Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 601

Chapter 601: Chapter 141

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Sui Xiong was actually somewhat at a loss himself.

To tell the truth, he was feeling a little confused and disoriented today.

First, he’d learned that the Wine of Eternal Life was actually a divinity-stealing potion; then Sui Xiong had accused the Master of Mystery of wanting to fight him, only to see the master effortlessly lower his head and agree to personally help investigate those who’d plotted against Sui Xiong. Ordinarily, those events should have ended there, but after Sui Xiong told the War God System what had happened, they’d been unexpectedly quick to decide that the Master of Mystery was weaker than he looked and therefore not worth fearing. They turned out in full force to destroy the Master of Mystery and annex the Mystery God System.

After pondering on the fact he and the Master of Mystery were technically in a conflict, Sui Xiong planned to follow the War God System over and see how things would go before deciding on whether to help or defuse the battle.

But before he got there, it turned out that someone had already been plotting, and this plot made the battle basically impossible to avoid. But before any of them could arrive, the Mystery God System was defeated by the Human God System, and the God of Spellcaster committed suicide. Then the God of Art and Culture had come to Sui Xiong seeking refuge, and the Master of Mystery was unexpectedly beaten into surrendering.

What the hell was going on!

Honestly, all of this didn’t really matter to him. He wasn’t like Zhuge Liang who wanted to know every detail of every event. Anyways, Sui Xiong hadn’t lost anything from this, and he even caught himself a God of Art and Culture. He’d made a profit whichever way you looked at it. If he had something to earn, then it didn’t matter if the situation was unclear.

But he was really concerned about something else. Taking everything into account, the time it took for him to leave and come back wasn’t more than an hour. What sort of tricks had the Human God System used to breach the Master of Mystery’s God’s Kingdom in such a short period of time and to subdue the Master of Mystery himself into surrendering?

This was nowhere near easy!

The Master of Mystery really and truly had formidable Divine Power; defeating or killing him might not be hard, but capturing him alive was harder than ascending to the heavens.

Was the God of Light really that ferocious?

With a thought like this in mind, rather than rushing to discuss contract terms with the God of Art and Culture, Sui Xiong went with the War God System to ask the Human God System for the particulars of what had happened.

Considering the current circumstances, the War God System approaching so rashly would normally be considered inappropriate and wouldn’t be welcomed. You could tell that just from seeing the God of Protection blocking the way. But Wenner told Sui Xiong that if he wanted to ask anything or share in some of the profits, they’d have to break through the God of Protection’s barrier.

“This is standard practice: if you have the ability to enter the arena, you’re entitled to a share of the profits,” he said. “We follow the same rule whenever we attack others.”

“Are you saying that charging in like this won’t start any feuds?” Sui Xiong asked worriedly.

“As long as we watch ourselves and don’t get too greedy when they’re splitting the profits, there won’t be any feuds to worry about,” Augmentin explained. “One person can’t hog all the gains to himself, especially not a large god system.”

Sui Xiong relaxed at that and got off the boat with the others. They then changed into rays of light and flew towards the Seven Colors Spring.

Strangely enough, Wenner, the Master of War, hadn’t brought all his subordinates. He’d only brought the God of Strategy and the God of Battle. Adding himself and Sui Xiong, their group was only made up of four people.

“Huh? If we’re sharing the profits then the more people, the better, so why is it just the four of us?” Sui Xiong asked curiously.

“You need the qualifications to be able to share in the profits,” Augmentin said with a sigh.

“Actually, if you weren’t here, then probably only His Majesty would have the qualifications to join in out of everyone in the War God System... After all, we didn’t put any effort into this war.”

“Then doesn’t that mean... the Human God System is basically hogging it all to themselves?” Sui Xiong said with a frown after thinking over it for a moment.

Wenner had great Divine Power. If he was the only one qualified to share in the profits, then how many others were there in the world with that level of power!

“That’s not entirely true. Once they’re more-or-less finished plundering, they’ll have left behind a broken God’s Kingdom for those unqualified gods to clean up and split amongst themselves,” said the God of Battle. “By then, they’ll only be able to split a little bit of Divine Power amongst themselves, and the trip we’re going on now is to divvy up the good stuff, so they really can’t compare.”

It was only then that Sui Xiong clearly understood. The four of them were going there to split up the best parts of the spoils of war, whereas those who were stopped outside would naturally get to clean up the battlefield after the Human Gods were done plundering all the Mystery God System had. Whether they could pick up anything that had slipped through the cracks or not would be left up to chance.

The four gods flew extremely fast, and they had already almost reached the Seven Colors Spring in the course of that short conversation. They could even already see the God’s Kingdom floating in the air like a rainbow light.

Though compared to when Sui Xiong had come to visit a few hours ago, the radiance of current Seven Colors Spring had already dulled; there was also a humongous hole at the top, clearly a vestige of the Human Gods’ forceful breach.

Sui Xiong had seen the attack and defense of a God’s Kingdom before. He had also participated in it himself as both the attacker and defender, so he could count himself as an expert. In every attack on a God’s Kingdom, once it was broken, it would basically lose 90% of its people, while the remaining 10% could do nothing but attempt to escape.

Escaping was considered a Great Learning. Back in the day, Professor Cheng had mentioned in a history lecture that there were four classes of experts in the art of war: When a first-class expert finished drawing his plans, his enemy was as good as defeated. The enemy would be unable to win no matter how hard he fought. Second-class experts basically won once they started the actual battle, regardless of the size of the victory. Third-class experts weren’t necessarily guaranteed to win, but they definitely wouldn’t automatically lose either, as they’d be able to preserve their strength regardless of what happened. Fourth class experts could suffer an utter defeat, but they’d be able to escape, and after some time, they would return to make a comeback.

The way Sui Xiong saw it, the God of Light was probably a first or second-class expert, the Master of War was perhaps a third-class expert, and the God of Fear could maybe count as a fourth-class expert if you squinted. After all, he’d only been hit with those setbacks because of bad luck, or else his own big brother wouldn’t have been able to catch him. The Goddess of Bumper Harvest and all the rest, meanwhile, didn’t even count as fourth-class experts; they were no more than the dregs.

As for Sui Xiong himself, well, he was an artist. How could you judge an artist by his level of battle skills? It’d be an insult to his intellect!

What would an artist do? They’d read books, chat, and if they were in a good mood, then they could maybe pick up a backpack and travel the world. Or, if they were in a bad mood, then they could stay at home and recite poetry or paint. Unfortunately, Sui Xiong couldn’t recite poetry; he could only paint. Whether it was fighting, scheming, one on one fights or letting your sword taste blood in a massacre—why would an artist care about any of that!

That was why Sui Xiong thought so highly of living the hermit life. He liked having a little money in hand just enough to provide for the basic necessities, and he also liked living somewhere that was not too far nor too close to the city. He’d want it to be neither noisy nor lonely and also be somewhere where he could spend every day reading leisurely and drawing freely.

Back when he’d worked as a warehouse manager and had a second job as an illustrator, Sui Xiong had felt very much like this kind of hermit. Unfortunately, he hadn’t lived in seclusion for very long before he space-traveled, it was really a pity!

Because he was thinking about weird things like this, when Sui Xiong entered Seven Colors Spring and came before the God of Light and the rest, he was somewhat absent-minded and inattentive. But his absent-mindedness came across as being calm and profoundly mysterious, and it made the God of Heroes—who was in charge of handling post-war affairs—think better of him than before.

On the other hand, Wenner had already begun to converse with the God of Heroes.

“Where is the God of Light?”

“After defeating the Master of Mystery, His Majesty left to take him into custody,” the God of Heroes said. “How could His Majesty be allowed to do this sort of battlefield cleanup work, that’s really beneath his dignity! Don’t you think so?”

Wenner rubbed his nose and tried to dodge the subject.

Whenever the War God System breached a God’s Kingdom, they always relied on Wenner to take charge of dividing the spoils, or else, the gods would all end up fighting each other over it...

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