Never Judge

Chapter 415 - 415

"So who developed this tech?" Cedric asked as they waited for the image on the screen to show a new arrival outside Nicole\'s office.

"It\'s actually from the military. Some kid developed it." Miguel said with a shrug. "The Reyes Group actually pirated him out." Miguel said with a laugh, he found it funny that Cedric didn\'t know that he had a top research and development personnel.


"We did?" Cedric asked. "What\'s his name?" Cedric wanted to make sure that they didn\'t lose this genius. 

"Adolfo, something." Miguel said as he tried to recall the person\'s name. "It starts with an L, I just can\'t remember right now."

"Don\'t tell me, Adolfo Luna?" Cedric asked.

"Yeah, that\'s him. He was actually Lt. Adolfo Luna in the military. His family is all military, that\'s why he was able to get out. His dad\'s a high ranking general. How do you know him?" Miguel asked.

"He and Cedric are actually friends." Ian laughed as he continued to monitor the screen.

"What? No way?" Miguel asked.

"I\'ll invite him to lunch." Cedric said with a grin. "If he is as important as you say then I need to make sure he stays with the Reyes Group." 

"How do you plan on doing that?" Miguel asked.

"Wait! Stop, slow down!" Ian shouted. He was the only one left focused on the screen since Miguel and Cedric were busy talking about Adolfo.

"Oh shoot!" Miguel said as he quickly rewinded the video.

"That\'s the head nurse of Saints Hospital, Head Nurse Belinda." Ian pointed out. When he temporarily took over Nicole\'s place in Saints Hospital he had become quite familiar with the different department heads as well as several key members of their teams. His experience as Cedric\'s personal assistant helped him understand their motives better, something he often used to his advantage. Head Nurse Belinda was a woman in her 50s with a passion for caring for the sick. Ian was shocked to find a person who was so selfless. 

"According to Nicole\'s schedule, she was supposed to meet with Nicole at 5:30 pm. What\'s the timestamp?" Cedric asked Miguel who was controlling the screen. 

"It\'s 6:15 pm." Miguel read. "It only makes sense that Nicole\'s assistant informed her that their meeting was moved. She looks quite anxious though." Miguel commented as he observed the head nurse.

"Pull up the mood indicator again." Ian told Miguel in a serious tone.

"Wait, let me try something." Miguel said as he turned the laptop to face him and typed something.

"Here, it should be more specific." Miguel said as he turned the laptop back to face them.

"It reads anxious, wait, this thing can read more specific emotions based on what is recorded?" Cedric asked. 

"It can, only if the file has been stored for over six months, I doubted the tech, but it seems pretty accurate. This Adolfo guy is pretty talented, no wonder they didn\'t want to sell this tech or let him leave the military." Miguel commented.

"Her anxiety should go down after she sees Nicole right?" Ian asked.

"No, this is a different case. Dr. Santos was anxious because of the schedule being pushed back and having to wait for Nicole, Head Nurse Belinda on the other hand seems to be anxious about something entirely different." Cedric told Ian as he observed the clip closely. "Let\'s see what happens next."

They soon see Dr. Santos exiting Nicole\'s office with a smile, it seemed that it really was just Nicole\'s tardiness that was worrying her. Cedric, Miguel, and Ian, watched as Nicole\'s assistant walked into Nicole\'s office then stepped out again. She walked up to head nurse Belinda and walked her into Nicole\'s office.

"She\'s still anxious." Cedric commented as he watched the scene unfold.

"Maybe she\'s anxious about the meeting, I mean talking to your boss can be nerve wracking." Miguel said. 

"No, not head nurse Belina." Ian said, shaking his head. "She loves Nicole and she\'s the warmest person in Saints Hospital, how can you not know this? You ran the place for a while." Ian added.

"Well I never had those one on one meetings like you and Nicole. I was supposed to be the worst boss right? One that bankrupt the company, I guessed that if I spoke to them, they would insist on prioritizing the company\'s profitability. I couldn\'t have that, I needed to pretend that I didn\'t know anything about business." Miguel said with a shrug.

"Look!" Cedric said as he pointed at the screen.

"What\'s she doing there?" Ian asked. "She isn\'t on Nicole\'s schedule and she isn\'t speaking with the assistant. It looks like she\'s just waiting." Ian said as they watched the woman on the screen.

This time it was Cedric that had kept his focus on the screen so he noticed when Nurse Jen came into the view of the camera. He thought she was just going to pass by but he was surprised when she sat down in the waiting area for Nicole\'s office.

Nicole\'s assistant didn\'t notice her at first, she was busy working on some files. It took her about ten minutes to realize that Nurse Jen was seated in the waiting area.

She raised her head and said something, nurse Jen replied and the assistant nodded and returned to her work.

"Oh wait." Miguel said as he changed something in the program again. Now there were subtitles converting what they were saying. Miguel replayed it to their conversation.

\'Oh, Nurse Jen, I\'m sorry I didn\'t notice you. Can I help you with anything? You don\'t seem to have an appointment with Dr. Chan.\' The assistant apparently said, based of the subtitles that appeared on the screen.

\'It\'s okay. Head Nurse Belinda asked me to come over and to wait for her to call me in. She said she wanted me to talk to Dr. Nicole about something. I\'ll just wait for her.\' Nurse Jen said based on the subtitles.

"How accurate is this thing?" Cedric asked Miguel.

"Roughly 80%, that\'s because it also records audio to confirm what is being said. But since it\'s positioned quite high up it doesn\'t capture a crisp enough audio file, add to that all the background noise that can confuse the interpretation." Miguel explained. 

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