Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 249

Not only that, he could also distinguish the Mana from the Death Energy, he could see farther than ever before and was able to witness the process of absorbing Mana .

Small blue particles were entering his body, this was thanks to his high Mana recovery, which allowed him to recover more than he spends on the [All Seeing Eyes] Skill, which cost ten thousand Mana per second .

It is barely 10%, if not less, of his Mana Regeneration, so he could permanently use this skill without losing anything .

It sounded like a good thing but having it permanently active isn’t that good for everyday life, if it’s for fighting or investigating something, then it’s by no means useless, however, due to the dense intensity of Mana in the atmosphere and the different kinds of energy every person emits, it renders him unable to see the real appearance of people clear, in fact, it makes him see the energy inside of them, what type it is and in which condition .

Arthur dispersed the undead army, sending them to all directions to evacuate all the people living on this continent, that’s their task .

He sent a Death Knight with them as it’s the only undead that is able to talk, although not like a normal person . . . but it can speak a few words . He wasn’t going to force everyone out, after all, a person is responsible for one’s life, if they want to stay at their home, then it’s not Arthur’s business anymore .

He was certain that after the Holy Church is warned about where the Divine Beasts will attack, they’ll flee and advise the inhabitants of the continent to leave too, they may not believe him but they surely will follow the Holy Church, as it is the only ruling power in this land .

The Human Emperor died and his rule is over, the Holy Church doesn’t have a solid grip over the citizens but it is capable of doing a few things .


Arthur spent two whole days to investigate every corner of the Central Continent, he wanted to find a unique location where the Death Energy is the thickest, alas, his search was deemed as a failure since the density of this ominous Energy was the same all over the land .

The shadow of death was shrouding the whole land as if deciding its fate and it’s only a matter of time before it disappears completely, becoming part of the history .

Right now, Arthur was in a very familiar town, it was still bustling with people . Merchants were setting their shops and selling whatever they had, blacksmithing hitting their hammer on the forge and crafting weapons, and nobles enjoying a delicious meal in their mansions .

Willsden was the name of this town, the very first settlement Arthur visited after his reincarnation, it was also the place he met Lucy .

Slavery became forbidden after the Bloody Day occurred, what Arthur dictated happened since the new Pope, who was the previous Archbishop is now ruling the Church, she has no choice but to obey Arthur’s orders .

Whoever sells slaves or captures beastmen or Demons is now executed on the spot, with no trial whatsoever . The same thing applies for the other continents, the MoonStar sect has become a powerful faction on Astria and it has no adversaries .

Even those reclusive clans and sects dare not provoke Arthur’s sect, not only does it have a powerful general, it also has Anastassia, who managed to reach the Deity Realm .

With the new upgraded skill, Appraisal displayed more details about the target . It shows the strongest affinity the target has and what he or she is weak against .

This is a huge boost for Arthur, instead of randomly throwing powerful skills, he can focus on one style if he knows what his enemies are vulnerable against .

Of course, one enemy can be weak against many things, Appraisal only shows the strongest vulnerability .


Carin(Race:Human): Lv2

Age : 28

Slashing : 100%

Most humans, weak ones, at least, are weak against sharp things in general . Moreover, the percentage is higher if the target is much weaker than the user .

As he roaming the small town, Arthur stumbled a group of young women . Although they were chatting and were in quite a good mood, he approached without being detected since he bent space to pass unnoticed .

’Time cures everything, I guess...’

These women were part of a bigger group that was captured by the bandits back then . Arthur killed all the bandits without sparing anyone, he left right after . All the women and children there were either tortured or raped, a tragic fate, most of them couldn’t handle it and ended their lives but others decided to continue living .

Here they are, after a few years, they started a new life full of happiness, with no bandits to threaten them and in a safe place, away from all the fights and wars . Willsden town was situated at the center of the continent, more or less, so there were no signs of war, moreover, there were no strong beasts lingering in the nearby forests .

In more than a way, it was a peaceful and good place to live in .


A few miles away from Willsden town, there was a river with greenery all around it, it was an open space with no trees, only a few deer, and boars that roamed the area, nothing too dangerous .

Arthur sat near the river and contemplated an ant nest, he was lost in thought as he looked at those small creatures doing their best to survive, struggling to live when there are much stronger monsters out there .

He laid on the ground and stared at the blue and clear sky, he was enjoying this moment of peace, this short period of silence before the storm comes .

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