My Vampire System

Chapter 2339 The last worry

Chapter 2339  The last worry


For the two of them, the hate for Magnus was just growing as time went by.

"Why… why didn\'t the two of you do anything?" Andy asked.

Although in pain, Andy did manage to catch a glimpse of the two faces, and unlike regular vampires who might not know the faces of the originals, Andy made himself aware of all vampires, since it was part of his job, and that included who the current leaders at the settlement were.

So he had a pretty good idea of their strength, and with the three of them, he was sure they would have been able to do something.

"Hey, do you even know how much I had to hold back?" Edvard asked. "I was just waiting for him to try and attack you, that way I would have had an excuse to get a few good hits in."

"In the end, the best case scenario occurred." Hikel added. "Anyway, what even was that, what had Magnus turned into? Is that his borrowed power from Immortui?"


Judging from how calm the two were acting, and how they were talking it seemed like they were aware of the situation, but this was just giving Andy more of a headache than anything, and he wasn\'t sure if it was because he didn\'t quite understand the situation, or Andy could hear the sound of voices around him, it sounded like the same two earlier, but they seemed to be talking to someone whatever was injected inside of him.

"I think… I\'m just going to close my eyes for a bit." Andy said weakly, as his whole body collapsed to the side.

Andy could hear the sound of voices around him, it sounded like the same two earlier, but they seemed to be talking to someone else.

"So what do we do now?" One of the voices asked.

"We have to wait, but we can\'t let them get too far away from us. Logan will be arriving soon, and then we will head to whatever location they are at when they stop moving. Depending on what it\'s like and how guarded it is, we will make the next move." Another voice said.

Finally, opening his eyes, Andy could see he was still on the same field as before, and he was right, the two that were talking were still there, but then there was a person he had never seen before, nor did he recognize him from his memory bank of faces.

"Oh, looks like your up." Quinn said with a smile, he was still wearing the special mud mask that Peter had given him. "You\'re a strong one. It looks like Magnus had injected some type of poison inside you.

"It\'s more aggressive than even Qi to a vampire\'s body, but due to your nature, and healing capabilities, it looks like you were saved."

"Hey!\' Edvard called out. "Don\'t forget about my Dalki blood, it was the last lot that I had. What am I meant to do now, when I\'m the one in trouble."


Andy still had a raised eyebrow, but he could see that his arms, both of them had regrown. Usually this would only be the case if he consumed some type of human flesh, but it appeared that Dalki blood had the same effect for him.

It was a good thing to note, since Human blood didn\'t regenerate his body, he was more like a wight in that sense.

"I\'m sorry, but who are you, do I know you?" Andy asked.

"Ah… sorry I\'m under disguise, but it\'s me Quinn." Quinn answered with a smile, but the smile quickly faded away. It was rare for him to smile in these moments, there was just too much on the line.

"Wait, Jessica, they took Jessica, Quinn you told me to protect her but, I failed. You were right, someone is after her." Andy said, getting up to his feet.

"It\'s okay, I\'m sorry it looks like in all my troubles I forgot to update you completely on the situation, but Jessica getting taken was all part of the plan." Quinn explained.

"The plan?"

Quinn went on to explain to Andy about how Jessica was the one who volunteered. Since they knew she was a target, this was the best way to get to Magnus. Originally, they thought they couldn\'t trust anyone in the Vampire Corps, so they didn\'t even want to tell Andy, but he appeared to be fully on their side.

"I\'m sorry." Andy said. "I told you that I was going to protect my father. I guess my decision to act must have ruined your plans."

"No, you did what you thought was right, and you fought with your life on the line. You honestly only did what I would have done, so I can\'t blame you for that, with what information you had." Quinn replied. "Besides, we now have an idea of Magnus\' strength as well."

Andy was thankful for Quinn\'s understanding.

"So what are you going to do now."

"Now… we wait, we have a plan, and we just need everything to work out."



Back in the vampire settlement, Peter had been taking charge of things. He had been followed by Muka, and regularly went around the city. The first few times, he had done a few things that were questionable, things that perhaps the real Quinn wouldn\'t have done.

There were several bones broken, vampires hit in the face, vampires that were literally kicked until they went out of the settlement, but something surprising seemed to happen.


Whereas Muka thought this would ruin Quinn\'s image, instead everyone seemed quite happy to see him.

Walking around the settlement, the children would run up and give him a big hug. Others would ask if there was going to be another show today, by that they meant another beating by Quinn.

It wasn\'t just the children though, all of the vampires felt like Quinn was connecting with them on a more personal level, and instead of letting guards, or other members deal with the problems, he had decided to deal with them himself.

This had also affected Minny\'s popularity at school. Many wanted to know her even more and were asking questions about her father. Wondering just how strong he was.

Of course, Minny knew that it was Uncle Peter and not her father, so she would just reply stating that he was really strong, and maybe he would come in one day.

All of this surprisingly led to one other thing, and that was the amount of crimes that were committed in general. They were starting to lower, no one talked bad about Quinn anymore. No one did petty crimes such as stealing or scamming their fellow vampires.

Because if he got word of it, then he would deal with them, and although it wasn\'t in a conventional way, Muka had to admit it worked.

"I can\'t believe it." Muka said as she looked at the reports that were on her desk. "Everyday there are fewer reports of crimes. I wouldn\'t condone dealing with these with violence. It just goes and shows that violence is allowed as long as it\'s from a particular individual.


"In this case though, Peter is overwhelmingly strong that everyone is just living in fear, too scared to act."

While sitting at her office continuing to do her work as usual, a particular telepathic message was sent to her. She almost jumped out of her seat when she heard who wanted to speak to her.

"Has he finally solved everything, sure put him through!" Muka said.

A connection was made and Muka could now hear everything that Quinn was saying. Her excitement as she heard what was happening and what he was speaking about started to go.

"I see." Muka said.

"There is something else I need to talk to you about as well, it\'s very important and might involve everyone." Quinn said. "But first tell me how are things at the settlement."

Muka went on to tell stories of how hard her work had been with Peter, but she also told him about all of the positive changes as well.

"That\'s good to hear… if the settlement is left to him, then I won\'t feel so guilty now, he is a better leader than I thought he would be." Quinn said.


"Wait, leave the settlement to Peter what are you talking about."

With a heavy heart, Quinn went into detail of what he wanted to speak to next. Muka was too shocked to even speak back when she heard this, she couldn\'t tbeleive he was doing this.


"But… what about your family, shouldn\'t you speak to them before you do this?"

"I… don\'t want to keep worrying them." Quinn answered. "This will be the last time I worry them."



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