Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 850 - Vol V Chapter 210

The priesthood of the God of Aristocracy did not encompass the content of protecting the civilians. But their doctrine necessitated the need for “safeguarding the glory of the aristocrats,” and this naturally involved the protection of civilians. A massacre was an act that would be a severe blow to the honor of the aristocrats.

If this had been arranged by the God of Aristocracy, it would be reasonable. From all the past acts of the God of Aristocracy, it was clear that they liked engaging in intrigues and conspiracies. Doing something like that was not impossible.

Moreover, they had inherited the familial property of an established god—the God of Royalty—and managed it for hundreds of years. In addition, the God of Aristocracy had recently stepped up to the level of a great Divine Power. They were definitely considered well-off. It was possible for them, at least, to send two Holy Spirits to do something like this.

By contrast, the other few gods, who might have done this because of their standpoints, had relatively unsubstantial family property. It was hard to imagine that they would risk such a great loss by sending two Holy Spirits to do something that was so close to throwing their lives away.

But then, there was yet another problem: according to the intelligence Javier gathered, not long after the God of Aristocracy rose to become a great Divine Power, the God of Light ordered them to reflect on their misdeeds in solitude. Up till now, they could only answer the prayers of their followers to bestow divinity. Other than that, they had never even sent down an active Oracle.

But if the God of Aristocracy was so honest that they dared not even send down an Oracle, how could they pop out of nowhere to stir up so much trouble?

Even if they were up to all this mischief while hiding in the dark and managed to deceive everyone else, did it mean that they could also successfully deceive the God of Light?

The God of Light was a stern Master God who would not allow anyone to feign compliance to his orders before him and then disobey him behind his back. Since he had grounded the God of Aristocracy and ordered them to reflect upon their misdeeds, it was impossible that he would allow the God of Aristocracy to play such tricks.

Thinking about this, it seemed that the greatest possibility was ultimately, the God of Light...

Firstly, he had the precedence of causing a massacre. When he was still a mortal, he had once carried out a massive massacre. Blood flowed like rivers, and corpses were strewn all over. It was such an appalling scene of devastation.

Such a thing like massacring people was not an act that was inconceivable or unacceptable to him.

Secondly, he had the power to do such a thing. As the Master God of the Human God System, he would have a large number of Holy Spirits that he could deploy. Just choosing two of them as sacrifices might be a substantial loss, but it was not impossible.

Thirdly, it was in his interest to do something like that. The people of the Commonwealth of Gold Coins mainly believed in the Goddess of Wealth, especially the merchant party. They were quite indifferent to the human gods. Many people believed in the Goddess of Wealth and the Void Mask, but few believed in the human gods.

This incident was not impactful enough to strike down the belief in the Void Mask—these bandits would eventually be exterminated by the rapid-mobility troop of the Republic of Northwest. This would not be able to prove that the Church of the Void Mask lacked strength. On the contrary, it could prove that the belief in the Void Mask was certainly reliable when needed most.

But this incident could deal a vicious strike to the belief in the Goddess of Wealth—the Church of the Goddess of Wealth had put on a lackluster performance in this incident. Despite sending many clergymen throughout the course of the incident, she failed to achieve any decent results in battle. In particular, the rapid-mobility troop that was led and established by the merchant party was completely wiped out. This led to them losing even more points, and it greatly damaged their credibility in the people’s minds.

So long as the belief in the Goddess of Wealth suffered a hit, it would be beneficial for the human gods in spreading the belief in them within the Commonwealth of Gold Coins.

So from this point of view, the God of Light was indeed very suspicious.

The more Sui Xiong thought about it, the more reasonable he found it. He could not help but secretly nod while figuring out how he should broach this matter with the God of Light. Sui Xiong wanted to discuss it with the God of Light and get an account of the incident from him.

There was absolutely no way the God of Light could be let off without any explanation, especially when so many innocent lives were lost!

But how should he negotiate with the God of Light? And also, forcing the God of Light to provide such an “account,” even Sui Xiong found it a little difficult.

Compared with the hesitation on his end, the battle on the ground had begun.

The moment that terrifying dragon appeared, the soldiers of the aristocratic party’s rapid-mobility troop knew the situation was not going well for them. They had followed Earl Hauss’ lead in a series of battles through a certain period, where they had not only grown greatly in strength but had also gained rich experiences in battle. In particular, they made much progress in the area of decision-making, where they could execute fast judgments when the occasions arose. At the sight of this dragon, they knew that they had met with grave danger. So they speedily changed their formation and arranged themselves in a defensive battle array to put up a stance of fighting this dragon. They attempted to make use of this way to try and force it to leave.

However, that dragon’s heart had long been tampered with by the Holy Spirit, who had become Earl Hauss. At this point in time, its mind seemed to be in a whirl. It was not lucid enough to generate clear thoughts. It only wanted to kill and destroy.

Who was it that wanted to kill and destroy?

Not far away, that group of seemingly powerful humans, who had fallen into formation, seemed to be a very good target!

So with a roar, the dragon charged at those villains who had just recently committed the most egregious crimes against humanity, and a fierce battle ensued.

Of the two sides, one was a powerful magic beast that had devoured the soul of the Holy Spirit and because even more powerful. The other was a powerful army that was comprised of elite soldiers despite being a small force.

It was a vicious battle.

Clito and Asner rushed over in a hurry, and this battle was the scene that greeted them.

Both sides were obviously very serious about the battle and played hardball with each other. The dragon executed all its means. Roaring, hitting, as well as colliding with anything in its path. These three moves made up the melee ability that this huge dragon was accustomed to using. Every move wielded a powerful might that was certainly not what any mortal could easily withstand. Also, it was constantly casting spells to strengthen its body, and at the same time, it weakened the damage done to it by its enemies. This huge dragon had extraordinary magic power and a strong physique. Although the other side had an advantage in the weight of numbers, they were still the ones falling into a disadvantageous position.

As for the aristocratic party’s rapid-mobility troop, though the soldiers’ military strength as individuals were a far cry from the dragon, they still showed no trace of fear. Or rather, even if they were indeed afraid in their hearts, they did not show it in their actions. They worked closely together to bring their skills into full play. Each and every time, they would do their best to render the dragon’s attacks insignificant, or at least do their best to minimize the damage done by this dragon. At the same time, they put in a lot of effort into causing as much damage to this dragon as possible—though it was certainly very difficult.

Within a short moment of a minute or two, the dragon had sustained several wounds, while the cavalry of the aristocratic party had lost many men.

At this rate, those villains may soon be defeated and flee in all directions.

Clito roughly observed the situation and came to this conclusion.

He frowned and looked towards his wife. With an asking look, he asked her about her intentions.

Asner’s judgment was no different from that of Clito’s. After a moment of deliberation, she used her magic to transmit the scene before them over to Nice, who was in charge of coordination and backup. She also sent it to Leon, who was in charge of following up and Felix, who was in charge of commanding the army garrison.

Then, she drew her sword, which resembled an accessory that aristocrats would wear and use in martial tournaments.

“At least keep some of them alive,” she said.

Clito understood what his wife meant right away. Without another word, he too drew his pair of blades. Taking the lead, he charged right at the dragon that was engaged in a roaring battle.

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