My King System

Chapter 235 - I Don’t Care

"Don\'t you think you took it too far by killing him?" Batol asked Arthur with a worried and concerned look.

"No, I think you meant to ask yourself if you weren\'t taking it far enough by not killing him? You realize we aren\'t here to play around, this is a complete murder mission. Anyone who\'s our enemy will be instantly killed. Not a single person shall be allowed mercy. This is a battle ground and the first person to show hesitation will be the one to draw their last breath," Arthur announced before turning his attention towards the rest of the guards which were left standing in fear after they just saw what had happened to their leader.

"P-Please-" one of them began to plead only to be ignored by Arthur as he killed each and everyone of them without wasting so much as a moment or effort. His movements were so smooth that it was similar to a literal liquid. There was no flaw nor hesitation. All that were in Arthur\'s movements were quick and calculated attacks which did their job of killing without wasting time.

"We can\'t afford to waste time here. If any of you see an enemy, kill them instantly, mercy isn\'t an option," Arthur told the rest of the attack force before turning to Batol as if he was the main target of that speech. Even if Batol didn\'t like the speech he knew it was right.. He spent far too much fighting with the leader of the guards instead of using his strongest attack and killing him off instantly. No matter how many times Batol was stronger than his enemy, it wouldn\'t matter since if he couldn\'t finish the job quickly, he was as useless as someone who was a lot weaker than him but still took the same amount of the time to kill the guard even if they were trying their hardest. It wouldn\'t matter how much effort each of them put in or how strong they are. As long as they both finished the job at the same time, they would both be considered equally useful or in this case, useless.

After hearing Arthur\'s speech, Batol gave a single nod while holding on to what little pride he had left in his body. After how he had humiliated himself, it would only be reasonable for him to be quite disappointed in himself.

"Should we move in now?" Yuki asked his attack force as he was getting tired of getting left to the side while everyone else showed off. Hearing his question, everyone in the special attack force nodded in agreement as they were going to move in towards the building which GNE operated in so that they could kill all of their members. As such, GNE wouldn\'t be able to terrorize all of the smaller and noodle clans and even some of the greatest clans in the world just for a little extra attention.

After walking towards the actual wall of the building which GNE operated in, Mark stepped up to the front before making a bold claim.

"Leave this to me!" Mark announced before spinning his arm and then punching a large whole through the walls of the building which would allow everyone in the attack force to enter without a problem.

With a grin on his face, Mark walked inside through the large hole which he had created while waiting for the rest of the members of the attack force to compliment him. Unfortunately for him, that wouldn\'t happen as everyone just looked at him with a confused and worried face before sighing and walking a couple more metres only to find a large double door which led inside the GNE building. 


"Why did you have to be so extra? There was literally a door nearby, now you\'re going to attract more attention," Arthur complained to Mark.

"B-But I thought it didn\'t matter if he got attention since we\'re going to kill all of them anyway," Mark replied while making a solid point which in most cases would have won him the argument. That would be in most cases but not this one.

"Even so, it becomes much harder to kill them all if they surround us, it\'ll slow us down by a lot since we can\'t quickly just kill a couple of them at a time and get this over with," Arthur replied with a sigh.

"It already happened so there\'s no point in complaining, let\'s just finish what we can here to do," Yuki said as he tried to stop their argument from going any further. 

As the group continued to walk on the first floor of the GNE building, an old man suddenly came to interrupt them.

"Can I help you?" Yuki asked in a mildly rude tone, after all, he was in enemy territory. It didn\'t matter who the person was, if they got in Yuki\'s way, they would face the consequences for their actions. If they were a baby or an old man, they were all seen the same. In Yuki\'s eyes, there was no discrimination, if they were his enemy, he would simply defeat them. 

"Hey there young man, I assume that you\'re the leader of the newly formed FFF\'s WD clan?" the only man asked, which seemed to make Yuki realize that he wasn\'t messing with some ordinary old man. Instead, Yuki was face to face with either a highly influential figure that was part of GNE or the leader of GNE himself since the creation of FFF\'s WD was fairly secret information. Anyone who has heard about it was a person which Yuki wouldn\'t hesitate to kill if given the opportunity.

"So what of it?" Yuki asked as he scanned the room he was in while looking for any potential traps which the old man might have set to go off when Yuki either tried to attack or defend or even both.

"Relax boy, I\'m not here to fight you. This trial old body can\'t even dream of competing with you young folk," the old man said while making a few jokes about his age.

"Just get to the point, old man. I know you\'re not a good person to hang around with," said Yuki in a frustrated tone while also seeming to be checking his surroundings more often since he was worried that the old man was trying to buy time for something. That something was probably a bomb which would go off any kill Yuki or at least that would be what they would hope since it is pretty unlikely that Yuki would actually die from such a weak thing such as an explosive in the state he was in currently.

"You youngsters are always in a rush. Anyway, if you want to know that badly, I\'m here to negotiate with you," the old man replied with a sigh as he clearly didn\'t like Yuki\'s attitude and Yuki didn\'t like the old man very much either but he was willing to hear him out.

"What is it that you hope to negotiate?" Yuki asked in a bored tone as he was tired of waiting and simply wanted to know what the old man wanted from him.

"I want you to leave ME alone," the old man said without a hint of shame nor doubt on his face as if he had already won the negotiation.

"Huh?" Yuki asked before laughing at how ridiculous the old man sounded. There would seriously be no way that the old man believed that Yuki went through all that trouble just to head home without getting anything worth even a fraction of the satisfaction which Yuki would get from burning down the building he was currently in.

"You seem quite surprised, is there a reason why you\'re laughing?" the old man asked with a fake smile on his face which had a tiny murderous intent behind it.

"Come on old man, even if you\'ve aged this much, you still must have the brain capacity to process that there won\'t be a GNE when I\'ve left this place," Yuki said as he brought his laughter to a stop.

"Are you sure about that? Maybe you would like to explain what you\'re about to do to everyone in this room," the old man said as he revealed 20 people who were just writing down stuff just like the interviewee who had come to Yuki\'s clan to interview him.

"So this is getting recorded?" Yuki asked without much care in his voice.

"Yes it is! Now I\'ll give you a chance to shut your mouth and get away from here or you can choose to kill us and you\'ll have to face the backlash for your decision since whatever is being recorded will be automatically published towards the world. It\'s a lose-lose situation for you. However I\'m willing to cut you some slack. Since this was your first time trying to attack us, I\'ll be willing to forget about all of this if you just simply apologize and walk away from here. As a bonus, the recording of this won\'t be released as well," the old man offered with a grin.

"I don\'t care!" 

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