The End Of The World's Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 172 - Volume 2 Chapter 66 Stand by and watch

Qin Zixi hurriedly said: “Just let the guards go back, that’s enough.”

This kid was very smart. Shao Qing could only get the Gu siblings to take half of the guards to go back for help.

Qin Zixi stared very tightly. No matter what, he could not let his little partner’s Ma Ma take risks. By the time he noticed something was wrong, Shao Qing was already at the base.

She secretly entered the base by tearing through space. She was entering without registering, so if she was found, it would be very troublesome. Fortunately, there were countless people who died because of the zombie siege, thus the base was very chaotic. No one would care or think about it if there was suddenly an extra person.

So Shao Qing relaxed and mixed in. She found a few people sitting in the corner with their heads down, and then stepped forward to find some news.

“Hey brothers, how is the situation now?”

They did not have any suspicion at all, each taking turn talking:

“It’s the sixth time. Our manpower has already decreased to half. If we continue like this, I am afraid... ” There was some panic in the eyes of the speaker. After all, everyone knew what would happen to them if the base was broken.

“Last night, when the zombies attacked the city, we almost couldn’t hold it. But at the last moment, a zombie suddenly appeared, starting an upheaval. Our manpower was replaced in a timely manner and we just barely were able to hold up.”

“I think we can last at most one more round.” Then he sighed and took out a cigarette case from the pocket on his chest. There were three or four crumpled cigarettes in the cigarette case. He gave each person around him one and extended one towards Shao Qing: “Do you smoke?”

Shao Qing shook her head, and the two people next to him immediately teased him: “Aren’t you usually super greedy about your cigarettes, saying it’s more expensive than life? Why do you dare part with it now?”

The man smiled bitterly: “No one knows if we can live another day. What’s the point of keeping it?”

Shao Qing dug in her pocket and pulled out a box of Nanjings*, pulls one out and then divides it between each person: “Is there no plan from the higher ups?”

* cigarettes

“Yo, good cigarette.” The man took it happily and placed it behind his ear: “How could they not try to find a way? They just had another 18 rounds of meetings. It seems that within the zombies there is one with a special ability. As soon as the distress signal is sent, it gets cut off. Even if the entire base was flattened by zombies, no one would know.”

The three gathered together and sighed. One of them glanced at Shao Qing, and then said kindly: “You are still young and attractive, think of a way to run. No matter where you go, there must be a way you can survive.”

“Bah, if you can run, everyone would have.” Another man added, when the guy finished speaking. His eyes became red: “My daughter is only eight years old. If you can really run away, I would have sent out my daughter already. It doesn’t matter if I die, but my daughter ......”

Shao Qing was silent for a long time, she did not know what to say. After all, this base was destined to be destroyed. Even if Gu Chuan got the reinforcements, distant water cannot extinguish the close fire.

As for the near water... the power of her alone, that’s just a small splash. It cannot extinguish the fire, instead, it will get evaporated by the fire.

Several people were silent for a long time, then one person suddenly said: “I heard that the new meeting said that the thief captures the king first. If all the heads of the zombies were killed, it should solve the besiege. I heard that they had begun gathering people to form a death squad, ready to capture the king.”

“Hopefully they succeed! “The person who spoke did not look hopeful. How could it work, to kill the zombie king, amongst the countless zombies...

Thinking about it surely shows that it’s impossible, right?

Shao Qing chatted with them for a while before leaving. After leaving, she summed up all the clues she got.

First, the zombie siege wasn’t a one day thing. During this period, a total of 6 siege operations have been carried out. Most of the personnel who can fight in the entire base have been lost. With the remaining half that contained the injured as well, they are completely exhausted and can’t last another siege.

Obviously, the top executives knew more than the bottoms. They must have found something, thus made the decision to capture the king first.

So Shao Qing decided to participate in the selection of the Death Squad. Not only would she be able to learn more, but once the mission starts even if it fails, she would be able to easily leave.

So after asking for directions, Shao Qing went to sign up. Under such a situation, they would certainly not be able to make any formal, splendid competition.

The place to register was at the square, where there were a row of tables. Behind the table were the staff. At the front of the table was a man who looked proper and handsome.

When Shao Qing went over to ask, he said dryly: “If you want to join the death squad, the base will give you 100 kilograms of grains and 100 zombie crystal cores, all of which are above the second rank. This would allow you to settle down your family. The base will also take care of your family until the base ceases to exist. Of course, you have to prove your strength.”

The hidden message behind his statement was obvious. The task was very dangerous and it is very likely that the whole army will be wiped out. If a person did not come back alive, they would set up their family in advance so that they would have no worries.

“Okay.” Shao Qing nodded seriously. The little miss sitting next to the man couldn’t help covering her face, and added: “Identity, abilities, and level please.”

“I came a few days ago. I’m originally from the survivor base in S City, and wanted to come over for some additional resources.” Shao Qing smiled and said: “I am a wood-based superhuman, peak of rank three.”

There was a reason for Shao Qing to say this. As long as they were a superhuman from a base, they would usually have registration, something that symbolizes her identity. She had nothing like that in person and if she impersonated another superhuman in the base, it would be easy to be discovered. So it’s easier to say that she was a foreign superhuman. Even if they end up asking for their temporary residence certificate, she can also say that she lost it during the zombie siege.

The girl glanced at her sympathetically. How unlucky. She came in to replenish her resources and happened to come when there was a siege of zombies.

“Okay, then you have to prove your strength.” The girl glanced at the handsome man next to him, and he stood up immediately, “Fight against me. If you can hurt me or can last ten minutes, you pass.”

The girl quickly pulled the man’s sleeve and glared at him. This man was the highest-powered superhuman in the entire base. He was already a rank four. If he didn’t go easy, this woman won’t be able to hold it for even ten minutes.

There weren’t many people who were willing to be part of the death squad, especially knowing that they may not be able to come back. The girl was really afraid that the man would chase Shao Qing away.

It would be a pity to chase away a peak rank 3 wood-based superhuman.

The man pursed his lips and finally said: “You don’t have to be nervous, I’ll make it a bit easier.”

Shao Qing almost smiled. She hasn’t seen such a sincere person in a long time, he can’t even tell a lie.

However, Shao Qing didn’t broadcast that she didn’t need him to make it easier, she just smiled: “Okay.”

The man expanded his powers. His muscles swelled immediately. Is he a strength type? Shao Qing also released her own vines, racking her brains to think about how to throw the game without appearing to throw the game.

The vines twisted up in an instant, binding the sturdy and strong man. Shao Qing was stunned first. Is this man so weak? Then she found that something was wrong. The spikes failed to penetrate the man’s skin. That is one of them. Secondly, the vines tied the man into a cocoon, but the shape of the cocoon was changing.

From a circle to an inexplicable shape, Shao Qing saw a soft, liquid-like thing flowing out of the gap.

After flowing out, the entire cocoon collapsed and the mass of liquid on the ground began forming a human figure, and finally turned into a man.

What kind of power is this?

Shao Qing was stunned for the first time. She has never seen such a strange power before. She had to say that this power was very useful. It was absolutely stellar. If his body is able to become liquid, no one could kill him.

Shao Qing became curious and then changed her thinking. She wanted to see what ability the man still has.

After all, it was the first time she saw such a power.

Shao Qing pressed her hand down and countless vines rose into the sky, each of them like a sharp spear, stabbing at the man.

The man didn’t know when the vine would stab upwards under their feet, from where or from what angle, this was a test of human reaction.

But the man avoided 99%, and the remaining 1% because the angle was too tricky, sometimes having several stabbing out at the same time, destroying all possibilities of him avoiding, he would be able to make it so he received the least damage.

Whenever this happened, the place where the vines pierced turned into liquid. Thus, 10 minutes later, Shao Qing wasn’t able to hurt the man, nor could the man get close to Shao Qing.

The people on the side were dumbfounded. They had never seen someone able to fight with the man like this. Even if the man was making it easier for her, don’t forget, the man was already at rank 4, and Shao Qing was at the peak of rank 3.

At least in their eyes, Shao Qing was only the peak of rank 3.

Also, even if the man was making it easier, Shao Qing also didn’t do her best. One could see that she used only one plant from beginning to end. Those with rank 3 wood abilities should have at least three mutant plant protectors.

Therefore, everyone looked at Shao Qing with a feeling of looking up a high mountain.

The man said blankly: “You passed, what’s your name? Now you can get your remuneration.”

“My name is Shao Qing.” Shao Qing said lightly.

The man nodded: “My name is Zhao Hansheng. Tonight at 7 o’clock, gather here.”

Shao Qing left. She didn’t go grab any compensation. Instead, she found a quiet place to sleep, recuperate and prepare. In the evening, she will have to follow this suicide group.

When it was time, Shao Qing arrived at the meeting place. She saw a few people standing there, with Shao Qing as the only woman.

The leader was naturally Zhao Hansheng and across from this group of people there was a man with glasses who looked very elegant. Once Shao Qing came, he coughed and said, “Everyone is here? There are a few words that I want to say to everyone. First, this time everyone is going out and fighting for this base. No matter what the result is, the base will ensure that before it is destroyed, we will try to protect your family as much as possible. Second, you need to find the zombie king , a woman who likes to use red lipstick, is wearing a black skirt, and holding a child’s body.” There was a flash of tenderness in the eyes of the man. Then the tenderness became cold: “Its weakness lies in the bones of the child in her hand, you can attack the bones and divert its attention.”

Shao Qing couldn’t help but frown. Who is this man? He seemed to know what the zombie king looks like. Shao Qing was not from the base and after completing the task, she could leave at any time, so she directly stated: “It sounds like you know it.”

The elegant man seemed embarrassed for a moment, and quickly laughed: “How could I? I only saw it yesterday commanding the zombie swarm, moreover it was protecting the corpse in its arms, so I guess that was its weakness.”

“Oh ” Shao Qing didn’t believe him at all. Her intuition told her that this man felt guilty.

Probably because of his guilty conscience, the man encouraged them with a few words and let them leave. At this time, Shao Qing knew that this man was the base chief.

She followed Zhao Hansheng and the others slowly out. As she approached the edge of the square, she turned around and saw the base chief squinting, with unclear maliciousness in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

The base chief was also taken aback with her sudden look back and unnaturally avoided Shao Qing’s gaze.

When the group of people arrived at the entrance of the base, many people spontaneously came out to send them off. It was like when ancient warriors were sent for long expeditions. Zhao Hansheng took a bottle spray and then said: “Spraying this on your body can confuse the zombie’s sense of smell. Although there is not much time, it is enough to support us to find the zombie king and kill it.”

Then he sprayed himself. When he sprayed, he sprayed the armpit first and then his back and his chest. A strong smell of corpses radiated out.

Most of this stuff was made by collecting the body fluids of zombies, which can temporarily shield a person’s odor, causing confusion for the zombie’s smell and making them think they are zombies as well.

Shao Qing didn’t particularly want to spray this thing on because its smell was terrible. Even washing several times won’t be able to get rid of this smell.

Moreover, the clothes she was wearing would have to be scrapped as well.

It was like giving the enemy a hundred injuries, but twelve thousand to herself.

However, in order not to appear out of the ordinary, she sprayed the odor, but a little less. In the end, Zhao Hansheng came up and sprayed a breadth on Shao Qing. “Women are so pretentious, is smell more important or life?”

Shao Qing’s face was blue at that time. Fortunately, it was already dark and he could not see clearly.

Then a group of people entered the zombie group. To be honest, it was really not a good experience to be in close contact with the zombies, especially with so many zombies around.

If there were any flaws in their smells on their bodies, they would be swarmed by a group of zombies. Let alone run back, it would be good to be able to just leave some bones and scum.

Even if they were prepared to die, they were still trembling when they went in. One younger boy who had already fought two battles looked particularly pitiful.

Shao Qing couldn’t help but ask him: “If you are afraid, why did you come?”

The teenager whispered: ” I still have a younger sister... it’s okay if I die, but I have to fight for her.” He bulged his cheek and spoke seriously: “I’m not afraid of death, but I’m afraid of pain.”

Shao Qing couldn’t help but pat his head. This exchange caused Zhao Hansheng to glare angrily. He mouthed some words: Don’t talk, you’ll leak your breath.

The teenager quickly covered his mouth in horror, his eyes flickered towards the zombies around him and paled.

Shao Qing helplessly placed her hands in her pockets, then looked left and right. Not sure if it was good or bad luck, but immediately she saw the woman standing in the middle of the corpses.

It stood quietly amongst the zombies, with a pair of eyes staring at them like a black hole, still holding the dirty set of bones in its arms. Shao Qing was sure that it had discovered them.

At this time, Zhao Hansheng also found the woman, and he whispered in surprise: “Follow me!”

Then he took the lead to approach the female zombie king. As soon as they approached, the zombie king suddenly faced towards the sky and let out a hiss. The sound wave transmitted quickly, making the people unstable. Then unexpectedly, the zombie made a move first.

Like a cannonball, it rushed towards the group with murderous intent. Besides Shao Qing, Zhao Hansheng was the first one to stabilize. He quickly stepped forward like a solid wall, blocking the impact of the zombie king.

However, the impact of the zombie king was not something he could resolve. Zhao Hansheng quickly retreated after being hit directly. He retreated several steps back. At this time, the zombie pounced again and then the two superhumans behind Zhao Hansheng made a move.

At that time, the base chief stood on the wall with a telescope and looked at the faint figures, especially at the rays of light soaring to the sky and the deafening noises.

A person next to him asked him: “Base chief, what if they fail?”

The base chief said coldly: “Once it fails, we will apply the zombie odor and then leave from the underpass.”

To put it bluntly, that is to give up this base. As long as they were still alive, he would have the opportunity to make a comeback. Giving up a base was nothing.

Even if they can’t bear losing their hard work, is he willing to lose his life?

On Shao Qing’s side, the battle has started in full swing. The death squad led by Zhao Hansheng were already deep in conflict with the zombie king.

Shao Qing gradually opened her hand and pulled two zombies who tried to come close. At this time, Zhao Hansheng had collided with the zombie king for the second time.

I don’t know whether to say his skin was thick or what, but when he collided head-on with the Zombie King, he didn’t suffer a big loss. Every time he would just be pushed back and become a bit unstable.

The other few were more pitiful. Whether it was their strength or superhuman abilities, they were all a lot worse than Zhao Hansheng.

As soon as Zhao Hansheng was beaten and flew out, the man who had replaced his position was clawed by the zombie king’s hand causing his skull to shatter.

The power was fierce.

As soon as the bloody smell emanated, there would naturally be more zombies trying to get close.

Although Shao Qing didn’t plan on helping Zhao Hansheng, she didn’t have any harmful thoughts. She touched her chin and decided to create the possibility for them to fight the zombie king.

Before the zombies attempted to approach them, they were repressed by Shao Qing’s aura. Shao Qing was now a Level 5 zombie, which was no worse than this zombie king.

So even with the bloody smell permeated, not even one zombie approached. Those people were shocked and happy, and they continued attacking the zombie king.

Zhao Hansheng suffered nearly all the injuries, and he couldn’t bear it anymore. He liquefied the parts that contacted the zombie king. After a while, the zombie king couldn’t do anything to them, but they also couldn’t do anything to her.

Just when Shao Qing was busy watching the drama, she heard a very vague voice in her ear: “Why help them! We are the same kind!”

The voice was terrible, and if she didn’t listen carefully, she wouldn’t be able to hear it clearly. Shao Qing was stunned. Where did this voice come from? She glanced around, and finally looked at the zombie king with unbelievable eyes. It couldn’t be...

Oh my god, does a zombie get their own consciousness after reaching rank five?

However, Shao Qing quickly threw out her thoughts and that voice continued to reverberate within her, all of the sounds were vague and blurry.

It was similar to a broken recorder playing repeatedly and the sound was very vague. Shao Qing was sure that this was not a sound, but mental force.

Just like Shao Tong could communicate with her mentally, this must also be communication from the zombie king’s mental energy.

When Shao Qing was stunned, the zombie king fell from the sky like a black bat, tearing at a man’s throat fiercely.

That person was none other than the young man who talked to Shao Qing at the beginning. He made a few strange noises in his throat, then fell to the ground and bright red liquid flowed out of the wound.

Shao Qing lowered her head, watching his bright eyes slowly dim. It was so full of hope, begging to live. It was as if he was trying to say he didn’t want to die, I can’t die, I still have a sister. If I died, who will protect her?

Shao Qing’s ear also seemed to hear the echo of his voice as it shook: “I’m not afraid of death, I’m afraid of pain...”

She moved her finger. She couldn’t help but make a move and picked up the boy and placed him behind her. She could not save him, but she could keep his body from being damaged temporarily.

Zhao Hansheng looked back at Shao Qing, his eyes filled with doubts and anger as if to ask why are you not helping us trap the zombie king and why act indifferent.

Shao Qing didn’t speak or move. She just stood there trying to communicate with the Zombie King with her weak mental strength.

Maybe the zombie king would tell her the truth. Shao Qing laughed at herself. She knew clearly that all that she is doing will probably be a waste of time and effort.

As expected, the zombie king kept sending angry feelings to her, with some killing intent. There were no sounds this time.

Shao Qing was a little disappointed. She narrowed her eyes and carefully observed the battle. Because of Zhao Hansheng, the battle did not appear to be one-sided. However, Zhao Hansheng was only a rank 4 superhuman. This zombie king was a rank 5. Even with his unique power, it can only temporarily resist the attack of the zombie king. But it was impossible to support it for too long.

If there were no other trump cards, this group of people would definitely lose. Shao Qing didn’t know whether she should make a move because once she did, her battle with this zombie king would detonate the entire zombie group. There would be madness in the battle between the two king-level beings.

They will attack the living people nearby and the closest to them is only the base. That is, as long as Shao Qing makes a move, the zombie siege will start ahead of time. Maybe she could temporarily save a few lives, but there will be more people dead following. Furthermore, these few people would not be able to return to the city alive. They will still die under the madness of the zombies.

You can say she is cold-blooded or heartless. But no matter what, she won’t do anything for the time being.

Shao Qing coldly stood by and watched, causing everyone to be angrily surprised. But now was not the time to blame Shao Qing. Each of them worked hard to attack the zombie king.

But the gap between them and the zombie king was too great, even if they attacked while risking their lives, they could barely reach the king’s skirt.

Although they didn’t know why the zombies next to them didn’t attack them, they couldn’t hold onto this kind of miracle. They had to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

Otherwise, their base would be destroyed.

One of the men suddenly gritted his teeth and shouted with red eyes: “If there is a chance to go back alive, help me take care of my wife!” Then he threw himself over.

His speed was very fast, in addition to the zombie king just happening to be in a deadlock with Zhao Hansheng, he was able to catch the zombie king off guard. As soon as he fell on the zombie king, he used both hands and feet to lock onto the zombie king. Then there were many vines that drilled out from his body, wrapping around himself and the zombie king.

He was also a wood-based superhuman.

After trapping the zombie king, the wood-based superhuman’s body suddenly swelled like a balloon, as if dozens of pounds of water had been injected.

Then he burst into a pile of flesh and blood.

This was a very special ability, derived from the spores of a plant. It can be said that this was his natural ability. In the past, this superhuman had joked with his friends about the use of this ability. He had said it was useless as he can only suicide with someone else and he would never use it in his life.

But he used it now.

The blood mist spread slowly, and a wailing howl sounded out. Besides having a somewhat messy head of hair, no wounds could be seen on the zombie king. However, the bones of the child in her arms fell apart because of the violent explosion.

The fragile bones were scattered, and the zombie king knelt on the ground in a panic, picking up the bones and stuffed them in her arms.

At this time, it was no longer like a zombie king who had caused countless commotions and had also launched a zombie siege, instead it was more like a helpless mother.

Zhao Hansheng also had red eyes, but he knew that this was his only chance to hurt or even kill this zombie king, and this chance was created by his companion with his life.

It could absolutely not be missed!

Several abilities instantly used their strongest moves. One could only see the colorful abilities swallow up the zombie king kneeling on the ground.

What Shao Qing could see was its last action. It curled up its body instantly, protecting all the scattered bones in its arms, and greeted those powers with its back.

With a loud noise, Shao Qing even felt that the ground beneath her feet shake several times, especially the location where everyone set fire to which directly turned into a big pit. When the smoke dispersed, it slowly revealed something in the pit coming.

It was something that had lost most of its flesh, leaving only the spine and the five internal organs that can be seen through the spine. Those internal organs have become black and smelly, with no activity at all.

It slowly lifted up its waist, the zombie king did not die.

It had just lost some flesh on its back, given enough time, it would recover.

The injury was not serious, but it had become completely crazy. Some bones in its arms, although well protected, had become powder because they were only ordinary children’s bones that couldn’t stand the shock.

In everyone’s horrified and unbelievable eyes, the zombie king slowly stood up and inserted the remaining bones one by one into its stomach.

The last piece, the skull, because it was too big and relatively blunt, could not be inserted, so she tore her chest and stuffed it in.

Obviously this was a terrifying scene, but Shao Qing could see a touch of tenderness from the bottom of its eyes.

A mother, even if she became a zombie, would still have its innate tendency to love its child. This was something truly to be admired.

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