Bored Gamer in Other World

Chapter 567 - 567 Han Sen

Two hundred years later and our bored gamer was already done with his task. His tactic was easy and irresistible.

He introduced the way towards immortality in this mortal world and only a fool would denounce such a lofty path indeed.


Thus, it only took him 2 centuries in order to convert every human into a believer. They joined Clark\'s sect and the rest was history.

In the end, the harvest of faith energy from billions of people was truly inevitable.

"This world has been fun, partner."

"Get me more of the same please." Our bored gamer smiled as he addressed his most op cheat from between the 2 of them.

Power Systems Conquered: 18/50

"DING!" A gentle chime resounded in Clark\'s ears and then a new beginning flashed before his eyes.

* * *

Ascot Village. This was a place that housed five hundred humble souls more or less. They lived and thrived with nature.

Life was simple but in the dark corners of this good setting lurked a malice that would devour any rule breaker from its midst.

"I need food. But I can\'t see any game in Ascot\'s usual hunting area."

"Should I go further?" A thin and sickly looking young man muttered to himself armed only with a crude bow and arrows. He was an orphan and had only a little sister as his family.

Although some kind souls in the village would give them food from time to time but most of the month, the two of them siblings would live hungry day in and day out.

"I must do this for my Chai\'er\'s sake." The poor young man convinced himself and braved the dangers that lay ahead.

And so he went further away from the village and on the other side of the hill in search for any food he could get.

The hike took 20 grueling minutes before he arrived in the hunting area of Hankala Village.

This was the neighboring village of Ascot which boasted an almost similar number of strength to the latter.

Both were small communities and although they traded a lot, the two villages were also in conflict many many times over the years.

"I need to bag some food before night comes." The young man named Han Sen took a deep breath and waited in a great spot with a good vantage point of a large clearing.

He stayed there for a couple of minutes before he caught sight of his first game today.

It was a wild pig which was enough to sustain the hungry siblings for more than one week with adequate rations. Han Sen could not help but lick his lips in anticipation.

His belly grumbled as it expected to feast soon already.

\'I won\'t miss!\' Han Sen spoke his mantra in his mind and pulled at the strings of his bow. There was tension in his body as he held this position for a few breathless seconds.

The arrow was poised to its target already and with a one eyed aim, Han Sen released to let the arrow fly true into its mark.

"PUCHI!" It was as if the gods heard Han Sen\'s prayer and the wild pig was hit just right above its front leg.

This was its vital spot as the arrow had pierced its lungs and would eventually die while bleeding out.

Alas, a big thing like this wild animal would not simply drop dead because of one arrow alone. Most of the time, they would stubbornly cling to life and run away from the scene.

This exact picture happened here. Han Sen did not panic though as he tracked his game like the patient hunter that he was.

He knocked two more additional arrows before the wild pig sacrificed its life so that others may live in the aftermath.

"Thank the gods for this good hunt." Han Sen whispered and he was about to bag his catch in the next moment. Unfortunately, it was then that his luck ultimately ran out.



"WHOOSH!" Three arrows answered in kind and just like what happened to the dead pig, our very own Han Sen experienced how sad it was to die alone out here in the wild.

The fatal arrows struck at the center of Han Sen\'s chest and he was already drowning in his own blood thereafter.

"You seem lost, boy."

"May you remember this lesson in your next life."

"Don\'t intrude upon the Hankala hunting grounds!" These were the last words that Han Sen heard before darkness ate away at his last consciousness.

The killers moved on and dragged the wild pig as their own. They did not forget to get the 3 arrows from their target. As to the lifeless body of Han Sen, nature will take its course in due time.

Either he will be eaten by the predators of this forest or he will rot and decay on this spot. This was not the killers\' business anymore.

A full minute passed and a miracle happened in real time.



"HAK!" Coughing sounds ensued and the puking of dead blood followed next. What was more shocking was how the wounds on one boy\'s body were quickly recovering with every passing breath.

Another minute passed and the body of Han Sen has now stood up to gaze at the world with curious eyes. It did not need telling that this was not anymore the Han Sen of the past.

This was already the dawn of a busy traveler.


"You have lived a hard life, boy." Our bored gamer shook his head in lament after he digested the memories of Han Sen.

The boy and his sister got orphaned early when their parents died in a village raid when they were just babies.

"BOINK!" Clark would have wanted to keep standing there like a statue but alas, his stomach was already complaining quite overtly at this time.

Even though his wounds were no more, the initial condition of his body which was full on starving could not be satiated as a consequence of the heavenly treasure clay brick\'s magic.

"It seems like I need to hunt another game."

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