Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 486

If Katrina is planning to attack first, the best timing would be when he’s entering the Divine Planet and slowly guiding his army to his unimaginably big piece of land .

The White Specter Clan may not have many people but each and every disciple is strong . Furthermore, there are a considerable amount of elders who reached the Overgod Realm . There’s also Katrina, who’s an Exalted God .

Of course, Arthur took into account other nearby sects and clans which may lend a hand to the Matriarch . They won’t send all their forces but they’ll dispatch a few exceptional foes which will definitely cause some problems later on .

When the decisive fight finally begins, there will be no turning back and everyone will be someone or something . Lich King Aborak will be the one leading all the undead and coordinating them while making use of the Elemental Wheel . Radolf and Midolf will support Arthur and the four Divine Beast will defend the undead from Katrina, who’ll surely try to get rid of Arthur or Aborak first to weaken the army of death .

On the 11th day, when Arthur was just about to leave the Bard Realm and start heading toward the Divine Planet, a figure came running from the back . It left a trail of black flames behind it and dived straight through the undead, directly heading toward the center of the army, precisely Arthur .

Arthur already sensed the figure and was confused at first, however, when he saw who the pigolo was bringing with him, he was momentarily surprised . With a creased brow and deadpan face, Arthur gazed at the smirking Pigolo, who politely performed a short bow before presenting a bound and weakened Angelina to his boss .

"What happened?"

Arthur wasted no time and asked the pigolo, who gave a brief explanation:

"She was captured by Jackob on Astria . We discussed it and concluded that she’s a valuable hostage that could be used as a bargaining tool if things go south . "

Arthur glanced at the bound and silent Angelina, who was also staring back at him venomously . Due to the Dark Magic weighing down on her, she couldn’t even open her mouth, much less move . Though, it’s not like Arthur wished to hear her opinion on the matter .

After pondering for a few moments, Arthur nodded his head and dragged Pigolo to the side and whispered a few things into his ear .

Sometime later, the army started flying in the sky and only Gutcha remained behind . When he made sure the army successfully left the Bard Realm and was making its way to the ginormous planet in plain view, he glanced around and smirked right before an ominous darkness enveloped him and vanished right after, leaving no trace whatsoever .


Unlike any other day, the White Specter Clan was currently in total chaos . Almost everyone was gearing up and readying themselves . The Matriarch just publicly said that the army of undead was heading toward their way so they should prepare for the upcoming fight .

She didn’t force anyone and even told the elderly and children to hide in the Ancestral Grounds, which is a small dimension unaccessible by none but the clan master . Without her approval, no one can enter or leave the dimension and even someone as powerful as the Joker cannot break into it using brute force or clever tricks .

Only a few higher-ups knew the reason this war was happening, as for the common soldiers? They just wanted to protect their home from the corrupt living dead .

There was one more thing that greatly boosted everyone’s morale . It was the presence of three senior monks floating above the sect .

They were holding intersecting golden silk and repeatedly praying to their God .

Senior Monks are peak Overgods and their presence here reassured the white specters, who believed that the undead army will surely crumble before the might of the Matriarch and the monks .


"A Mi Tuo Fo, I can sense their aura from here . "

One of the three monks glanced North-West while clenching the golden silk in his hands . He was the youngest of the three and had the least experience but his prowess shouldn’t be underestimated .

"Amitabha Amitabha, what you’re sensing is the aura of the corrupt . Their miserable cries as they’re forced to fight even after death still echoes in my ear . "

A monk with a mustache and frail physique and short height commented on the incoming army while focusing on the golden silk .

The last monk to talk was the oldest, he looked like a 90-year-old old man and had an extremely long grey beard . He chuckled and uttered:

"Hohoho by Buddha’s name we shall banish the Parasite and return things to their course . The walking dead will be dealt with by the esteemed Matriarch . "

The two others nodded their head while repeatedly saying

"A Mi Tuo Fo!"


Along with the Thousand Buddha Sect, only one other power sent experts to lend a hand . It’s neither a sect, a clan, or a kingdom but a race that managed to win a place in the Divine Planet and remain strong for a long period of time despite their irreparable feud with the parasites since times of old . For more than one occasion, this race, who built a city called the Sea Citadel, resisted the attacks of several parasites despite losing a considerable number of their own .

Their hatred for the parasite is deeply rooted and the moment they heard about Arthur being a parasite, they immediately sent a few of their strongest warriors to eliminate the ’abomination’ .

Oddly enough, after their crushing defeat, the Holy Dominion remained silent, neither publicly commenting about what happened nor sending a larger force to take care of the army of death, which they deem as an evil existence that should be purified .


As per his prediction, Arthur was able to safely get the army to the Divine Planet without being ambushed . It seems Katrina decided to face him in her territory rather than go to him . Moreover, she seems aware that it’s past the time of trying to solve this with words which is exactly why she started readying her forces .

Katrina was confident in being able to deal with Arthur and his Divine Beasts but getting rid of 400 million undead along with the few unique beings accompanying is a bit too much, even for an Exalted God .

If it were only 400 million undead minus the divine beasts and the mythical beings, she wouldn’t have been this meticulous and would have just gone to fight by herself .

Due to the immensity of the Divine Planet and the big distance between the landing of Arthur’s army and the White Specter Sect, it took Arthur ten whole days to arrive .

During those ten days, the news about his arrival on the Divine Planet spread like wildfire . In the dominating force of this planet, the Cloud Sea Sect was informed but it remained neutral and strangely unresponsive .

To begin with, the White Specter Clan and the Cloud Sea Sect were never friendly with each other so it’s quite expected to see the latter behave like this .

Almost every part of the Cloud Sea Universe heard about the marching dead and their leader, a mysterious grey-haired middle-aged man whose origins and name are still unknown . On the 5th day, a rumor stating that the leader of the undead was none other than the infamous Dark Magic-user and most likely Zodiak’s successor .

Many rogue cultivators and smaller factions wanted to witness the battle between the specters and the undead . Unfortunately, Katrina declared that anyone seen near her sect would be killed on sight, no matter who they were . So, unless someone was insanely brave, they wouldn’t dare trespass into the territory of the white specters .


Bard Realm, Velvet City .

This city was not only prosperous but it’s also the city of desires . Whatever one wishes, they’ll find here, whether it’s pleasure, money or women . The best inn in the vicinity was a ten-story building made from shiny violent stone and heavily decorated with banners and all kinds of symbols .

Inside one of the expensive and luxurious suites, there sat two females, one was sickly-looking and had a pale face while the other was frowning and lost in her thoughts .

Both of the females were gazing at a recording crystal, which showed them an outrageously big army that had countless kinds of undead . At the center of the army stood a scarred man who was protected by two enormous beings .

"It’s him, right?"

The pale-faced woman asked her sister, who snapped out of her daze and nodded her head while saying

"It’s definitely him . I didn’t think he’ll resort to such extreme means to get her back . "

These two women were none other than Delia and her sister, who was heavily injured by both Arthur and Lucy . Though she was a genius and an expert in battles, she still couldn’t prevail against the monstrous couple . Delia not only backstabbed the Holy Dominion, but she also dragged her sister out of the fight so these too were deemed as traitors and are currently being chased by the Holy Dominion/

Ever since what happened in the Dragon’s lair, the two disappeared and laid low to avoid the prying eyes of the dominion .

"What should we do?"

As she heard her sister ask her with a worried expression, Delia caressed her cheek then used both of her hands to start healing her sister again .

"There’s nothing we can do . First, you should recover then we’ll decide on how to proceed . "

As the sick woman laid on the bed and closed her eyes, Delia’s hands started emitting a blinding light that covered the whole room . The once foolish and carefree Goddess was pouring her heart and soul in healing her dear friend, who’s like a sister to her .

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