Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 303

"Let’s go finish him then . "

Lucy didn’t want to let such a dangerous individual alive, the very fact that he’s working under ’X’, who reincarnated Arthur for obviously not good intentions, makes him an existence that should be eliminated at all costs .

Instead of teleporting immediately toward the target, Arthur retrieved a luxurious looking box from his storage and passed it to Lucy while saying

"The best artifact I have ever crafted . Its name is Lonely Moon, designed to be perfectly compatible with you . Use it with care, it has an insane destructive power . "

Lucy opened the box and saw the exquisite silver revolver laying inside with more than a dozen bullets of different grades and types . Arthur proceeded into explaining the significance of the bullets, their grades, and elements, how the recoil works and the fusion formation put inside .

With her help, he’d be able to craft a bullet that is made from purely the fusion of Ice and fire, the result will be definitely the strongest bullet amongst all of them, even superior to the Atomic Bullet .

"Thank you . . . "

Lucy caressed the silver rifle as she gazed at her husband, she felt an instant resonation with the artifact the moment she touched . It’s no wonder it was considered a masterpiece by the System and he was even given skill points once it was fully crafted .

The prowess she could demonstrate while wielding it will be multiple times stronger than when he used it . There were many restrictions and the recoil which isn’t suited for him nearly obliterated his whole hand .

"No need to thank me hahaha . With both of us, he shouldn’t be able to escape but we must only engage when victory is certain . I’ll seal his escape route while you immobilize him . "

Lucy dripped some blood on Lonely Moon so it could become hers permanently, then she hid it under light clothes on her waist and coated it with pure Mana so it passes as undetected when someone probes her body .

Her stats increased by a significant amount, with her GodSpirit, her saber mastery, and Lonely Moon, she definitely became a terrifying woman, unlike the past, where she was helpless and weak .

When both were ready, Arthur teleported himself and Lucy exactly where ’X’’s subordinate was . They both appeared in a room deep underground, the weather was freezing cold and the walls, roof, and ground were all crystalline ice .

The figure between husband and wife was startled by the sudden appearance of the two of them, however before he could react, Arthur raised his hand and used [Space Room], a skill obtained when once reached Medium Mastery in Space Magic . It creates a small Space Room that traps a target for a short period of time, with his new stats and almost flawless control, the duration and size of the room are drastically increased .

The room shook for a split second before it was surrounded by grey fog that blocked the view, the victim of this assault took out two sharp-looking bone daggers and was going to slash at Arthur, unfortunately, the second the daggers appeared in his hands, a short and soft looking white saber appeared two inches away from his neck .

He could feel the coldness of the saber, it was bone-chilling, he knew if he dared to move or try anything, that saber will decapitate him before he’s able to proceed with what he planned .

He was a Sovereign and participated in a lot of fights, he had enough experience to know that he was totally helpless as he was caught off-guard, moreover, both enemies were at the same Realm as him if not stronger .

Thus, the victim could do naught but drop his guards and remain still to not get killed by mistake . From the way they appeared and neutralized him this easily, it cannot be two amateurs .

What confused him is why would they attack him, he didn’t offend anyone for the past years and quietly remained here . Snory wouldn’t send people either, he’d just need a finger to kill him .

"A wise move, however, dropping your weapons isn’t enough . "

Arthur’s cold words rang in the slim figure’s ears, he willed his body to move but his natural instincts, which only wanted his survival, refused to obey him and forced his body to stay still .

A dark hand as big as his body appeared from behind, it grasped him tightly, causing his bones to crack and his breathing to become faster .

Not only was the grip of the dark hand strong, the energy it was made from was weakening the target, rendering him unable to concentrate properly, slowly but surely, it was eating him from inside out, consuming the energy stored in his Dantian and passing through Meridians .

"Now then, let’s look at who you are . "

Arthur walked in front of this slim middle-aged man and activated appraisal, a skill that became much more useful when he invested a skill point on it .

Zirmahos Ghanrumum (Race: Bone Ghost ): Fusion Sovereign (78%)

Age: 890

Titles : Ghost In a Shell (Passive)

Skills (Calculated by the System): [Ghost Curse] [Manevolent Bones] [Delusion of Rituals] .

Short description: Born, raised, and trained in the Ghost Nation . A loyal servant of the Whisperer King . Mastered the skill [Manevolent Bones] and famous for being one of the three Bone Ghosts .

Although there are not a lot of details, at least the new appraisal gives Arthur a bit of information about the target without having to resort to violent questioning and end up hearing answers that might or might not be true .

"As far as I know, the Ghost Nation isn’t associated with anyone, much less ’X’ . "

The copy sounded very confused when he saw the results of the appraisal . There’s no doubt that this guy was sent by ’X’, however, what surprised him is why is a Ghost, and a high ranked one at that, is serving a person beside the Whisperer King .

’I assume this Ghost Nation is also another strong power?’

"Very strong and secretive . Rarely interacts with the outside but it shouldn’t be underestimated, the Whisperer King is an old entity that reached the Overgod Realm more one hundred thousand years ago . "

’All that’s left is interrogating him, do you have any good ideas?’

Arthur wasn’t very knowledgeable about Ghosts, in fact, it’s the first time he’s seeing one . Although it’s called a Ghost, it looked no different than a Human except his skin was as white a sheet of paper and he was unusually slim .

"I do, actually . Ghosts are extremely vulnerable to all kinds of Flames, especially the unique ones such as the phoenix fire or the golden crow fire . Yours is the Origin flames of Hell, which can definitely force him to talk even if he’s strong-willed . "

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