Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 264 Enemy To Be Fought

After noticing that Lothur was not joking with him, something he had to check since members of the Mouse Company liked to hunt people who sold information about them, this fellow said. "For 10,000 bronze coins, I am willing to help you."

Lothur did not even waste his time in an attempt at negotiation and placed a bag of bronze coins on the table that separated them. "Here they are. Now tell me about this organization, about what I asked you."

That level 7 man looked at the bag of coins for a moment, finding it impressive how this person who looked like a mortal could unceremoniously remove 10,000 bronze coins from his spatial ring.

It must be said that 10,000 coins were about 33 times the average monthly amount that an average mortal needed to pay their bills and survive in this chaotic cultivation world.

Not only that, this amount was almost double what someone at level 7, like this individual, earned after a whole month of work. Thus, he soon realized that his client was no ordinary, maybe a prominent businessman or a cultivator hiding his cultivation base, which was not a small thing either.

Hence, before he even touched that bag, this man clenched his fists, knowing that he had to treat the fellow in front of him more carefully.

"Well, I\'ll start by giving you the most valuable information. The leader of this organization is named Kai, but I don\'t know his last name nor possible connections to powers outside the underworld." He began to speak without even bothering to gauge the number of coins in the bag Lothur placed in front of him.

"He\'s a Spiritual Warrior, but I\'m not sure about his level. But it shouldn\'t be high, probably between the 1st and 3rd Revolutions. He is the strongest in this group, but this group has four other cultivators at the 2nd stage, all weaker than him, of course."

"How much weaker?" Lothur asked as he leaned forward while using his elbows on the table to support him.

He liked that first bit of information since this organization was not entirely off-limits to him. After all, Viktoria was a cultivation genius and was already at level 12, the 3rd Revolution.

So at least no one in that group could threaten her!

The masked man then answered Lothur\'s questioning. "I know the level of two of them. Both of them are in the 1st Revolution, newly promoted Spiritual Warriors. As for the rest, none of them are at Kai\'s level, so they are between the 1st and 2nd Revolutions."

"Very well. Tell me their numbers and how many posts this group should have." Lothur added the previous information to his plans and followed up with the details that mattered the most.

The seller of this information noticed that Lothur seemed to be enjoying his information and relaxed a bit, picking up the bag of coins in front of him. "Well, the numbers of 1st stage cultivators within that organization are difficult to access. There are many, if you count prostitutes, informants, and even children enticed by them."

p "But those above the 7th Transformation are no more than 100." He gestured with his hands. "It\'s not a large group, and several of them move around the province, so it\'s hard to assess for sure."

"I also can\'t tell you about possible alliances with other local underworld groups or traditional organizations... They are quite careful about their external relations." He made a serious expression, but Lothur did not see it because of the mask hiding this individual\'s face.

Lothur then asked. "What about their posts? I know of a place in this city, an abandoned building near..."

After that man heard the description of the place Lothur had seen when he followed Erika, his old \'friend,\' Willi\'s partner, who tried to kill him earlier, that man understood where such a place was.

"That is the main post of the Mouse Company, Mister Stuart. That\'s where their leader, Kai, spends most of his time." He scratched his neck as he spoke this. "I\'ve heard that everything happens there... Women are sodomized and trained to become prostitutes."


"It\'s a horrible place!"

All the powers in Peters City knew about the Mouse Company and its deplorable actions. But since these actions were focused on mortals, problems rarely occurred between this group and the powerful local families.

On the other hand, local families had information that neither Lothur nor this man had. Thus, the Mouse Company coexisted with the local powers, even considering their small power.

That was true for the Frost family, which, even though they knew that Elise had infiltrated their organization at the behest of Kai and someone else, did not act against the Mouse Company.

One of the connections in Kai\'s group was precisely a power that wanted the end of House Frost, so they could not give that power reason by acting carelessly!

That informant then continued. "But that group has two other posts in Peters City and one in Reinhard."

\'Reinhard? The second largest city in the province?\' Lothur remembered the local map, quickly identifying where part of his opponents would be.

But thinking that exterminating the Peters City group would alert people in that post to flee, he did not consider acting in such a place.

The only possibility for him to act against members of that organization in this outpost would be in case Kai was not in that city when he decided to act.

After that, Lothur heard from that man the specific locations of the Mouse Company\'s posts, keeping such locations in his mind to visit later.

"Very well, that\'s enough." He said as he rose from his chair and made shake one of that man\'s hands.

The informant noticed a mark on one of Lothur\'s wrists and understood something about this person. \'A 1-star poison master? Who could this be? Why is he seeking information about this group?\'

Seeking information about something or someone did not necessarily mean that one was an enemy or that the one doing so wished for the end of that thing. No, there were people, such as the betrayed husband Lothur helped weeks ago, who sought information, such as from this organization, to decide if the services provided by that group were reliable.

The Mouse Company was a group that spied and investigated people for coins, so many who sought information about this organization just wanted to get closer to it.

Thus, that man doubted whether Lothur was just another client or enemy of this organization.

"If you need anything else, look for me here in the Cultivation House..." He suggested as he watched Lothur leave that place without even looking back.

\'I\'ll look at the places where the posts of that organization are, and then I\'ll visit Elke before I talk to Viktoria...\' Lothur planned as he went on with his plans.


Meanwhile, at the local Formation Masters Association...

A middle-aged man walked unceremoniously into the room of one of the council members of this institution, red with anger as he roared. "Philip! Philip, you bastard. What have you done?"

"I heard my nephew lost his precious set of flags that I gave him, and you still award the little thief responsible for it!"


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