Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 386

Chapter 386: Chapter 96

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A few days later, a rumor was spread throughout Keane Hill.

It was said that Crick Keane had contacted some suitors and prepared to hold a party to let them meet Miss Anna Keane. These suitors were relatively weak in power so that they would not be a threat to Keane Hill in the future. During the party, Miss Anna would communicate with them and make her final choice of a fiancé.

That was just a rumor, but many people believed it was true since it had been presented vividly. Thus, many suitors sent their subordinates to investigate the whole thing in a hurry, and then many traces were found.

Certainly, these subordinates reported what they had found in a hurry. After getting the information from their subordinates, these suitors exchanged it with each other and further confirmed that it was not a rumor but truth.

Come of the suitors couldn’t wait to discuss what they should do next.

In a temporary camp outside of Keane City, Connor Griffin, coming from the Duchy of Griffon, was very angry after listening to his subordinate’s report. His good mood after lovemaking was completely gone.

He was sitting on a chair made of a kind of fragrant wood that could help to calm the mind. He was also wearing a precious item from the deep sea, the Ice Tear Pearl. However, with the help of these two things, he still couldn’t suppress his anger and violence.

With a gentle kick, the sound of broken bones came from the woman on the ground that he was using as a mat. This woman was hunted down by him this morning. He wanted to keep her for a wonderful night, but now he couldn’t.

Perhaps it was a happy ending for this woman to die so easily. However, Connor had an even worse mood, and his eyes became more violent.

“How dare Crick not send me an invitation!” he said coldly. “How dare he!”

Nobody answered. His subordinates knew his temper very well, so they knew that the one who replied would probably be his target to relieve his anger. Life was so precious that none of them would like to die here meaninglessly.

Among all the suitors here, Connor Griffin had the highest rank. He was the younger brother of the current Griffon Duke. Although the current Griffon Duke had four sons, Connor was still one of the successors to the throne according to the law. Thus, in Connor’s opinion, it would be an honor for the Baron to marry him.

But in fact, Connor didn’t even send an official note. According to the official documents Keane Hill had received, this camp belonged to a businessman called William.

The reason why he came secretly was that he had too bad a reputation.

As an earl of the Duchy of Griffon, Connor had a series of nicknames with evil meanings, including the Fierce Beast of Griffon, Evil Wolf, and Man-Eater. If he was not at such a high rank, these names would be even worse.

His mother, a spy from the Orc Empire, was a Half-Orc with the blood of a werewolf. She was found and caught by the former Griffon Duke when she was disguised as a maid in the palace. As a spy, she was supposed to be killed, but at that time, instead of sleeping with human women, the former Griffon Duke was interested in the exotic female werewolf, so he made the exception to keep her alive.

After several months, this female werewolf was pregnant. But she didn’t give in, she kept resisting. The former Griffon Duke made her lose the ability to fight, so she kept cursing the former Griffon Duke as well as her child.

At last, to make sure she could give birth to this child smoothly, the former Griffon Duke cut open her body and let an evil mage who had been good at the Death Soul Spell transfer all her vitality to the premature baby through the horrible spell. Then this baby was born alive and was named Connor.

Connor was talented in martial arts. Now he was almost 40 and had become a high-level soldier. Besides, he had also made some achievements in magic and become a rare Magic Swordsman. But he was violent and ferocious, and he couldn’t always control his anger over small incidents and acted very cruelly.

At first, the former Griffon Duke was interested in studying Connor’s behavior. Later, he focused mainly on seeking the independence of his country and lost his interest in Connor. When he died, his eldest son, the current Griffon Duke, succeeded his title. But the current Griffon Duke did not like his cruel brother. Being busy with all the government affairs, he simply ignored Connor and let him live in his own way.

If things went on like this, Connor would probably become an unimportant member of the royal family all his life. He would be rich and powerful, but had no real power, and probably would not have his feudal territory. Unless he worked hard to advance into the Legendary Realm, he would live such a life until death.

Connor certainly didn’t want to live like that, so he had an idea when he heard that the Pearl of Thunder, Keane Hill was looking for a man to marry the Baron.

With his high rank, there would be no problem in marrying such a Baron. No matter how bad his reputation was, he was still an earl of the Duchy of Griffon. But knowing well that he would most probably be rejected if he made the proposal in his real name, he decided to hide his identity and wait until the critical moment to suddenly show who he was in public to directly force Anna Keane to marry him.

When was the critical moment? Would everything go smoothly then? These questions were too profound for Connor. He didn’t want to pay attention to them nor did he bother to think about them.

But that didn’t mean he was a fool. Crick Keane had secretly invited suitors who didn’t have powerful backgrounds to a party. It was clear that he wanted to solve the problem before others could take any action. He just wanted to avoid anything untoward happening. Of course, it also might be that Crick was dying and had to take the time to get things done.

Connor was too lazy to guess Crick Keane’s plan. What he was thinking about now was how to find out the time and place of the party.

As long as he found out that, he would directly come to the party. What could a Baron do to him?

If Crick Keane accepted him, then everything would be fine. If he didn’t, Connor would just kidnap the little girl named Anna and come back to Keane Hill to inherit the title after Anna gave birth to a child. Everything would be simple and clear.

That was what the Fierce Beast came up with.

On the other hand, Drucker Ricci, a son of a big merchant from the Dhaka Commercial Association, remained silent when he heard the rumor. He was still eating with a smile, and there was not even a shiver in his hand when he took up the knife and fork.

“Crick deserved to be the master who came back alive from the battlefield of the Sun’s Death Day. Apparently, he has a clear mind and is able to make a smart decision!” After the meal, he slowly wiped his mouth and washed his face and hands. He drank a cup of tea in an elegant manner that was contrary to his bloated appearance.

He appreciated Crick’s decision a lot, but could not accept it.

The reason was simple. He was not invited either.

Although he had known that he would never be invited; he would absolutely invade the Keane Family after that happened. He had even made plans to kill Anna after she gave birth to a child. In fact, that was what the Ricci Family had planned in advance.

“Go and check carefully when and where the party will be held. I don’t care how much it will cost,” he said to his competent subordinates. “Make it public as soon as you find out everything. Make sure every suitor knows it.”

He paused for a moment and looked to the north with a smile. He stared at Connor’s camp that nobody was willing to approach.

“Especially that one over there...”

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