I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 136 134. Shivanya

The infant\'s every breath seemed to synchronise with Parvati\'s heartbeat, a cosmic symphony of maternal devotion of mother.

However, Lord Shiva\'s demeanour held a hint of uncertainty. His intense gaze, a reflection of his deep contemplation, rested upon the scene before him. The universe\'s enigmatic guardian, he was known for his wisdom and detachment giving him the title of Adi-Yogi.

Yet, when he saw how his wife taking care of the unexpected child he could not keep shut, He knew he should not talk right now as there is a high chance he will provoke the mother in his wife but he has to say something to her.

"My Lord this child is a gift, A testament to the love and harmony that reside within the cosmos. She embodies the very essence of devotion, a force that unites all beings across realms. Just as the river meets the sea, so does love meet devotion, creating an eternal bond that shapes the fabric of existence."

Parvati spoke before he could with a voice that echoed both gentleness and determination, her gaze never leaving the infant\'s cherubic infant face.

She is goddess Parvati, A celestial embodiment of love and devotion itself, radiating a motherly tenderness that cradles the universe in her compassionate embrace.

Like a nurturing mother, her presence exudes warmth and comfort, enveloping all beings in an aura of solace. Her eyes, shimmering with infinite kindness, mirror the very depths of the cosmos gaze that sees beyond the facade, straight into the hearts of those she watches over.

Her touch is as gentle as the caress of a breeze, soothing the weary souls of mortals and immortals alike as he slowly cuddles the child.

With each word she speaks, it\'s as if she weaves a lullaby, a melodic tapestry that resonates with the purest intentions. Her laughter, a symphony of joy, has the power to dissolve worries and dispel sorrows, replacing them with a sense of childlike glee..

Her playful nature is a testament to her boundless love for life. Like a mischievous mother, she finds delight in the simple joys of existence, encouraging laughter and camaraderie among both celestial and earthly beings. Her smile, like the first rays of dawn, heralds a new beginning-an invitation to shed burdens and embrace the present moment.

Yet, beneath her playfulness lies a profound wisdom that guides her every action. Her devotion to truth and righteousness is unwavering, a beacon that illuminates the path of righteousness for those who seek her guidance. Her maternal instinct extends to all, nurturing not only the physical but also the spiritual growth of those under her care.

So seeing his wife like this, the lord of the world could not find words to break her heart. He did not want to hurt her in any way. If keeping this unexpected child what she wants, So be it.

He is the god of destruction, She is the goddess of creation. Even if this child can bring any unexpected disaster, There is nothing they two can\'t handle together.

They already dealt with their eldest hot-headed mighty boy and mischievous intelligent youngest one too. Both of their sons are hard to deal with for any parents but they did it.

They handle both of them with care and love. If they can handle those two then there is nothing this new life can throw at them they have not already seen it.

"O\'My beloved, Your love and wisdom are undeniable, Your love is vast like a mighty ocean which knows bounds, Treating both the dark and light side of beings as same and equal.

If you want to keep this child and raise as our own then be it, She who was born from the unknown power of destruction which I transformed into a neutral one and from your love and power of creation.

So her name will be Shivanya, "Shiva," representing the raw force of destruction that can pave the way for renewal and "Anya" a nod to the boundless creative potential of Your love, My beloved.

Together, the name carried the essence of both their divine energies-a testament to the harmonious union that defined her existence, She will be a symbol for the fact that both love and detachment, the creation and destruction are nothing but the two sides of the same coin."

Lord Shiva give in for the wish of his wife, Anyway which child of theirs was not unexpected? Though this one was different from them but let\'s say that Niyati has some plans even for them.

They should honour the wish of it and play their part in the grand scheme of universe.

"Really my lord? Can I keep her as ours? Raise her as mine?"

The goddess of love was very excited hearing her lord agree to raise this child other than to give her to someone else for time being to see what is her secret.

She knows this is a very unexpected thing, In this world nothing exists that can be called random. Each and everything has a reason why those things happen, A cause is behind it.

But because the same reason she did not wants to give this child up. For some reason she felt a connection with this little child, A connection that transcends space and time.

The hidden feeling in the dark is that she is responsible for the birth of this child and she was not just talking about the power that created her, She felt that everything that happened is because of her.

Even the unknown power she saw felt both familiar and yet unfamiliar at the same time. This is new to her, She racked her mind but can\'t find the cause for it.

She even wanted to say this feeling of her to her lord but found out she couldn\'t. The words she wanted to say were not coming into her mouth at all. The unknown power prevented her from revealing it.

From this she was even more sure of her hypothesis as only two things can prevent her like this, One the power of her lord the god of destruction, Lord Shiva and another being she herself.

And seeing the situation it\'s not hard to tell which power is behind this condition of herself.

But other than being concerned about it, She was excited.

She love both of her sons to no bounds but she also feels sad that they rarely come home now that they are both grown up. It\'s become lonely here in this big Kailash.

She was also hurt by the fact that, She missed both of her son\'s childhood, As her eldest Kartikeya was not born for various reasons and her youngest was created as a toddler directly without going through infancy.

She always felt she missed a crucial part of motherhood. Yeah she is technically mother to all and experiences all the one she describing multiple times but it can\'t calm the mortal desire of a mother in her heart.

So seeing the infant in her hands, She was happy that she got to experience her motherhood once again. Once again there will be innocent giggles echoing in the mountain range of these Himalayas

"Yes dear, She is ours now, So of course we have to raise her well."

Lord Shiva can see how much happy his wife is now, Which made him forget everything else. The unseen consequences, the cause and effect that follow were all ignored by it.

For now he only saw that his wife is happy and that\'s what mattered to him most, So he and his beloved wife with a new daughter in their hand go to inform the residence of Kailash the new member of the family.


"Hey did you just feel a weird sense of dread just now?"

"Yes, I did, I don\'t want to march Hastinapur anymore, There is definitely something going on which I don\'t want to be part of."

In the group of soldiers who were marching towards the Hastinapur came to a sudden halt as they felt a very terrible feeling in their hearts, As if the next moment everything will end.

Though that feeling vanished the next moment it left a deep mark on them, they did not have a will or strength to move forward at all, Their legs refused to move as knowing that what was waiting for them in Hastinapur was nothing but their doom.

Even the generals and other smaller king who this time had taken quick action to revitalise the morals of the camps were not doing anything as they too did not want to move forward.

The primal fear of death took over their actions, It crept deep into their hearts.

"*Ahem* Send messages to Hastinapur to congratulate them for this blessing, Amd for now let\'s retreat."

Kings finally could not take it and made a decision. It\'s okay, they can handle the wrath of their head kingdoms at least there will be surviving grace for them.

But here they felt like they walking straight into the mouth if death and for some reason they felt what exactly they were doing, So they retreated, they can\'t do this at all.

They just pray that their main kingdom will show mercy to them.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)


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