Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 605

Hundreds of angels stationed around the prison all headed toward the entrance to capture the unwelcome invader, who, surprisingly, didn’t offer any resistance whatsoever .

Even Warden Habs was confused, nevertheless, he apprehended the individual and swiftly locked him in the deepest floor .

The new prisoner didn’t talk and fully cooperated, letting himself be chained and his magic to be sealed . His expression remained calm and the only notable thing about him was his long azure robe and his nonchalant demeanor .

Not even an hour after his sudden appearance, he was thrown into the cell next to Zaarae and chained to the wall, leaving only his face unscathed . This was none other than the Archmage Emir, one of the three Calypso Parasites and a loyal follower of Parasite Empress .

"My liege . "

Though he tried to bow his head to the direction of Zaarae, he couldn’t due to the thick chains binding almost all of his body .

"Emir, what brought you to this rat hole?"

Zaarae didn’t seem surprised to see her follower here, neither was she worried about his safety or wellbeing . She was uninterested and didn’t even glance at him, her mind thinking about something else .

"We need you, my liege . "

"Need me? I don’t feel like returning now . "

After a brief of silence in which Emir hesitated on whether to talk or not, he added: "My liege, the Watcher locked Sedos and is closely watching the Red Tower . "


Seeing no reaction, Emir bit his lips, seemingly struggling to say something .

"...’God’ was killed . "

Zaarae knew that the Archmage was never someone to joke about such matters so when she heard his words, her expression drastically changed . In fact, it’s the first time she was this shocked about something .

"Dead? How and when?"

"The B-32 virus . "

"What?! That bug in the System? But it shouldn’t be able to reach him . "

"It’s not more dangerous than we initially thought . It’s able to corrupt any System within its reach and the effects are irreversible . "

Emir paused for a split second before resuming: "It has already spread to our realm . We need you, my liege . "

This time, Zaarae didn’t reject him like earlier but maintained a very long silence .

"I’ll be out soon, my white knight is soon to arrive . "

"We will be waiting, my liege . "

Right after he said that, Emir’s body became liquid water and easily left the prison, unnoticed by any of the angels .


Heaven and Hell Universe, Heaven .

The most high-ranked angels and spirits were all gathered together, their expression differed but it was apparent that none was happy . The atmosphere was heavy and even the emotionless Spirit was very restless due to the recent events .

The news about ’God’s death reached Heaven this very day and an emergency meeting was called by a being whose rank is second only to his creator . He was an angel with ten wings and has been alive since the Era of Beginning, he’s the first of his race and a distinguished figure in the multiverse . His name is Alatraz, a strict angel who’s very devoted to his creator and wants nothing but peace for all races, however, his methods are sometimes questionable and unethical .

"I’m sure you have all heard about what happened...’God’ died at the hands of a Virus originating from the System . "

After hearing his verbal confirmation, the place became noisier and there was even some angels who started losing faith . The future of Heaven has become unpredictable now that its creator is gone, moreover, the death of one of the Twelve is a very serious matter that would turn everything upside down .

"A new ruler for Heaven must be appointed with haste!"

A transparent figure standing a distance away spoke with a deep and domineering voice . It was an old Life Spirit and a high-ranking entity so its words weren’t brushed off by anyone, including the silent Alatraz .

While everyone kept giving their opinions, Alatraz had his eyes closed and didn’t react to anything . After a while, his stare focused on a young-looking male angel who was so startled that he tripped and fell .

"Syon, you said that you found the World Tree?"

When the tree was mentioned, they all turned to look at the timid Syon, whose mouth and opened closed but no words were said, probably due to stress and embarrassment .

"Speak, did you find it?"

With Alatraz’s insistence, Syon swallowed some saliva and hesitantly said:


"Its condition?"

"It still hasn’t experienced its full growth but it’s not young either . "

"Why are we hearing about this now?"

An old human woman banged her fist on the table while lashing out at the scared Syon, who accepted the harsh berating without responding .

"Syon! Why have you not reported such an important matter to me?!"

An eight-winged angel frowned and yelled at his Syon, his subordinate . He was infuriated about the fact that Alatraz knew about this before him, the person who manages the external affairs .

"The World Tree is the only thing that can revive him . We must get it . "-Alatraz


"He died?"

Timos, who was humming a second ago, suddenly stood up and looked at the night sky . The blue-haired girl looked at him and furrowed his brows, finding his constant mumbling rather strange .

"Who died?"

The man ignored her and raised her hand toward the sky, firing a pillar of red light into the sky, splitting it in two . Only after a while did he retract his hand, resulting in the pillar of light to vanish and the starry sky to return to its usual beautiful glimmer .

The Black Devil walked next to the sleeping Vyncent and slapped his head, startling the young man and making him look around in confusion .

"I need to be away for a short while, take care of the sassy brat . "

He didn’t even wait for a response and just disappeared, leaving behind a pouting kid and a sleepy young man .


In less than a minute, Timos appeared in a dangerous area at the far end of the System’s Universe . The place was infected with a dense amount of Void Magic which can even be lethal to him . Apart from massive meteors filling the endless black space, there was nothing here, making the brown-haired man confused for a second .

Several seconds passed and what he was waiting for finally appeared . Before he was able to react, Timos’ body was hit by a scarlet liquid, flinging him hundreds of miles away .

He successfully stabilized his disoriented body while coughing a few times then raising his head, meeting the stare of a very familiar man .

"Are you crazy? Have you ever heard of something called balance?"

For the first time in a long time, the Black Devil was angry... not because of God’s death but because of the consequences that are bound to happen now that a strange caused such a big mess .

The vampire wasn’t fazed by the savage aura emanating from Timos, he glared at the devil and said:

"Get out of the way . "

"There was no need to kill him if the core is what you needed . "

"Don’t be mistaken, I didn’t kill him, the virus did . "


Inside an obscure cave, there was a black slightly curved black blade stabbed onto the ground . The violent gales whistling inside the cave have died down a couple of hours ago and even the silent passing breezes were no longer present, everything seemed to have halted and all of this was the blade’s own doing .

It stopped its completion process on purpose, it wanted to honor a comrade that had just died, after all, the will of Ventus Malum still lives in Makaze . This place, situated out of the reach of all but one person, was deadly quiet for three whole days, the darkness was eerier than usual and the air itself seemed to have been frozen...


Angelina looked at the endless white space all around her, still not used to it, then shifted back her attention to the man nonchalantly playing with cards a couple of meters away .

"You called me multiple times saying that a prophecy has just begun... is that true?"

After her confrontation with the Watcher, Bilgart, Lucy’s sister thought a lot about this strange matter and have come to accept it, slowly, little by little . She just returned to her clan’s Ancestral land but Claud startled her by claiming that one of his prophecies started .

She asked around about any news of catastrophes or disasters but the Cloud Sea Universe was oddly peaceful . Unfortunately, she doesn’t have the means to inquire about the other two universes but if something major really happened, it won’t take long before it reaches her ears .

"Of course it’s true, I would never lie to you . "

Angelina sat opposite the man and asked again:

"What’s the prophecy? What will happen?"

In response, he grabbed a piece of paper and started writing, not bothered by the woman’s intense stare .

"Misfortune hangs heavy on a head once held high . Such is a poor cover for when the heavens fall . "

"What’s that supposed to mean? Is that the prophecy?"

He shook his head while handing her the piece of paper .

’Three faces but one soul

Two hearts but one road

The heavens are lost and the insect has crossed’

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