Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 181

By the time the Void Arrow disappeared, a large gaping hole could be seen in the abdomen of the earth-knight . The same kind of pressure could be felt from the knight as if the arrow didn’t it affect it the least . However, the Earth Spirit didn’t move albeit suffering from a sudden attack, which raised doubts in Ti Eru’s minds .

Unlike the gargoyle brothers, he didn’t remain stunned and apart from a quick glance at the knight, he didn’t pay it much heed, his focus shifted back to its original target and he unhesitantly attacked Tarathiel .

"Tarathiel, it seems Heaven blessed your clan yet doomed it at the same time!"

Feeling happiness in other’s misery, Ti Eru ferociously swung his red sword as an illusory bloody image of a red spider manifested behind him . It gave off a savage aura, full of anger and bloodlust . Like the Lich King and any God Arthur encountered, Ti Eru went all out and invoked his God Spirit, which is created whenever someone breaks into Godhood and each one is always different from the other, there can never be two exact God Spirits .

The fight resumed, but this time, Ehrendil joined the fray as he and his brother summoned their God Spirits . Tarathiel’s was a three-eyed lizard and Ehrendil’s was surprisingly a creature very similar to a cyclop, it wielded a large yellow club and had one large eye . The combination of the two God Spirits faced the red spider, however, the spider was much larger and more frightening than both of them combined .

It hissed at them and with Ti Eru floating in front of it, both pigolo and spider charged at the duo, releasing an alarming bloodlust and an overwhelming pressure .

Tarathiel was no pushover either, despite being extremely angry and not having the time to awaken the Earth Spirit, he swung his long staff at Ti Eru .

The red spider shot a thick red beam of light at the swinging cyclop then threw itself savagely at the lizard, using its countless sharp teeth to rip it to shreds . At this point, the mud tower was shaking and even the nearby gargoyles and pigolo who were fighting were pushed further away . In a battle between gods, such insignificant battles of immortals cannot be compared and they could easily die from collateral damage .

The battle reached its climax in just a couple of seconds as unlike a fight between Immortals, the battle of Gods is much shorter and usually ends in a very short time .

At an unknown point of time, when all of them were busy fighting their opponents, a black whirlpool appeared near the feet of the earth knight once again and a black shadow was ejected from its inside . The black shadow flew with an extraordinary speed toward a specific direction until it heavily crashed into a wall thirty meters away . Usually, anyone would think someone has been sent flying but the force of the crash was extremely strong to the point that the hard wall of the mud tower cracked and a large hole was formed where the shadow crashed .

The three gods couldn’t help but halt and frown at such a sudden event, they focused their Godly Sense on that hole in the wall but their frows deepened further when they discovered naught .

. . . . .

When Arthur tried to possess the Earth Knight, he did the usual and entered it but after waiting for some time, a very powerful ejecting force threw him out of the knight’s body and sent him flying away, he couldn’t even stop his body from crashing into the wall .

Fortunately, despite spitting a small mouthful of blood, he managed to react immediately as he merged into the Earth and went for the closest target he could find, which surprisingly was Rose, the green-armored general .

Just as he was about to possess her, a terrifyingly strong gravitational force pushed him out of the ground and what faced his vision was a long illusory tail of Tarathiel’s God Spirit .

Arthur’s main focus now was to hide his appearance, then he could easily escape, as long as they don’t see his real appearance then it’s all good .

At the very last second, his body vanished and appeared a distance away, barely avoiding the incoming tail which heavily crashed on the ground and shook the tower yet again .

Without waiting for them to react or before even their sense could swipe over him, Arthur transformed into a small black whirlpool and his body disappeared . What replaced him was the body of the white-clothed youth who was conversing with Vyncent . Using his ice powers to freeze his body and stop it from rotting, along with insane regenerative abilities, his body went back to normal, fully healed .

The process of possessing took less than a second and by the time the senses of the three gods caught up to him, he was already using the white-clothed youth’s body .

This time, Arthur’s didn’t escape, he just raised his hand and a strong dark barrier formed . The incoming large club of the cyclop, which brought with it immense pressure, smashed again the dark barrier and managed to cause some cracks but it still didn’t break .

. . . .

"Senior Lu!"

Not far away, the two Dun twins which were fighting a pigolo were stunned once they saw the youth . What’s more is that they saw their senior brother, who was supposed to be at the Divine Realm, block a blow from the God Spirit of Ehrendil!

"Stop! It’s Senior Lu from our sect!"

Dun Dal saw that Tarathiel’s lizard was going to attack again so he brushed off the fear and spoke . Contrary to his expectations, Tarathiel ignored him and concentrated on attacking Arthur .

As for Ti Eru, with a pondering and amused expression, he backed away and silently watched the battle that was going to unfold . He was able to sense that the youth was clearly at the Divine Realm but his eyes told him another thing . Whether the youth meant to harm or not, he was after the Earth Spirit and as the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend .

Although Arthur’s plans were disrupted, he was by no means panicking . His appearance couldn’t have completely seen, he was barely visible for less than a second, even if they managed to see a small fraction, they couldn’t have memorized all his facial and physical features .

Moreover, seeing Ti Eru back down and the two gargoyle brothers intending to fight him, he was a bit amused and excited . He had long since wanted to see how strong he was, facing these two Gods, he could finally test his new strength . If worse comes to worse, he would flee or sneakily possess someone from their side, what’s sure at least is that he isn’t going to give up on the Earth Knight, not yet at least .

He didn’t take out Makaze, neither did he plan on using his attribute . The first thing he was eager to test was his physical body . Although he annoying chains were still present, he was still able to hide them and they were less restrictive since he broke through tot he Divine Realm .

Arthur stared at the cyclop, which was ready to swing again and deactivated his dark barrier . The Dark-Star Strengthening technique, which boosted his physical strength, was activated and created an illusory black layer of energy above his skin .

Resolutely, he faced the incoming large club and used his bare hand to perform a punch .

"Courting death!"

Ehrendil snickered as he the actions of Arthur, even Tarathiel was startled . Ti Eru, who was watching from the backlines shook his head and sighed .

Arthur didn’t mind that and used his full strength to punch the club . As the two ends clashed, sand waves swept forth and mud tower heavily shook . To the dumbfounded gazes of the three gods, Arthur was pushed back five steps, as for the cyclop, it was only pushed back a step but the light emitting from it dimmed by a bit .

"T-this is . . "

Ti Eru sucked a breath of cold air as he saw the perfect state of Arthur’s hand . To battle with a God Spirit in raw strength and not be injured, not even a bit, it was not something a Divine Realm could do . Heck! Even him doesn’t dare to clash with the cyclops head-on, only his red spider could!

Tarathiel’s gaze turned from mock to total astonishment, his pupils shrunk and his eyes narrowed . He looked at his equally flabbergasted brother and seriously said

"Let’s join hands, I do not believe he can withstand us!"

As he said that, the three-eyed lizard leaped from behind him and opened its jaw, spitting a yellow ball which was obviously targetted at Arthur .

The cyclop followed right after as it furiously banged its club on the ground as it was angered by its loss . It swung its club a second time, however, you could sense that the power behind it was much stronger than the first strike . Its club shined with a brown light as it came bashing at the small figure of the white-clothed youth .

’Hehe, interesting . ’

Staring at the two incoming attacks, Arthur still remained calm as he clenched his hand into a fist again, but this time, neither of the gargoyle brothers or the chief tribe underestimated him or mocked him .

His clenched fist had a bean-sized green light shining from it, as he took a punching posture . Arthur performed a slow punching attack and each time his punch advanced a distance, the green light emanating from it expanded until all his fist was green .

The incoming club and the yellow ball didn’t wait for Arthur to prepare, the club came smashing from above and the ball was aimed at his chest . Oblivious to these extremely powerful attacks, Arthur’s eyes shone as his fist, which was filled with green light, struck the air in front of him

’I’ll show you the taste of a real punch! Heavenly Mountain Fist!’


A loud explosion occurred as the fist struck the air, which instantly created a one-meter-deep hole under Arthur’s feet, which soon was followed by an ear-deafening sound caused by his strike .

The incoming club was instantly pushed away and the cyclop was forced to back away a few steps and kneel, the light coming from it dimmed by a lot as if it was going to vanish at any second . As for the yellow ball, it was instantly pushed back and dispersed in a matter of seconds, however, this was not the end, the ground cracked and the room was divided into two . Large boulders fell from above and the mud tower kept shaking as if it was going to fall at any given second .

’As expected of a Heavenly Rank technique . ’

Although his mastery of it was not that high, he was still able to cause disastrous damage thanks to his high Strength stats . Ehrendil coughed two mouthfuls of blood, his face became pale and he didn’t seem to be in a good condition . Tarathiel was far better as he backed away and didn’t suffer any injuries . As for Ti Eru, he was far from the clash, apart from having to fly due to the ground under him being swallowed by the huge hole appearing in the room, he was not affected .

Using this fist technique, it was efficient and fairly strong, but it still took a tool on him Nether Energy reserve but thanks his recovery was equally overpowered so there was no disadvantage .

As the dust cleared, Tarathiel was going to ask the youth to stop, clearly, defeating him would cost him dearly . Furthermore, Ti Eru was still at the side and he couldn’t deal with the two at the same time, not after his brother was injured .

Unfortunately for him, Arthur was never willing to listen to anyone . He calmy took back his fist and regained the same punching posture, a small bean-sized green light appeared in his hand again and without hesitation, he started punching slowly, causing Tarathiel’s handsome face to turn ugly, even Ti Eru was alarmed . He called back his red spider and backed away even further .


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