Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 456

Chapter 456: Chapter 166

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“The facts of the crime are clear, and the evidence is conclusive, so the crime is certain!” Once again, the God of Law announced the establishment of another crime committed by the God of Fear.

This was already the 198th day of the public hearing, and nearly 700,000 crimes had been verified.

The vast majority of the more than 1,200,000 crimes committed by the God of Fear were those crimes that didn’t require detailed verification. For example, on a certain date, he instructed or partnered with other evil gods to launch certain evil activities. Such things were well known in the Pantheon temple, so there was no need for further verification.

If those crimes needed to be verified, it would be equal to laughing at everyone’s IQ.

What needed to be verified were crimes which weren’t well known to the public or those particularly serious ones.

Gods didn’t need to rest, so the public hearing continued in this way. A pile of crimes was successively proved. From time to time, just by hearing the names, the gods were clear that the content didn’t need further verification. By now, more than half of the crimes had been checked.

At last, those crimes would be summed up. It was almost unquestionable to figure out what a serious crime it would be and how cruel the punishment would be.

The God of Fear sat silently in the prisoner’s box. He completely abandoned resistance. He knew that he was completely lost, so there was no need to resist. It was better to take advantage of his last time to enjoy the preciousness of life.

However, this “enjoyment” was really a torment.

The verification of every crime made him shocked. He knew that his time decreased a little more, and he had little time left originally.

At this time, he was grateful that he had done so many bad things over the years. It took so much time to verify those crimes, and that made him earn some time to live.

It was so good to live... The God of Fear completely ignored the trial. He just sat in the chair of the prisoner’s box powerlessly, staring blankly at the blue sky and the red sun created by divine power above his head.

After a long time, he suddenly shouted, “I protest! Why are there no clouds in the sky here?”

Sui Xiong, who was busy verifying his crimes, was stunned, looking at him doubtfully.

“Since there is the sky and the sun, why are there no clouds?” the God of Fear eloquently asked. “And there is no wind! It’s ridiculous!”

“Is this related to your crimes?” Sui Xiong asked.

The God of Fear didn’t answer, but repeatedly emphasized the irrationality of this sky.

In the front row of the audience, the God of Sky blinked. He found that many gods paid attention to him.

“Ugh? How is this related to me?” he asked, being confused and depressed.

However, his name was the God of Sky. Under the gaze of the gods, he sighed. He had to wave his hand, and many large and small clouds appeared in the monotonous blue sky. The clouds flowed without urgency. In the open hall of the public hearing, soft wind began to blow.

After solving this problem, the God of Fear sighed with satisfaction. He turned back to the previous appearance again. He was seemingly half-dead, sitting in that chair and staring at the sky blankly.

“This guy won’t be stupid, will he?” some gods muttered. “I always feel that his mind is already not normal.”

“You are not the only one who thinks so.”

“Yeah, I think so, too!”

“Damn, I thought I was the only one who thought so!”

“Hah hah, me too!”

There was no wonder why the gods thought so. The God of Fear seemed like an abnormal person, well, an abnormal god.

Sui Xiong stared at him carefully for a long time. Then, Sui Xiong asked him questions repeatedly, but he never answered. Finally, Sui Xiong had no choice but to sigh, not paying attention to this guy who suddenly became abnormal. Sui Xiong continued the trial.

Time passed little by little. When all the crimes were verified, the gods secretly let out a sigh of relief.

This was probably the longest trial in the world. The entire trial process lasted for more than 300 days. Considering the time required for the final judgment, it was nearly a year in the mortal world.

In the mortal world, trials might last for a long time sometimes. Most of the time, they happened when the two sides couldn’t decide whether the crimes were certain, or whether the accusations were established. The two sides would make heated debates and constant argumentation. However, the vast majority of crimes committed by the God of Fear didn’t need to be argued at all. As long as they were briefly explained, everyone could be sure that they were established. Only a very small number of crimes needed witnesses. The efficiency was high enough to make the mortal courts feel ashamed.

However, the number of crimes committed by the God of Fear was really too big!


If a court in the mortal world was asked to judge, it was estimated that several sets of judges and plaintiffs would be prepared, and everyone would take turns. Otherwise, the judges and the plaintiffs would be exhausted before the trial result came out.

Fortunately, the gods wouldn’t be tired. At least, they wouldn’t be tired because of such simple and easy work. Sui Xiong and the God of Law successively judged the 1,276,439 crimes one by one and showed them in front of the gods and the legendary strongmen from the mortal world. The crimes were verified one by one.

This process was so long that some legendary strongmen couldn’t stand it when they had heard half or less than a half, and they went to rest.

There was a special lounge in the conference hall. The layout of the lounge was relatively simple; it was just an ordinary room. Mortals or gods could go to this simple room if they were tired. Fortunately, even if they were the mortals who had the highest requirements on living conditions, they knew that they couldn’t complain about this to the gods. Therefore, no one jumped out to find fault. Everyone rested honestly and then continued to listen to the trial.

For the immortal gods, a year was like a flash. Even for those mortals, a year was nothing serious. The life span of the legendary strongmen was calculated by the unit “millennium,” so everyone could afford a year.

However, a year was unbearable suffering for the God of Fear. He tried to find a way to dispatch his depression, but in the end, all the methods lost their effects. Now he just sat in the chair blankly, opening his mouth slightly. His eyes were dull, and he was motionless.

His divine light was still stable. Otherwise, everyone would believe that he was dead.

“Well, all the crimes have been verified,” the God of Law said solemnly. “Now, I will pronounce the conviction of these crimes. However, before the verdict, according to the rules, I have to ask, who else present would like to supplement these crimes? Or is there an objection?”

The gods looked at each other, shaking their heads.

Supplement? More than one million crimes, there was nothing else to supplement!

Objection? They were not crazy, so they didn’t dare to have an objection here! They didn’t want to die!

However, someone actually stood up.

“I have an objection!” a thin god in a black robe said, standing up. “The vast majority of the crimes committed by His Majesty, the God of Fear are verified. However, there are no relevant laws. Since there are no relevant laws, then though the crimes are conclusive, the accusations can’t be established!”

What?! Someone actually wanted to die?!

The gods were stunned as they looked at the guy who raised the objection. A god next to that god suddenly screamed, “You are the God of Shadow and Assassination! You are not dead?!”

The god who was covered in a black robe simply took off the hood that covered her head, revealing a pale face. She was a black-haired girl who seemed to have been seriously injured and didn’t recover yet.

Everyone was unfamiliar with this face because for a long time, even most of the unlucky people who died under her knife only saw her black figure.

“Yes, I am the God of Shadow and Assassination,” the girl admitted frankly. She was the only loyal subordinate of the God of Fear. “I know what you want to say. Since I come here today, I don’t mean to leave alive! However, I have an objection to this trial!”

“There are no clear written laws among the gods, and there are no contents for gods in the laws of the mortal world. Therefore, even if the crimes committed by the God of Fear are verified, you can’t establish his accusations!”

She wasn’t afraid of the gaze of hatred all around her. She stood in the audience seat with a seemingly proud gesture, glancing at the judgment seat without retreat. She looked at Sui Xiong and the God of Law, shouting loudly.

“This trial should stop here!”

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