I am the Queen

Chapter 23 - 23


Eric handed Evangeline\'s things to her from his locker.

"Thank you."

He took a quick peek at her, secretly sighing in relief when she was back to her usual pompous self. Though something was different about her . . . he couldn\'t put his finger on precisely what.

If it weren\'t for her swollen eyes, he would entirely dismiss the memory that she cried.

They didn\'t talk much when they walked all the way to the lockers. Eric didn\'t have anything to talk about while Evangeline secretly rejoiced. She didn\'t want to talk about her embarrassing weakest moment of crying out of the blue like that.

Eric retrieved his backpack and raincoat and locked his locker.

". . ."

". . ."

The two were awfully quiet.

Eric was busy putting on his coat while Evangeline walked beside him, occasionally glancing at him from time to time.

Until they reached the path leading to the gates, the two didn\'t speak a single word.

Eric stopped, and Evangeline halted, clutching her bag.

"That\'s my bike." Eric pointed at the bicycle rack. He then gave a court nod at Evangeline. "I\'ll go on ahead."

Not uttering another word, Eric sauntered to his bike.

Watching him, Evangeline\'s face was calm. Her inner self, however, started to panic. From what exactly, she refused to admit that she wanted to spend more time with him.

In the beginning, she waited for him after class to have a final look at him before she goes home, but now . . . she just wanted to spend more time with him.

She didn\'t know precisely when did it start to blossom –– her feelings that is.

Was it that time when he held the bike during her weakest moment? Or that time when he rejected her offer? Or that bittersweet memory that happened a while ago?

Or was it that time when she first laid eyes on his silver ones.

She didn\'t know.

Only . . . It was impossible to stop it now.

Eric was utterly oblivious to Evangeline\'s thoughts as he unlocked the chain of his bike, and casually planted his butt on its seat. He was about to pedal when he noticed that Evangeline hadn\'t move from her spot.

He blinked, got off from his bike and walked towards her, dragging his bicycle with him.

"What\'s wrong?" he asked.

"Your bandages are hanging on your face." It\'s rather comical.

Evangeline eyed Eric\'s face, trying to pry for his silver irises.

"Oh." Eric ripped the band-aids and gauze on his face, exposing his wounds and patches of purple bruises on his cheek, and Evangeline\'s brows twitched at the sight.

"Should I hail you a cab or something?" he asked when he realized that she had no intention of moving. She just stared at him and it made him uncomfortable.

"I think it\'s best if you bring me home," she chimed. Like saying those words were his greatest fortune.

Arching an eyebrow, he observed her, trying to discern what she was thinking.

"Because . . . ?"

"Because, it\'s almost seven. I heard it\'s dangerous to ride a cab at night."

He frowned. "Then call that man."

Evangeline knew who he was talking about and she replied almost instantly, "My cousin is busy."

She stressed the cousin part. Not minding the many hidden complications and secrets from that simple word.

". . ."

". . ."

Eric stifled a sigh. He wanted to rub his temple as he watched the unbending gaze of the woman in front of him. Without a second word, he removed his raincoat and gave it to her.

"Put it on," he said.

Smiling in triumph, Evangeline grabbed the coat before Eric changed his mind.

"What about you?" she asked.

Eric was about to hopped onto his bike when he heard her question. He suppressed a smile, but failed. "I only have one coat. Since I\'m wet anyway, it doesn\'t make a difference if I\'m wearing one or not."

Evangeline no longer argued, feeling her heart was bursting from her chest. She didn\'t hear what he just said as she was lost in his smile.

"Come on," Eric urged.

Evangeline hopped on the bike with the same position the first time she rode with him. Since the raincoat was long, she didn\'t need to worry about her exposed legs from her pencil cut skirt.

"Hold on tight," he instructed.

This time, instead of gripping his shirt like she used to, her hand circled his waste which made Eric jolt in surprise. He froze before he breathed long and hard. When he managed to calm himself, he pedaled their way out of the Academy.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, on the second floor of the management department\'s building, a man silently watched them from the window.

Daniel, who rushed back to the Academy to check on Evangeline, found that she was no longer inside their classroom. But just to make sure, he checked her desk for her belongings. And when he made sure that she already left, he headed for the door, but skid to a stop when something caught his eyes.

It was Evangeline and Eric.

As he watched the two, he didn\'t notice that he was clenching his fists. The pain didn\'t register as his mind were overtaken by overload of emotions. Disbelief, curiosity, anger, and above all –– unwillingness.

He didn\'t know what feelings he should be feeling. He couldn\'t accept the fact that Evangeline was smiling at a nobody. A genuine smile that she never gave to him. What was more, the woman hugged the guy. Embraced a nerd! While she never once allowed him to touch anything except her hand!

Daniel closed his eyes. Couldn\'t accept the feeling that he lost to a nerdy, geeky, nobody!

Wait. Why am I feeling this way? I have Sisley now.

At the thought of his girlfriend, he regained his calm. He shook his head to erase all the complicated emotions from his system.

However, until he went home, the sight of Evangeline together with Eric still haunted him even in his dreams.


Evangeline and Eric were silent throughout the ride while the former occasionally pointed the way to her condo.

In reality, it only took fifteen minutes by car. But she purposely led Eric to the longer route. If not she felt the repressed shivers of his body, she would make him pedal for hours.

After more than thirty minutes, they reached Heaven\'s Tower. She then led him to the parking lot in the basement.

"Eric, why don\'t you come upstairs to dry yourself first? I\'ll treat you to dinner as my thank you for helping me. What do you think?" She flashed her dazzling smile that no boys could resist, but Eric just stared at her, suspicion apparent on his face.

Her servants only came during Fridays and weekends to clean, and Asher was away at the moment. Therefore, she knew that nobody was upstairs.

"No need to trouble you––"

"I insist."

Evangeline cut Eric and walked ahead.

Shaking his head, Eric parked his bike and followed the overbearing woman.

The moment they arrived in Evangeline\'s unit, Eric didn\'t move a single step inside. Until she said, "Come in and make yourself at home."

The moment Evangeline stepped in, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter came rushing in to greet her.

"Hey! I\'m home!"

She beamed, arms wide. But to her surprise, Winter ran passed her and jumped in Eric\'s arms. The surprised man fell on the ground with the fluffy Winter wiggling and licking him like he was her long-lost owner.

"That\'s strange . . . ," Evangeline mumbled to herself. "Winter doesn\'t like strangers."

Eric tried to get up as he calmed the wiggling dog.

"I\'m good with dogs," he said, smiling at Winter, caressing and rubbing the furball\'s chin.

Shrugging her shoulders, Evangeline released Fall from her embrace and went inside her room.

"Wait here for a moment," she said along the way.

When Evangeline was gone, Eric bent down and rubbed Winter, dotingly caressing her head.

"I\'m glad you\'re doing fine. I guess leaving you to her was the right choice."

He chuckled when Winter licked his face. But soon, he abruptly stood when Evangeline went out from her room, holding a bunch of towels.

"Follow me," she said, not looking at him.

Evangeline led Eric inside the guest room.

"My cousin is occupying this room sometimes, so don\'t misunderstand when you see things here that men use." She placed the towels on the bed before she went inside the walk-in closet.

Eric roamed his gaze, approving Evangeline\'s taste. The room was simple, modern and classy. Not too vulgar. Just the right balance in elegance and comfort.

Seconds later, Evangeline came out from the walk-in closet with clothes in hands. "These are my cousin\'s. Though it\'s a bit big, it\'ll have to do for now," she said after assessing Eric\'s physique.

She then pointed to a door. "There\'s the toilet and bath. It has its washing machine and drier. You can wash and dry your clothes while we eat dinner."

Her smile never left her lips as she spoke, which left Eric a little baffled.

"Hurry up and take a bath." Evangeline waved her hand. "Your wet clothes are staining my marble floor."

She then went out of the bedroom, dragging the wiggling whimpering Winter with her. But before she closed the door, like she could read his thoughts of locking himself inside the room to avoid her, she added, "I\'ll order dinner so don\'t stay too long in this room."


Eric blinked. Didn\'t know what happened.

He finally realized what was wrong with her. Her tone and smile!

Though she still had that arrogant voice, it was no longer cold and distant.

And that smile . . . She was smiling more often now, and a genuine smile at that.

Sighing, he shook his head as he went inside the bathroom. His thoughts were hidden beneath his stoic face, and only he knew what was going on inside his head.

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