Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 950: None of You Even Understood What Real Power Was

Chapter 950: None of You Even Understood What Real Power Was

The God of Light really succeeded!

He smoothly ascended to the realm of the greater Divine Powers. Other than the four other Master Gods of Order, Chaos, Good and Evil, he was the fifth greater Divine Power. He was also the one and only existence who had become a greater Divine Power through his own efforts.

He visited the Master of Order to greet him, then returned to the “Court of Victory.”

Other than Sui Xiong, Yorgaardman and a few other masters, there was practically no one else who noticed that he had left briefly. All the gods’ attention was still captivated by that amazing scene of how the great Big Circulation came to a momentary stop earlier on. Many of them were reflecting thoughtfully about what they had seen and heard that very moment the God of Light suddenly opened his mouth to speak. They were deliberating and figuring out very conscientiously.

And meanwhile, the three people who were in the Ancient Forest also went on with their conversation.

“He really did it...” Sui Xiong said amidst some sighs. “The following era will be that of the humans.”

“No. It will be quite the opposite,” said the God of Conspiracy as he laughed. In a most malicious tone, he said, “The era of humans is over as of this very moment.”

“What?!” Sui Xiong exclaimed as he froze for a moment. But as he was about to press on with further questions, he saw the God of Conspiracy raise a clenched fist to hit his own chest.

“Buddy, what happens next is all up to you!”

Before his voice could die away, he had completely collapsed. He transformed into a myriad of golden light that flowed into that huge tree that seemed as though it could support the entire sky.

The many worshippers who had concealed themselves like and hidden well in altars and temples all over the Main Plane, were shocked. They stared blankly at the statue before them—that statue that was still shining with holy light before had once again lost its light.

“Your Majesty... What are you doing? How can you come back alive just to die all over again?”

In the southern offshore region, the murlocs who were constructing the altar suddenly froze. All of them were feeling a sense of loss. The elderly murlocs had even gone pale in the face and could not help but pound their chests and stamp their feet.

“Why... why is this happening? It doesn’t make sense!”

The god that they had just created had fallen.

Sui Xiong was surprised to see everything that was happening before his very eyes. He had never thought that the God of Conspiracy would be so impatient. He had not even waited to finish his piece before he put an end to his own life.

Or could it be that the situation had reached the point of extreme urgency? So urgent that he did not even have the time to say a few more words?

Without giving Sui Xiong the time to figure things out, the Orc judge, Buddy Brista, had taken out the light ball that looked like a pearl—a God Kingdom that shrank into that miniature size. It was the God Kingdom of a very inconspicuous god in the Elf God System, the “God of Potion.”

He took a deep look at this God Kingdom, then he swallowed it.

“Hello? This is not how you use a sealed God Kingdom!”

Sui Xiong hurried to remind, worried that he would suffer from a stomach upset.

But before Sui Xiong could finish his piece, the Orc Judge’s body was already starting to radiate holy light rays. The next moment, he—or rather, its—temperament completely changed. He was no longer that immortal Legendary Master, but merely a god with the face of an old man. In fact, he became a god who was totally in his prime.

At this time, the surrounding environment was also slightly shaken, and then, it was separated from the Main Plane. It was just because he was overly strong, thus in order to avoid inviting any attack from the enchantment of the Main Plane, Buddy Brista had chosen to retreat into a small, temporary Half Plane.

“You are... the God of Potion?”

Sui Xiong was no fool. Up till now, he most certainly would have been able to recognize Buddy Brista’s identity—a god who was disguised as a mortal and safeguarding the humans while hiding in the shadows, the God of Potion.

At the very moment he recognized the other party’s identity, many puzzling questions that Sui Xiong had previously been unable to resolve, were finally answered. For example, why was the God of Potion so hostile towards the Pasteur School? The man reason, most regrettably, was really due to an academic contradiction.

With respect to the study of healing potions, the Pasteur School was inclined towards using purely medicinal remedies. Their use of spells was practically negligible. To the God of Potion, whose priesthood involved the production of magic potions, this was of course, a serious mistake—yes, it could probably be regarded as “the wrong track.”

When it came to deal with juniors who went on the wrong track, it was not surprising that the God of Potion should deal with them severely.

However, there were still many problems that were unfathomable. For instance, “Why seal your God Kingdom? Why disguise yourself in the form of a mortal?”

“Because the elven race can’t go without a real god taking the reign after all,” the God of Potion replied calmly. “His Majesty has brought the gods and the elites of the race to break through the barrier of the world, so that we can progress towards opening up a vast future for the new world. But someone has to stay behind to guard the race of the old world. That’s why I stayed.”

As he spoke, he was drawing some complex magic lines. It was apparent that he was skilled in this. It only took him a brief moment to draw up a large piece of dazzling magic lines. Then with a clap, those magic lines flew up and landed on him.

Then his aura, that was originally an equivalent of at least a mid-level Divine Power, was suddenly lowered. It was reduced to a level that was at most the equivalent of a weak Divine Power.

This was, of course, for the purpose of bypassing the detection of the enchantment of the Main Plane. And true enough, the God of Potion immediately canceled that temporary, miniature Half Plane and returned to the Main Plane with Sui Xiong. They went back to the huge World Tree that had absorbed the God of Conspiracy.

“In fact, I should have a detailed discussion with you. But I’m so sorry, there’s no time,” the God of Potion said. Pressing one hand against the trunk of the World Tree, he said, “Anyway, it’s all in the past. The ones who live should always look forward. I shall entrust the future of the elven race to that fellow under your command.”

“Just like how my academic achievements have ultimately been surpassed, the younger generation has to surpass the older generation.”

He laughed as he mocked at himself. Then he closed his eyes.

Just like what happened to the God of Conspiracy earlier on, his clone transformed into rays of light and were infused into the huge World Tree.

Upon receiving two gods as sacrifices, the huge tree that was said to be planted by the Goddess of Life, started to shine. From every leaf to every branch to every inch of the tree trunk, the tree started to shine. Sui Xiong even saw golden light rays vaguely coming from underground. Those were the roots that were also shining.

At that moment when the huge tree was shining, countless stars gathered from all directions. They were like tired birds returning to their nests, scrambling and fighting to be the first to penetrate the tree trunk. Each star that seeped into the trunk added to the strength of the aura of the huge tree. Later on, when thousands of stars gathered in such a multitudinous amount that they could be likened to a major flood, they practically covered the entire sky.

In the midst of this flood, Sui Xiong clearly felt a limitless vitality.

This was the vitality of every pure-blooded elf that came from this world.

Sui Xiong watched this vitality gathering into a huge flood, feeling emotional and worried.

It had never occurred to him that there were actually still so many elves in this world. They lived not only on the Main Plane but were also spread widely over other worlds. Their numbers had long been a staggering amount.

If everyone in such a large population were to gather, how powerful their strength would be!

But he also knew that, without a powerful god to back them up, merely gathering the people was simply meaningless.

Especially for the elves, where a majority of the population were living outside the Main Plane, without the protection of the enchantment of the Main Plane, they would not even be qualified to put up any resistance against the gods.

From this flood of vitality, Sui Xiong also clearly recognized the possibility that the two other elf gods had been worried about.

It would be very difficult for the races who left the Main Plane to become strong. It would be hard for them to breed gods and even more difficult for them to give rise to a great Divine Power that could guarantee the continued survival of the race.

The elven race had such a huge population, but almost all their gods were conceived on the Main Plane.

If they were driven out of the Main Plane, the future of this race would definitely be very bleak.

But he still had some doubts. Would there be any use in just relying on the World Tree to gather the vitality of the elves? Would this be able to prevent the elves from being defeated and expelled from the Main Plane?

At this juncture, he suddenly felt a jolt in his body. It was like something was pushing him and that thing wanted to push him away.

This bout of energy was very strong. It was far beyond the level of a mid-level Divine Power. It was even strong enough to wrestle with many great Divine Powers. Sui Xiong originally wanted to resist it, but he had an abrupt change of mind and gave up on this thought. He simply allowed his body to be pushed to flight, and very quickly, he was flying out of the Ancient Forest.

Along the way, he saw groups of people from many other races being pushed out in this way. Then finally, one after the other, they landed outside the Ancient Forest, looking at one another in bewilderment.

There were also some people who did not believe in unnatural occurrences and tried to charge their way back into the Ancient Forest. But even the strongest men of them all could not advance more than a few steps forward before they soon used up all their might and were once again pushed out of the Ancient Forest.

On the contrary, somewhere not far from them, a few elves who were in shock, ran as fast as they could into the forest. They did not meet with any hindrance at all.

There were also people who were furious. They either cast spells or bore grudges, thus throwing attacks at the Ancient Forest. But all their attacks merely sank deep within the vast sea and were eventually unreciprocated.

Up till this point in time, Sui Xiong finally understood what the elves had as their bottom card.

With the Ancient Forest as their base, they constructed an enchantment. This enchantment could prevent outsiders from entering the Ancient Forest, providing the elves a place to rest in peace as they awaited the opportunity to rise again.

The power of this enchantment was very strong. Even the mid-level Divine Powers were unable to break through it, let alone the weak Divine Powers. And the enchantment of the Main Plane left by the Goddess of Life was enough to prevent any master, whose powers exceeded that of weak Divine Powers, to initiate an attack on the Main Plane. Unless it was someone like Sui Xiong, a very different kind of existence that did not belong to any of the normal levels of Divine Powers, no one could entertain any thoughts of disturbing the elves who were hiding in the Ancient Forest.

“What an ingenious design!” Sui Xiong could not help but praise. “Truly worthy of being once regarded as the king of all races on the Main Plane. This last bottom card they hold is truly formidable!”

With such a bottom card, the elven race did not need to worry about the various troubles arising from the disputes of races. The elves had the reassurance of a peaceful life. Perhaps many years down the road, they would develop another huge and complete God System. Then once again, they would step into the battlefield where races of the world fight for hegemony. Or even... They might vie for the throne of the king of races once again.

Just as he was letting his imagination run wild, he suddenly heard a sneer.

“Simply ridiculous!” the voice of the God of Light was heard from the sky. “I was still thinking, what on earth is this bottom card of the elves? It’s nothing more than such a ridiculous trick!”

His voice was filled with contempt and disdain, like a strong lion looking at a small dog that was charging to it with bared teeth.

“You guys simply don’t understand what it means by true power!” he said after sneering. “Let me shatter all your beautiful illusions so that you all can clearly see what is reality!”

With that, a huge palm struck heavily on the Main Plane.

This palm was so large that it completely covered the entire sky of the Main Plane. It did not come quickly, but it had a kind of terrifying power that seemed to be able to crush everything.

Just looking at it, many people would tremble with such fear that they could not even maintain stable footing. Those who were slightly timid would simply find themselves slumping to the ground.

When this huge palm approached the Main Plane, a brilliant circle of white light, that was accompanied by countless thunderbolts, emerged. Then it was like a vast net spreading open to envelop the entire Main Plane.

That was the gift that the Goddess of Life bestowed the world. It was a wonderful enchantment that could keep out all masters that were above the level of weak Divine Powers and guard this hub of a million worlds for as long as tens of thousands of years.

Its power was peerless. Even great Divine Powers would be rendered vulnerable before it. Other than Sui Xiong, who was someone of inexplicable existence, no one else could possibly bypass the manipulation and defense of this enchantment.

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