Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

240 Chapter 239

In the end, learning Fire Tornado had been one of the best things Leon had decided to do. After Leon and Darya headed to the dungeon and spending one million coins in mana potions, they entered the cave. Finally, they noticed why the number of Bloody Wasps was so significant. The walls of the dungeon were covered with thousands of cocoons, and every minute dozens of new wasps were born. Still, only a small fraction left the dungeon, and most of them stayed inside the place to protect it from invaders...

"Eww... this is so creepy," Darya said while she trembled.

"I must admit this is quite a sight..." Leon frowned. "Is this the work of the boss of the dungeon? To think that a single creature could lay so many eggs... Ah!"

"Did you notice something?" Darya said.

"Yes... I had this feeling that I was overlooking things for a while." Leon answered. "I finally recalled what I was overlooking... Do dungeon breaks still happen in this world?"

"Yes..." Darya answered.

"Every time that kind of events happen, dozens of bosses appear," Leon said. "Still, there isn\'t much food here for wasps, and we didn\'t find any boss either."

"So, you think they returned to their planet?" Darya asked.

"That, or perhaps they died of hunger," Leon explained. "After noticing that they wouldn\'t obtain much food in this world, dungeon breaks stopped happening. That would explain why we only found a single elemental golem boss."

"That makes sense..." Darya nodded. "Some monsters eat meat, but some want to consume mana of their prey... a lot of information about monsters and dungeons are military secrets, so it wouldn\'t surprise if that is the case. Still... that means that the bloody wasps\' world is...

"Yep, it probably billions, perhaps we will find trillions of those monsters once we touch the purple crystal," Leon said.

"Yikes... the idea alone makes me feel shivers all over my body." Darya contracted her body.

It looked like they would have to use a lot of mana even to kill the mob monsters of that dungeon, so Leon tried to find a concentrated version of the mana potions, but he didn\'t find it. In any case, to avoid being surrounded by the front and the back, Leon and Darya burned down those cocoons. Quickly, the smell of burned insects got strong, and it started to bother them, but they didn\'t stop.

The smell alone was strong enough to attract other wasps, so Leon and Darya sometimes had to stay one hour without moving forward because the wasps didn\'t stop from coming. It was a pain to consume mana potions at that speed, but since they killed numerous enemies every moment, they more or less obtained enough coins to pay for the potions.

"I should try to create an earth platform a few dozens of meters above the poison mist… wasting so much time and coins to buy potions is a pain."

What Leon and Darya thought it would be a hunt that would take only a few hours, became a test of patience that lasted one week. The number of wasps was too big, so they had to return several times to the entrance of the dungeon to buy mana potions. Fortunately, their attacks leveled up a lot, and thanks to that, the wasps were burned until nothing was left behind, otherwise, at some point, the number of corpses on the way would have stopped them.

Finally, Leon and Darya found the last part of the dungeon, and if the other parts of the dungeon were disgusting enough to make Darya tremble, the previous room made her face turn blue. Even Leon, like his back, was itching... what was supposed to be the boss room was a space large enough like the place Leon fought the three-headed earth dragon. However, instead of walls, they were seeing more cocoons and flying to all directions, they saw fifty or so colossal bloody wasps laying eggs without stop.

Leon stopped to wonder how in the hell those things could lay so many eggs so fast, but soon he was forced to move because the wasps finally noticed their presence. Hundreds of wasps left their cocoons and flew to attack Leon and Darya alongside the bosses. Leon and Darya cast their Fire Tornados, but Darya was having difficulties controlling her spell because she was about to faint.

"You really have to train your nerves..." Leon sighed.

Although Leon said that, he was also scared since he wasn\'t a fan of insects either. However, there was no reason to worry. Leon and Darya already had implemented their plan to fight the boss and clear dungeons... those containers filled with mana liquid were behind and connected to their backs.

At an astonishing rate, wasps began to die. Even a few of the bosses tried to attack them, but using their Fire Tornadoes, Leon and Darya blocked their advance and killed. It was all because they managed to level up that skill several times. It looked like that battle wouldn\'t be difficult... Leon and Darya just have to keep using the Fire Tornado to stop their monsters\' charge. However, things changed when several of the bosses started to flap their wings and dropped some shining dust around the battlefield.

"Are you for real? Sleep Powder?" Leon frowned.

Although it looked similar to the skill of a game Leon and Betty played in the past, he didn\'t imagine that he was right... but he was. Leon and Darya tried to block the dust, but soon one of the Fire Tornado disappeared, and Darya fell asleep on the floor.

"Great... she didn\'t last even a second."

Leon frowned, it was all because Darya never had any reason to learn that skill. He only sleeps once every four days, after all. Still, despite his Sleep Resistance being level thirty, Leon started to feel a little sleepy. However, he got rid of that when he hit his magic staff against his head.

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