Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 471

Yan Xun never expected that someone would regard “Infinite Terror,” a horror experience game, as an adventure game.

In his design, this group of rookies would search the ancient castle for a day without gaining anything. They would have to stay in the castle at night and then encounter a ghost’s attack. The other team members would die. When the player was in danger, an old loyal servant would come to help. They would work together to kill the ghost, and the old loyal servant would exhaust all the magic that sustained his life. He would ask the player to help him find the descendants of the castle’s owner. At last, this old loyal servant would disappear in the morning light.

This story was not fiction; it was a personal experience of a follower in Yan Xun’s kingdom. This follower was a man who kept his promise. He spent almost twenty years searching everywhere. Finally, he found the heir of the ancient castle and brought him to visit the castle again. At that time, the heir became a small businessman.

Unfortunately, because the time interval was too long, there was a new owner in the castle. They could not get back this ancient castle which belonged to the heir. It was not a perfect ending to the story.

It had been nearly fifty years since this happened, but Yan Xun felt that the story was very good and worth making others experience it. So he created the game.

But Yue seemed to lead the group of rookies to kill the ghost directly without the assistance of the old loyal servant.

“Seriously? There is no award for you even if you kill the ghost by yourself. I don’t have any reward points or other tasks for you,” Yan Xun complained, but he didn’t want to make the game more difficult for Yue.

But he was seriously thinking about whether he should give Yue some extra awards if she really killed the ghost without the assistance of the old loyal servant.

Every player who experienced Infinite Terror would get a little bit of Divine Power as a gift so that they could stay healthy and happy for a time. This Divine Power was transformed from the power of beliefs gathered by the Tree of God. In some sense, it was the legacy of Dyalt, the God of Fear. That guy did bad things all his life, and it was good to use his power to do a good thing after his death.

According to the setting in a famous online novel Yan Xun had read before he traversed, a little Divine Power would be a common reward for every player. But if some players performed very well, it seemed necessary to give them some extra rewards.

Yan Xun wondered what the extra rewards should be.

He thought for a moment, and then he laughed. Yue and her team members hadn’t seen any of the two ghosts. Why should he think about the rewards so early?

Yan Xun stopped wondering and gave a thumbs up to Yue.

“Come on, little girl, I trust you! You can do it!”

Yan Xun’s thumb was not helpful to Yue. She was annoyed.

Her teammates were really a group of rookies! To explore a haunted place, how could they not prepare a few weapons or props for dealing with ghosts specifically!

Ghosts belonged to a special kind of spirits. Ordinary weapons were useless to them. Even low magic weapons might be useless because ghosts had translucent bodies. To harm them effectively, it was necessary to use weapons that had received divine blessings, or weapons that were made specifically for fighting spirits. Ghosts were creatures that could never die, so weapons that had special effects on creatures that could never die could also harm the ghosts.

Among these weapons, the easiest one to get was the weapon that had received divine blessings. Generally, every risk-taker would prepare two or three bottles of divine water. When encountering ghosts, risk-takers would smear the divine water on the weapons. And then the weapons could temporarily receive divine blessings and cause harm to ghosts. If the divine water could be directly sprinkled on the ghost, it could cause serious damage to the ghosts. If we used refined, advanced divine water, we could even kill the immortal creature.

Of course, these rookies had divine water, but only one bottle.

At first, Yue did not believe it. But after she asked and searched, finally she accepted the reality.

They had only one bottle of divine water, and there were no other weapons or props that could cause harm to the ghosts.

After Yue checked carefully, the bad news was that this bottle of divine water was of low quality. If you poured a whole bottle of this divine water into the ghost’s mouth, maybe it would cause harm to the ghost. Otherwise... Anyway, smearing this bad divine water on the weapon probably would not work at all.

“Don’t worry about it. A clergyman can dispel the ghosts,” the trainee warrior said loudly.

Yue hid her face with her hands and gave up trying to explain.

What was “magic intensity”? What was the “will of confrontation”? What was the “concentration of divine grace”? Would these guys really understand?

By the way, the trainee clergyman in their team was good at fortune-telling and traveling through realms!

Fortune and traveling realms?!

Can you believe that? There were four important areas for a clergyman. “War” could strengthen others’ fighting ability. “Life” could heal others. “Element and plane” could strengthen the ability to expel ghosts, and “dead” could strengthen summoning or counter a creatures summoning ability.

Yue never believed that there would be a clergyman who didn’t choose one of these four different realms, but now she believed.

The world was so big to contain all kinds of people. She just met a freak!

To be honest, fortune-telling and traveling realms were not bad. The former could give clergymen some extra good luck, and there were many special spells in a protective direction. The most important thing was that after becoming a high-level clergyman, it could greatly reduce the damage caused by the God Descending spell. Many clergymen who followed the Goddess of Fortune were good at the God Descending spell. And the Goddess of Fortune was one of the gods who sent their clone to the world frequently. The latter could help clergymen move faster than ordinary people to immunize most of the action-restricting spells and traps. It could also give some effective spells such as the transmission spell and the positioning spell.

However, was there a clergyman who learned these two realms at the same time?

Well, if you wanted to be a ranger, it was okay to learn these two realms. But the role of clergymen was set to lead the team and to assist everyone!

Did this guy in the team want to be a ranger and believe that “the world was so big, so I want to see it”?

Yue signed and carefully calculated the success rate in dispelling the ghosts.


As an academic magician, she could estimate various spell confrontations. And her estimation was always similar to the results.

The greater the gap between the strength of the estimated object and hers, the lower the accuracy of the estimation. But the strength of the trainee clergyman was quite similar to hers. So the accuracy rate of this estimation was at least 90%.

If this clergyman used his ability to “expel” even the weakest ghost, the success rate was less than 30%.

Ordinary ghosts couldn’t frighten smugglers into fleeing in a hurry. And the smugglers hired risk-takers to explore instead of coming back by themselves, so there must be strong ghosts instead of ordinary ghosts in this castle.

Expelling strong ghosts was much more difficult than expelling ordinary ghosts. If a clergyman did not have the ability in the “sun” realm that could enhance the expelling effect, or in the “dead” realm that could strengthen the control of immortal creatures, he could never win. Only mid-level clergymen or higher clergymen could win the ghosts.

This rookie, who was an ordinary clergyman, was only able to expel three or five times a day. Okay, even if he could expel five times a day, it was absolutely impossible to expel the ghost.

Of course, the expelling might weaken the strength of the ghost a little bit, or it might make the ghost angry and attack him crazily.

When she thought about this, Yue sighed again.

The other adventure teams would let the knights or warriors go in front. Paladins and thieves were flexible. Clergymen and magicians provided back up in the rear. But in her team, the trainee clergyman played was in front and even the trainee magician, Yue needed to fight. The other teammates had no work to do!

Oh my god! Could you believe it?

The trainee magicians were the weakest in melee ability of all professions. How could they let a trainee magician be the fighter?

Yue couldn’t believe it, but she accepted the reality in the end. She could only rely on the role she played now.

Well, her role was a trainee magician who was specialized in energy spells. The role she played could cast fire, thunder, lightning and frost spells.

In reality, she would sneer at such a foolish role. A trainee magician who was specialized in energy spells was useless because these attack spells could only cause little harm to the enemy. Even a stick was more powerful than weak fire, weak electric shocks, and cold rays! A trainee magician should learn some auxiliary spells instead of attack spells!

In a competition at the Isuka School of Magic, she attacked a magician who was two years older than her with a pair of sticks. When she used the pair of sticks to fight as double swords, the poor senior classmate did not even have the time to cast a spell. He was whacked over the head and defeated by her.

But now, she had to thank the choice of magic in her role.

Anyway, at least the effects of these direct attack spells on ghosts were real. These direct attack spells would cause at least a little harm to the ghosts. As long as she made good use of these spells and hit the ghost every time. It would harm the ghost in the end.

If Yue was lucky enough to hit a vital part, the ghost might be killed. Although, that would be very hard.

Arg! Why not let me play a knight role? I am good at using double swords and a short bow! Yue complained, but she couldn’t change it.

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