Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 279: The Influence of the Giant Monsters

Chapter 279: The Influence of the Giant Monsters

Translator: Yamir Moon

These steamships are very rugged in appearance and are more than 100 meters long, which is incredibly huge to the people of this era. They are one of the most important possessions of the ‘New Panda Country’ governement.

In the past, these large ships were mostly used to transport strategic materials such as special metal and minerals as well as oil from nearby small islands.

”This…Professor Pound, what are they going to do? Are they going to use these ships to drag the bodies of the two giant monsters?”

Zhao Cheng looked at Professor Pound who wasn’t far away and asked with shock on his face. The more he thought of this the more absurd he felt.

”Zhao Cheng, lead the way.”

Professor Pound didn’t bother explaining to him. He called Zhao Cheng, then led his forward to one of the biggest ships.

That ship is over 100 meters long, with two huge chimnies in the middle of it. It looked really shocking and majestic, especially to people like Zhao Cheng who haven’t seen the world before.

Still a bit confused, Zhao Cheng and Du Qiu slowly boarded the big ship.

After all the preparations were finished, the fleet set off after hearing the order issued by Professor Pound.

”Are they really planning to use these big ships to drag those two monster bodies back?”

Zhao Cheng’s mouth twitched. After climbing on the central steamship, he looked left and right amazed by the size and ‘advancement’ of this giant ship. He also looked at the seemingly endless fleet of giant ships with amazement and pride.

Although the fleet seems clustered, each ship maintains a certain safety distance from each other to avoid collision problems.

Zhao Cheng also noticed that more than half of those ships are carrying coal. They should be supply ships.

”Because we don’t know how long our journey will last, we made sufficient preparations this time.”

Professor Pound walked to Zhao Cheng and said to him.

”Our ships are all high-power ships, They should be enough to drag the bodies of the two giant monsters.”

According to Zhao Cheng’s description, the two horrific beasts are all over 5 kilometers in size. Without adequate preparation, they can only watch them helplessly.

Zhao Cheng accepted Professor Pound’s explanation, but he was amazed by the country’s attention and desire to the bodies of the two giant monsters.

In such a short time, they gathered such a large fleet, basically over 90 percent of the country’s steamships, just to drag back the bodies of the two giant monsters. The country’s attention to the bodies of giant monsters is beyond his imagination.

These steamships are a lot faster than Zhao Cheng’s wind-powered sailboat. About two months later, they finally reached the place where Zhao Cheng found the two giant monster bodies before.

Just as Zhao Cheng feared, the two monster bodies are nowhere to be seen, but most of them weren’t really frustrated, they were mentally prepared for that.

They started searching in nearby areas. After wandering here for five or six days, they finally found the bodies of the two giant beasts.

”Ha ha ha ha.”

Professor Pound laughed out loudly, a giant grin stretched out on his face.

”We finally found them.”

He was hardly able to hide the excitement on his face, dancing like a child who got his beloved toy.

”Come on, I’m going to land in person to see.”

The huge ship where Zhao Cheng was located soon docked, then Professor Pound jumped from the ship to the island, jumping over a distance of almost 3 meters didn’t seem to affect the old man.

After jumping on “Turtle Island” he saw the big pit dug by Zhao Cheng for the first time.

He jumped straight into the big pit, then explored the bluish-green material at bottom of the pit. After some time, he directly concluded that this is the corpse of a giant monster.

”Xiao Zhao, you have made great contributions. Rest assured, after going back this time, I will personally assign a large reward to you.”

Professor Pound promised Zhao Cheng, causing Zhao Cheng and Da Qiu to be happy. Now that they got the promise of professor Pound, their money is guaranteed.

When they thought that after getting their money, they will buy a larger and better boat, allowing them to live their life full of adventure and adrenaline on the sea, they were very excited.

”First remove the soil from the bodies of the two giant beasts.”

Professor Pound ordered. Following his orders, a large number of soldiers were dispatched. They carried their shovels and other objects then got on the corpses of the two giant beasts and started working.

The soil in the bodies of the two monsters is generally very crunchy, but in some places, typically places where trees and grass grows, the soil is very dense, making it almost as hard as concrete, hence very hard to dig out.

However, as mentioned before, the humans of this era possess superhuman physical abilities. Even without any modern machines helping them, the soil on the bodies of the two monsters is being removed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even so, this process lasted almost half a month, showcasing the incredible size of these two giant monsters.


Professor Pound looked at the two terrifying beasts in front of him and couldn’t help taking a sharp breath.

The true appearance of the two giant beasts clearly appeared in front of him. One of these two monsters is a giant turtle, and the other is an incredibly huge snake.

Not to mention that a monster with a size so big that they can’t see its end is scary as hell. The appearance of these two monsters alone is shocking enough.

For example, that giant turtle has a sky-scraper sized nails at the of each of its limbs. Just a slight movement from them is enough to shred many of the steamships they are so proud of.

Its upper and lower jaws aren’t completely closed, leaving a little gap, so they can see its horrific teeth. Both of its upper and lower jaws have dozens of teeth, and each tooth is over 100 meters long, basically bigger than their steamships.

This monster is basically something out of mythologies. Dropping it from a height of 2 to 3 kilometers, relying on its hundreds of millions of tons of weight, it can basically create a tsunami so big, it can drown an entire continent.

As for the snake, it need not be said more. Just the word snake is enough to signify its danger. Cold, murderous, sinister…

If the previous human civilization truly faced monsters of such magnitude, it’s no wonder they were destroyed.

Professor Pound immediately began to organize the manpower after wandering on the two islands for a while. He planned to bind the limbs or body of the two giant beasts with a huge rope, then drag them back to the country.

After a certain amount of time, a huge iron rope was wrapped around the two giant beasts. Just like a spider web extending out. One end is connected to the bodies of two giant monsters, and the other end is connected to more than a thousand steamships.

After all the preparations were finished, Pound ordered the fleet to move forward. All the steamships started moving at the same time, forming a huge pushing force, trying to move the bodies of the two giant monsters forward.

The giant iron rope was completely tightened, and inside the chimneys of the big ships, a thick stream of black smoke spewed out, showcasing that the ships are moving forward at their maximum power.

Professor Pound and Zhao Cheng were standing on the deck of the big ship in the middle of the fleet. They watched this amazing and magnificent scene, pride filling their hearts.

After the giant iron rope was tightened, under the hot eyes of Professor Pound and Zhao Cheng, the bodies of the two giant monster behind suddenly started moving.

”Wooo!! Yeah!!!”

Professor Pound yelled out loudly, his tense mood relaxed a little at this moment. As long as they are able to move the two monsters’ bodies, then everything is good.

The fleet moved straight forward, heading back to the way from which they came from.

Their movement speed is much slower than when they came. Firstly they are dragging two incredibly huge creatures, which puts a huge strain on the ships and the iron ropes. Secondly, the fleet is too tightly clustered together, they have to lower their speed or that might result in collisions.

Fortunately, there was no danger on the way, after almost half a year, they finally returned to ‘New Panda Country’.

Before the fleet arrived at the port, the people on ‘NewPanda Country’ have already got the news.

It wasn’t just the governement, even civilians got the news a while ago. The fleet is too huge, it’s almost impossible to hide it. Many people came to the port, they want to see the bodies of the two giant monsters

On this morning, in Donggang Port, an endless crowd can be seen. The number of people in the port and near it is too much, stretching over 10 kilometers. There have to be at least 5 million people, and almost all of them are looking at the port, waiting for the arrival of the fleet.

As the sun rose, many people felt a bit anxious. While talking with their companions, they are mostly complaining about the delay and tardiness.

”how come they haven’t come yet”.

”Why are they so late?”

”Is this going to take so long?”

Such sentences can be heard everywhere in the crowd.

After another hour or so later, among the people standing at the forefront, a man with sharp eyes suddenly shouted loudly.

”Coming, they are coming!”

His words detonated the crowd in the port, many people looked intently at the horizon. Sure enough, a huge fleet, constantly approaching, can be seen far away.

Behind this fleet, there are two huge objects like mountains.

The people there were excited. The fleet they are waiting for finally arrived. One by one, each one of them looked excitedly at the approaching fleet.

It wasn’t just civilians who were excited, many reporters, live streamers, journalists, and TV hosts looked excitedly at the approaching fleet. They can’t wait to show the scene over here to the people of their country.

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