Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

275 Chapter 274

Leon couldn\'t help but frown while hearing the description of the goblins. They were pretty much like the ones he saw in books and in some games, merciless little devils that were incredibly lustful. They used females of many races to reproduce their numbers... even monsters. That kind of behavior was enough to make Leon feel disgusted, but he was infuriated because unlike the goblins or most males in the universe, he couldn\'t use his holy sword...

Putting personal matters aside, since Leon was in a world that was in the second stage of the assimilation, the goblins were far stronger they were supposed to be.

"Come to think of it... I don\'t remember hearing that existed goblins\' dungeons on Earth."

Regardless, the dungeon spawned only goblin shamans, goblin champions, female goblins, and baby goblins. They weren\'t that strong, but they weren\'t that weak either, and they were quite smart for a bunch of lustful monsters.

"You can stay behind if you want," Leon said. "If I were a woman, even if I could kick their ass, I would avoid getting near them."

"... I\'m fine. They can\'t touch me as long as Mana Armor is active." Darya said.

It looked like Leon\'s comments that criticized Darya\'s guts were backfiring now. She chose the wrong moment to be brave... or perhaps it was the best moment. Leon couldn\'t tell.

Although Hammath described them as quite the troublesome monsters, Leon couldn\'t imagine them being more powerful than the elemental golems.

The dungeon of the goblins was on the east side of the continent, even though those creatures were far less dangerous than the liches, Hammath said that the survivors living down below weren\'t using that region. Soon, Leon understood why. Even before finding the dungeon, Leon saw several goblin villages, and in each village, there were at least two hundred goblins... their number was stupid.

"Now, I can see why the people left this place." Leon frowned. "They leave the dungeon and even build their camps on this side."

"That is kind of surprising... why would they choose to live here?" Darya asked. "It is difficult to imagine an ambient worse than this."

"I believe your imagination is lacking a little bit," Leon said. "Despite the poison mist and gravity, living beings can still survive here. Even on Earth, I found some worlds that were impossible to be inhabited by people like me and you. And those didn\'t even reach the second stage of assimilation..."

"... It looks like each village has ten goblin shamans and ninety goblin champions." Darya said. "The other half of the villagers are..."

"female goblins and kids," Leon added. "Our targets are the goblin shamans and the goblins champions... but those won\'t just watch we defeat half of the villagers. We will kill all of them, they are monsters, and they intend to do the same to us... remember that."

"... Yes." Darya sighed.

Leon couldn\'t use Appraisal since he was too far away from the targets, and he couldn\'t let the goblins escape to the other villages, they might alert the others, and Leon and Darya would be at a disadvantage against an army of goblins. So, they had to be fast and precise.

"Just cut the limbs of the goblin champions and of the goblin shamans," Leon said. "This should be enough to stop them."

Although Leon\'s spears lost some power and speed due to the distance, he still sliced the goblins left and right with ease. Leon didn\'t enjoy that kind of thing, but at that point on time, he had no reason to hesitate. He had already killed hundreds of fellow humans, so he decided to do the dirty job and kill the female goblins and goblin kids. He wanted their spirits to reach his goal, so Leon couldn\'t let Darya do that kind of thing.

Despite Hammath saying to be careful, Leon and Darya defeated two hundred goblins in less than a second. They were utterly defeated, before they could even find who or from where they were being attacked.

"Stay here, I will finish this quickly," Leon said.

"I already told you that you don\'t have to worry about me," Darya frowned.

"Puberty, huh..." Leon sighed. "So, you finally reached your rebellious phase."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Darya asked.

In the end, there was no meaning in saying to Darya to control her fear and not letting her see the result of their actions. It was Leon\'s conscience that was making him do that, but if the person in question said that she was fine, then Leon didn\'t have to insist on that matter.

Despite everything, Leon made sure that his targets would die without even noticing. Although he was a bit interested in what kind of magic items he could make using the spirits of monsters like the female goblins and goblins kids, he wasn\'t ruthless to the point where he would torment those who didn\'t have weapons.

Goblin Shaman

Health: 60/1000

Mana: 6000/6000

Stamina: 1000/1000

Active Skills: Pyromancy Lv 100, Summon Lesser Fire Spirit Lv 50, Meditation Lv 90

Passive Skills: Fire Resistance Lv 150, Fire Blessing Lv 90, Earth Resistance Lv 50

Goblin Champion

Health: 300/5000

Mana: 1000/1000

Stamina: 5000/5000

Active Skills: Stone Skin Lv 150, Regeneration Lv 20, Summon Lesser Earth Spirit Lv 50

Passive Skills: Earth Resistance Lv 100, Fire Resistance Lv 50, Ax Mastery Lv 80, Earth Blessing Lv 90

While Darya was making a guilty expression watching the limbless goblins she defeated herself, Leon used Appraisal on them. Their status wasn\'t that impressive, but their skills were very interesting. Even the goblin champions, could use summoning magic, but the most interesting of their skills were the Fire Blessing and Earth Blessing... it looked like that trip would be much more rewarding than he thought.

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