The Daily Life of the Immortal King

Chapter 405 Carrying an Old Man Around

After getting the news about the Immortal\'s Treasure House, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal had been feeling excited all night.

When he had picked Little Silver up from the police station to take him back, he had been thinking about it the whole time.

For everyone in the cultivation circle, this was the mysterious trove of riches that Immortal Zhenyuan had left behind, and it wouldn\'t be an exaggeration to say that this was the treasure which every single cultivator was madly pursuing.

After word of the Immortal\'s Treasure House had gotten out, cultivators both at home and abroad had been searching for clues to it. This was the wealth left behind by a Venerated Immortal, and everyone wanted a piece of the pie.

Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal had barely stepped toward the villa\'s front door when a familiar light green figure came into view.

At that moment, Loopy Toad was breathing evenly as it sat cross-legged at the villa\'s front door. With the power of the Heavenly Eye, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal could see incorporeal spirit energy circulating strongly and endlessly inside Loopy Toad\'s body.

It was very obvious that Loopy Toad\'s aura was completely different to what Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal had seen a few days ago.

To describe it with an illustration, if Loopy Toad\'s aura had been withered and dying before, it was now like the coming of spring when everything came to life.

Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal was a little shaken in his heart. Just one immersion in holy beast blood had actually been able to produce such a huge change!

Brother Ling was in the end Brother Ling! His judgment was as sharp as always! The holy beast blood had had an effect!

Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal sighed in his heart. He felt that this could even be incorporated into a research topic for today\'s cultivation science academies —"The Impact of the Degree of Rapport Between Soul and Body on the Engendering of Transformation in Realm."

This was a topic that was still being heavily studied to this day.

A long time ago, before the age of peace, the Body Possession Spell had been prevalent in the cultivation world. There were some powerful cultivators who, on their deathbeds, would choose to find young cultivators and, by casting the Body Possession Spell, extinguish their souls and possess their bodies.

However, there were a lot of limitations to the Body Possession Spell, and one of the most difficult ones had to do with the rapport between soul and body.

To use layman terms, the Body Possession Spell also had to pay attention to compatibility!

Of course, against the backdrop of the current Spirit Energy Information era, the Body Possession Spell had been classified as a forbidden spell. However, its use was permitted in related medical fields.

Every year, there would always be people who died from incurable conditions, and some would donate their bodies to medicine; these bodies would be used for research on the Body Possession Spell.

The spell carried risks, and the research that was currently still being carried out was focused on minimizing the risk as much as possible (maybe even eliminating it altogether!) while achieving maximum rapport between soul and body after the Body Possession Spell was cast.

If this difficulty was resolved, the spell could be used on those who had made outstanding contributions to humankind but were on the point of dying, thereby greatly improving their chances of survival!

For Loopy Toad to be able to fuse the soul of a demon king with the body of an ordinary akita to this extent... It was nothing short of a miracle to Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal.


After waiting at the front door for a moment, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal detected further changes in Loopy Toad; he noticed its body was enveloped in a faint blue spirit light.

The blue spirit light condensed together after several seconds, then billowed out like layer upon layer of waves with Loopy Toad at the center.

After this happened a dozen or so times, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal then heard a soft hum, and the top of Loopy Toad\'s head glowed with light!

A second later, the light vanished, and Loopy Toad opened its eyes as it switched back to standing on all fours, a disbelieving expression on its dog face.

It... had actually broken through, just like that?

Loopy Toad was dumbstruck. When had it been that easy to advance from third class to second class? It had only been a few days!

Loopy Toad felt like it had cultivated some fake path!

"Sure enough, your prospects are bright when you follow Brother Ling!" Next to Loopy Toad, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal couldn\'t help sighing with admiration. This was indeed a godly speed of progress; if word of this got out, it would probably break the record for the shortest time taken for a third-class spirit beast to advance to second class.

"Come to think of it, I\'ve only ever seen Brother Loopy Toad cultivate; do you have any relevant combat skills?"

The way spirit beasts fought was actually different to cultivators. Before cultivating human forms, spirit beasts tended to focus on cultivating their combat skills... In fact, there weren\'t many species of spirit beasts that could cast innate spells as attack support in line with instructions from their owners.

Furthermore, the toad clan\'s battle style was in fact pretty unique, and vastly different to that of dog-type spirit beasts with proficient combat skills.

In layman terms... the entire toad clan was actually fatan!

They could take a beating...

But actually, they weren\'t that good at beating others up.

At most, they could use a long-range spell to spit, and so on...

There were times, after careful reflection, that Loopy Toad felt that the reason that bunch of demon kings had urgently pushed it out of the Gate back then was perhaps because they had viewed its toad clan as fatan... but this was in fact a misunderstanding.

Fatan were indeed tanks, but this tank was in fact only in the body of a mage! No matter how tank a mage was, could it be more tank than a genuine fighter with a hundred million health?

At this thought, Loopy Toad couldn\'t help sighing and shaking its head. "I have yet to find one to my liking."

Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal smiled. "I\'ll ask Brother Little Silver later to have a good think about it and come up with a list. Brother Loopy Toad can check to see if there are any suitable combat skills which you like in particular that you can practice."

Loopy Toad nodded. That would be good!

It had heard that the silver unicorn was eight thousand years old... he would definitely have experienced a lot!

But this matter would have to be put aside for now. Loopy Toad was well aware of Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal\'s reason for coming here today, and that was the Immortal\'s Treasure House.

But to be honest, even if the information about the Immortal\'s Treasure House as conveyed by Taoist Guang in the soul space was accurate, Loopy Toad still doubted that it existed in this world.

So many people wasted so many resources every year looking for it with not even a strand of hair to show for it... who knew whether this Treasure House was real or not.

But despite its skepticism, since they now had clues to the Treasure House, Loopy Toad itself in fact did want to hear what Taoist Guang had to say.

"Is the senior who has clues to the Treasure House inside now?" Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal asked as he followed Loopy Toad into the house.

He changed into slippers with the ease of habit, as familiar with the house as if it was his own.

"It\'s a little complicated..."

Walking to Wang Ling\'s bedroom, Loopy Toad said, "In short, that senior... is deep in my mind and in my dreams."

Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal\'s complexion changed. "...What? Is carrying an old man around in your head starting to become a trend now? Shouldn\'t he be inside a ring?"

Loopy Toad: "..."

Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal couldn\'t help sighing... Nowadays, he was beginning to understand trends in the cultivation circle less and less! Sure enough, he was getting old!This is the Chinese term used for game characters strong enough to resist any damage to themselves.The role of a tank character in League of Legends is not so much to kill the enemy, but to disrupt them and divert focus. They thus sacrifice the ability to do massive damage for exceptional crowd control.This refers to a trope in Chinese wuxia novels where a protagonist is inevitably instructed by an old, experienced mentor. This specific scenario might also be referencing the novel \'Battle to the Heavens,\' in which the protagonist wears a ring which his mentor is trapped in.

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