places why would he then be in this room? Things weren\'t making any sense.

"Mommy, hurry! Uncle Stark, he\'s not answering me!" Minny shouted, this time her voice was a bit shaky.

After hearing that, they all entered the room and they could see blood inside, but rather than letting their eyes follow the blood, they looked at Minny instead. All of them paused for a second.

The room was quite large, yet closed off. There were several monitors showing what was going on down below and in the ship. The people on board looked like they were in a state of panic in the ship itself.

Just below the monitors was a large seat, a swivel chair that was faced toward them, and in there was a man. A purple man, with a single arm on his body that fallen to his side. The body was slumped in the chair and his eyes were closed.

"Uncle Stark… Uncle Stark!" Minny called out, holding his one hand and shaking it. She continued to call out his name, expecting him to reply, but no words came out.

"No, not you too Uncle Stark… Auntie Ceril and Auntie Wince, they already died!" Minny shouted. "You can\'t die, why… why… why is everyone dying!" Minny screamed.

Part of her blood aura was let out in the room, passing through everyone. The sight of watching the little girl upset was truly a sad one for them all.

In truth, Minny had already known Stark had passed. She could tell when she entered the room and saw him, it was why she was silent. Because, Minny was unable to hear a heartbeat present.

She just didn\'t want to believe that another one was taken away.

Most of them didn\'t know Stark well. He was a quirky alien that introduced himself through Quinn. Always claiming that he was the fastest in the universe. They truly got to see that when they had managed to save Sil.

"What, was he even doing here?" Russ asked. "Didn\'t he leave with Sil, why would he even come back here?"

Sil hadn\'t even thought much of it. The alien had dropped him off at the planet where H was, and then quickly left the place. Sil had assumed he had gone back, not come here.

Minny continued to sob and let out her aura once more. It was stronger than the last time and in doing so, they heard the aura move something in the room.

Layla was the one who went to check it out, and behind the desk with the monitors, that\'s when she could see it. The body that was on the floor with a hole through its head.

"I don\'t believe it." Layla had her hand over her mouth. "Everyone, it\'s Jack Truedream, it\'s Jack Truedream!" she said the name twice, as if she didn\'t believe it herself.

The others quickly rushed over, and seeing the body and the face, they had confirmed it themselves. This was one of the big four, the man who in the past and present had caused them so much trouble.

And there he was on the floor, lifeless. It was hard to think, someone who gave them so much trouble, could look so weak on the floor. Taking a closer look, Layla noticed the hole mark through the head.

She had fought side by side with the other Penswi, and noticed the wounds they would inflict. It wasn\'t just in the head, but it was all over Jack\'s body. Turning, she looked at Stark, and then looked at Jack as well.

"Stark killed Jack." Russ said, before Layla said anything.

Looking at Russ, Layla noticed that there was a bit of dark fog above his head. It was a first after seeing someone die.

"I think you\'re right." Layla answered. "The markings on Jack\'s body, the state this room is in, the state that Stark is in as well. He must have come onboard and dealt with Jack himself. He knew he was one of the leaders behind the attack."

They could only imagine what Stark had been through. How he had taken it upon himself to deal with the threat. He certainly had lived up to the name as a hero of the Penswi.

"He didn\'t have to do that, the idiot." Russ said. "We would have dealt with Jack eventually, but he came here and just quickened his death."

While the others were talking, Logan had gone up to the terminal and on one of the screens he was playing it back, playing back what happened, and eventually he found footage of Stark and Jack\'s battle.

Everyone gathered around and started to watch the screen. The audio played of everything that was going on, and not a single one of them said a word. The fight, they could see Stark go beyond his means, going beyond what he was capable of.

But when watching the footage, they soon learned why Stark was doing such a thing. Through the conversation they had, they could hear what Stark was trying to do, and in the end, they saw that Stark was finally able to achieve it.

"I found footage of the fight between Sil and H as well. The time, it marks up right with when Sil had finished off H."

Sil was left in silence, he looked at the video, and continued to watch as Stark lifted Jack and moved him here. The footage continued, with the last moments of Stark in the room, saying his final words.

It was hard for them all to watch, even Russ had his head held down, but they all heard him.

After the video ended, Sil walked up to Stark\'s body and fell to his knees.

"I am sorry… I wasn\'t able to help you." Sil said. "You looked over me while I was in a bad state. I didn\'t know you for long, yet you risked your life to save me, you then risked your life to protect me.

"Then after that, you finally had your life taken away. It wasn\'t taken away in vain though, it saved me, it saved everybody here! Without you… without you so many would have died.

"In return, I promise you, that no matter what threat comes to your planet, to your people, I will protect them with my life. They will be protected for as long as I can breathe.

"And I promise, when this is all over, I will make sure that everyone knows about what you did. Of how you were a true hero of this war. Even if I have to force it into their memories, I will make them remember you!" Sil shouted.

After his words were done, Sil bowed down a few more times. His goodbyes were said. Layla instructed Minny to put Stark in her shadow so they could give him a proper burial later.

Because for now, they had one last task left to do.



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