Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 49

Dane Silverback’s Beta who happened to be Jake’s uncle once told him that a Beta’s responsibilities were often more than what they seemed. Jake merely laughed it off. He did not believe his uncle.

In retrospect, his uncle tried to prepare Jake for a role that he did not quite understand. Jake’s opinion about the nature of a Beta’s role quickly changed as soon as he started serving as Ronan Silverback’s Beta.

Oh, Ronan Silverback was a great Alpha. He was strong and a born leader. He was also a womanizer who did not bother to hide his promiscuous nature.

After serving Ronan for two years, Jake thought that he was in for no more surprises. The road ahead should be smooth and straight. How wrong was he.

Knowing Ronan Silverback, he was dying to come to the Night Prowler Pack House himself and take Lucien away using his own two hands.

Fortunately, he still minded his position as the Alpha of the Infinite Eclipse Pack who should not pick fights with other packs for personal reasons.

Unfortunately, Jake as the Beta had to fill in for Ronan.

To make things worse, Lucien did not come alone. He was in the company of none other than Kinnon Youngshaper. The Alpha had one arm around Lucien as the both of them entered the guest hall, his hand resting intimately at Lucien’s waist. It was a clear display of his intention toward Lucien.


Jake swallowed the lump in his throat. Good that Ronan was not there, because Jake did not have the confidence that Ronan would be able to keep himself in check when he had to see Kinnon touching Lucien as he pleased.

Lucien himself did not show any signs of objection toward Kinnon’s behavior. Jake did not know Lucien well, but it seemed that both packs had come to a certain agreement.

“Hello, Jake.”

“Hi, Lucien.”

Kinnon shot Jake a smile. “Fancy having the Infinite Eclipse’s Beta here in our humble abode. May I know the reason for this visit?”

“I am here solely to pay a friendly visit to Lucien. How are you doing?” Jake turned to look at Lucien with an official smile plastered all over his face.

Lucien almost pitied Jake for whatever he was there for.

“I am doing fine, thank you.”

“I am also here to return something to you. It is long overdue, really.”

Jake took the black wooden box that sat next to him on the couch and opened it before Lucien’s eyes. In it was Lucien’s saber. The one he procured for self-defense.

Lucien took the saber out of the box and slowly pulled it out of its scabbard.

The handle was loose.

Lucien’s eyes dimmed. It had been tampered with.

“Thanks,” he said, putting the saber back into the box.

“You are welcome. In fact, we should be the ones thanking you. Thank you for protecting Maya.”

Lucien shook his head. “It was my job to protect my student.”

Jake nodded. Now came the most difficult part.

“I don’t feel very well. May I ask for the Alpha’s permission to spend a night as a guest?”

Kinnon did not immediately answer. He scrutinized Jake with a sharp look. Jake did not even dare to blink, out of fear that he would accidentally reveal something.

Lucien put a hand on Kinnon’s leg, drawing the latter’s attention to him right away. Jake exhaled quietly.

“Kinnon, Jake must be exhausted. Can he please spend the night?”

A slight smirk played across Kinnon’s lips. “Of course, anything that you want.”

Kinnon turned to face Jake and gave him a condescending look. “Feel free to stay, Beta Jake. By the way, since you are here as a friend, I believe that you should be privy to some good news.”

Good news?

Jake swallowed again.

Kinnon’s hand traveled up Lucien’s back and settled on the side of his neck.

“Lucien has agreed to marry me. We plan to announce it soon.”

Oh no. Ronan would flip.

“Right, my Luna?” Kinnon asked Lucien while caressing the side of his neck lovingly. He almost treated the man like a favorite pet.

“Yes,” Lucien confirmed.

Jake was given a guest room to spend the night in, just a few rooms away from Lucien’s. Kinnon had wanted Lucien to move into his bedroom right away, but Lucien claimed that it was improper for them to cohabitate before the wedding. Kinnon begrudgingly agreed.

Lucien returned to his room after dinner. It felt rather empty without Annalynne. His eyes flew toward the black box with his saber inside.

He opened the box and took the saber out. It only took a slight pull to remove the blade from the handle.

There was a piece of paper crammed into the hollow side of the handle. Lucien unfurled it and read two sentences that were written in the secret letter.

“If you are in danger, return the saber to Jake immediately. I will come for you no matter what.”


Lucien closed his eyes, tilted his head back, and sighed.

Lucien lit a candle and held the letter against the flame.

The letter quickly caught flame and burned bright red against the dark backdrop. Lucien watched the flame engulf Ronan’s last message to him. Turn it into a pile of ash.

Lucien thought that he would feel upset, but he did not. For some reason, he was unable to feel anything. It was as if something died inside his heart.

And then, someone knocked at his door.

“Who is it?” Lucien asked without turning away from the candle flame.

“Lucien, it’s me. Can I come in?”

It was Kinnon Youngshaper.

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