Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 357

Chapter 357: Chapter 67

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Sui Xiong successfully got his revenge and had a brilliant victory by beating the King of Death in Blood Bath away. He even broke the weapon that had made the King of Death in Blood Bath famous.

What was more, after this battle, Sui Xiong had learned something about a new field of ability—Death Soul.

In this world, the King of Death in Blood Bath was the one who had the deepest understanding and the most comprehensive grasp of the field of Dead Soul, which had been publicly acknowledged by the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper had also persuaded the King of Death in Blood Bath to turn over a new leaf and not disturb the natural laws of life and death. He had promised that as long as the King of Death in Blood Bath gave up his previous immoral practices and returned to the right path, the Grim Reaper was willing to let him be the secondary Master God of the Death God system.

That was an extremely favorable deal, but instead of becoming a secondary Master God, the King of Death in Blood Bath wanted to be the Master God, so they didn’t make a deal in the end. When Javier talked to Sui Xiong about this, Javier showed great disapproval for the King of Death in Blood Bath’s decision. He said that if he had been the King of Death in Blood Bath, he would have accepted Grim Reaper’s suggestion immediately.

Sui Xiong had been burned several times by the black flames in the battle with the King of Death in Blood Bath and also beaten roughly by his wand. He had completely experienced the King of Death in Blood Bath’s control over the field of Death Soul and benefited greatly from it. Thus, after the battle, he could swallow all the black flames easily and completely make up for his losses.

But he looked a little scary now, all black, and his whole body emitted the breath of death. It was like he had become an immortal creature.

He had also realized that his appearance was somewhat scary, so he smiled and shook his body a few times. The power of the field of Death Soul in his body was shaken off rapidly to return him to a normal state. From his appearance, it looked like Sui Xiong had just faded from a gloomy and black jellyfish into a giggling green jellyfish that seemed naive and harmless to humans and animals.

However, after seeing what Sui Xiong had done in the battle, there must have been something wrong with anyone who still thought Sui Xiong was naive and harmless!

Sui Xiong turned back to his usual appearance, looked around, and sighed regretfully.

When he had been fighting with the King of Death in Blood Bath, most of the followers of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest had been thoroughly eroded by the power of the Dragon of Chaos. Most of them had died and withered away. A few of them were still singing the carols of the Dragon of Chaos, twisting and deforming their bodies into demons.

At this point, even Sui Xiong couldn’t save them.

Fortunately, there were still some powerful and strong-willed followers who had endured the erosion of the power of the Dragon of Chaos. They were neither killed nor transformed. They weren’t large in number, and the number of them was rapidly decreasing. Thus, Sui Xiong didn’t dare to delay any longer. He hastily sped up to fly in the direction of these followers.

He was on alert while flying.

Although he had driven the King of Death in Blood Bath away, Sui Xiong couldn’t rest assured. On the contrary, he was worried about whether there would be other Devil Gods to stop him. According to his memory, the King of Death in Blood Bath had two partners who were his friends, as well as enemies. One was the Hegemony of Wither, and the other was the Prince of Betrayal. These three Devil Gods often acted together, but they often attacked each other, as well, which fully reflected the strange characters of these Devil Gods, both free and chaotic.

So while Sui Xiong was flying, he was on guard against those two Devil Gods.

The Hegemony of Wither was the two-headed giant ape that had been busy fighting against the oracles. He had killed them as easily as if he was cutting melons or vegetables. He hadn’t noticed the defeat of the King of Death in Blood Bath, so he was still roaring and killing wildly, with no intention of stopping Sui Xiong at all.

The Prince of Betrayal was a handsome elf. Wearing black armor and holding a heavy gray-green sword, he walked idly around the battlefield. He didn’t attack the oracles on purpose. However, if any oracles dared to approach the area surrounding his sword, he would immediately kill them and send them to another round of resurrection. As for oracles that actively attacked him, he sometimes threw a spell casually to blow up them into pieces, and sometimes he pointed at them with his fingers. Then the oracles he had pointed at would turn blank at once and wave their weapons at their companions. This strange ability was the reason why he had been called the Prince of Betrayal.

The King of Death in Blood Bath, the Hegemony of Wither, and the Prince of Betrayal were called the Big Three of the Abyss, for they lived near the abyss and always acted together. They were not abyss masters, but they always had been taken as abyss masters. Many people thought that the three of them would become abyss masters sooner or later, and their small world would correspondingly become a part of the abyss.

Sui Xiong had already fought with the King of Death in Blood Bath, so he more or less knew about the power of the Big Three of the Abyss. If he had a choice, he would never want to fight with the other two. He had no interest in making an epic achievement like defeating the Big Three of the Abyss in one day. If he had been on earth, making such an achievement in a computer game would have been something that deserved to be shown off to his friends. But in this world, it meant nothing. Could he boast about it to Javier over a drink?

Sui Xiong didn’t think it was a good deal. Although he was tempted to receive admiration from Javier for defeating the Big Three of the Abyss in one day, he still refused to do it. It would have cost him too much.

Luckily, the Hegemony of Wither didn’t even look in Sui Xiong’s direction. Instead, the Prince of Betrayal looked at Sui Xiong for a while with a smile, but then turned around, still walking as usual. Nobody knew what was on his mind.

These two Devil Gods did nothing until Sui Xiong had finished his rescue.

There were less people who needed to be rescued this time, so Sui Xiong did it much faster. It took him no more than twenty minutes to rescue all the followers who could still be cured. Thus, in the God’s Kingdom of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest, only those who were transforming into demons and oracles who had resurrected from the dead were left.

“That’s a great achievement, isn’t it?” Sui Xiong absorbed the last follower of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest who could be cured into his body and temporarily settled this follower in a small space. Sui Xiong looked around the cold and poor God’s Kingdom of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest, which was still surrounded by fierce roars and fighting, and sighed softly.

This was a God’s Kingdom that had been in existence for tens of thousands of years. It had once been as prosperous as the metropolises of earth, but now there were only empty buildings and dwellers who were transforming into demons. The prosperous and busy city had disappeared like smoke.

How fragile mortals are in this world!

Sui Xiong suddenly became somewhat depressed. Looking at these empty streets, he couldn’t help but recall the battlefield after the fierce battle of Sun’s Death Day.

These mortals believe in a God when they’re alive only so that they’ll have a good place to go after death. However, even a God can’t live forever. Once the God these mortals believe in falls down, these mortals will be buried along with the God.

Then Sui Xiong thought of the God’s Kingdom of the Sun God, Cloud City.

The Cloud City was much larger in area and more prosperous and powerful than this place, but finally, it, too, was completely destroyed. It was even worse than here, because there had been no survivors at all.

No, there was a survivor who was under treatment in Sui Xiong’s God’s Kingdom at that moment. Sui Xiong didn’t know when he would recover enough to be the God of Healing again.

It might be the best decision I’ve ever made to build my God’s Kingdom as firmly as possible.

Thinking about this, Sui Xiong couldn’t help laughing happily.

He firmly believed that his God’s Kingdom wouldn’t be broken as easily by his enemies. The followers who were living in his God’s Kingdom could enjoy a peaceful life there steadily.

Maybe their lives won’t be as peaceful as they expected, since I’m not used to peace. How about things like cosplay?

Imagining that his followers were ‘tortured’ by him and complained secretly about their busy lives after death, Sui Xiong couldn’t help laughing again.

In order to make that day come soon, I have to work harder!

Sui Xiong thought that maybe it wasn’t necessary to follow the traditional path of building a God’s Kingdom. After all, Sui Xiong came from the earth, which had highly developed productivity. Although the level of science was tragically less advanced in this world, Sui Xiong could still make some changes. On the earth, people always said that even if someone had never eaten pork, he must have seen a pig walk, which meant that people have to have seen others do something before they could do it themselves. As one of the Gods who had the most advanced productivity, even if Sui Xiong couldn’t lead this world to communism in the future, he was determined to make the people here live a better life.

Thinking that, the damn blast furnace came into his mind again.

Why didn’t it work well? Must I use those expensive materials? If so, it’ll be hard to make it universally accessible!

With Sui Xiong’s ability, he could make several magic furnaces and give them away all over the world. However, using magic furnaces consumed magic power as well, so it was impossible to popularize them among mortals who had no magic power.

He had developed a magic furnace that started to work by absorbing enough magic power from nature. However, it had taken a long time for it to absorb enough magic power. Even if the magic furnace was sent to the height of a mountain top, it would take about a year to start, which didn’t ensure high productivity at all.

Although he wasn’t an engineering student, Sui Xiong had lived on earth for so many years; how could he not have known the key role of steel production in promoting social progress!

To promote the progress of productivity in this world and make the people enjoy better lives, furnaces had to meet two requirements. The first was high production, and the second was low cost.

How could the people here stand such a backward world!

Just as he was daydreaming, he suddenly heard a loud roar coming from the edge of the God’s Kingdom.

Looking around, Sui Xiong found that Yolgaardmann had become a super-giant. Leaving his axe behind, he was waving his fists to fight with the Dragon of Chaos, who had also become a huge beast.

What? What is Yolgaardmann doing? Is he crazy? No matter how crazy he is, he should know that with two arms, he’ll definitely suffer a loss fighting with a three-headed dragon!

Sui Xiong was confused for a while, then he suddenly remembered something important.

Just now, had his brother Yolgaardmann sent him a signal to run away as soon as possible?

Sui Xiong jumped up without saying anything. His whole body was spinning at a high speed, like a huge green drill. Without explaining anything to the others, he rushed directly to the edge of the nearest God’s Kingdom.

With the momentum of the strongest drill in the world, Sui Xiong broke through the shield of the nearest God’s Kingdom in a single attempt. He rushed out of the God’s Kingdom of Goddess of Bumper Harvest and ran away without hesitation.

After a moment, a loud sound came from behind Sui Xiong. In the end, the God of Justice couldn’t resist the attack of the Dragon of Chaos anymore. He was whipped by the tail of the Dragon of Chaos and fell into the Void Space outside the God’s Kingdom of the Goddess of Bumper Harvest, coughing up blood.

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