One Piece: The Soul Purchasing Pirate

Chapter 83

“I’ll fight you until you are halfdead and take you back to the Marine headquarters. The guys in our departmentwill naturally have a way to open your mouth and know the location of thatwoman.”

Step by step slowly stride, the words inKizaru’s mouth were very casual.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly became graveand stopped moving forward.

“This kid!”

At this moment, Rogen, who had beenseriously injured in front of him, broke out with an incomparable momentum.

“Haoshoku Haki!? No, no!”

Kizaru instantly denied that it was astrong and overbearing atmosphere. A strange spiritual force that couldsuppress the human spirit, but it was not Haki.

Tick tock

The blood dripping from the corner of hismouth fell to the ground, and Rogen raised his head slowly.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth burstinto bloom, and a smile appeared on his face.

This smile is so confident, uninhibited,even contains a trace of excitement.

Yes, Rogen was shaking with excitement atthe moment.

He slowly lowered the Yuan Hong sword inhis right hand, and his eyes were soft.

“Yuan Hong, you have to rest for awhile.”

Then he raised his head and looked straightat Kizaru, which had stopped moving because of prudence.

“Admiral Kizaru, let me see yourstrength.”

Kizaru raised his eyebrows and feltsomething strange in his heart.


The next second, a tremendous spiritualpressure came out. All the marines in the scene, their faces suddenly changedsharply. They stared at Rogen, who was bending down because of serious injuriesat the moment, and all of them trembled.

“This, this is!!"

This is an entirely new power, totallydifferent from Haoshoku Haki, which exploded in Rogen’s body.

Even, his surroundings’ faces werereflected in blue, as if there were blue flashes of light.

Slowly, Rogen stretched out his right hand.

A cane consisting of countless fire red andpurple particles appeared in his right hand.

“Now, let’s me show you my truestrength, Kizaru.”

The corner of his mouth showed an unbridledsmile, and Rogen slowly opened his mouth.

“I hope you’re not toosurprised!”

Kizaru was about to say something, but shutup quickly.

His eyes became deeper and deeper. In hisheart, he felt that this boy had suddenly changed, not only in term of strengthbut also on the spiritual level.

In front of him, Rogen’s dress has changedinto a black robe.

Outside the black robe, a white featherrobe was scattered, and it was blowing by the breeze, just like the marine’scloak.

Secondly, Rogen’s body was recoveringrapidly. His wounds and blood at the corners of his mouth were turning into alittle light and merging with him quickly.

It seems as if, at this moment, Rogen’sbody had changed, as if it were composed of a magical particle.

Rogen, standing in front of the Kizaru, wasclosing his eyes slightly, with a faint smile on his face.

He was not at all worried about thepresence of the marines, or even the sneaky attack of the Admiral.

At this moment, he was slowly perceivingthis new power.

After that big bang, the system immediatelygave him a random possession.

He was not disappointed at all by thestrength of this soul.

"The power of the flame?"

Feeling the power of the soul, quicklymerging with himself, changing his physique, rapidly enhancing his strength,all of this made Rogen shows a smile.

Before a moment, a multicolored lightflashed in front of his eyes, and a burly old man in black, carrying a cane,marched toward him.

Just in an instant, he has become one withhim.

“Spend 500 million Belly, and gotpossessed by Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto!”

The cold voice of the system came at thistime, Rogen’s right hand trembled, and the crutch broke apart in an instant,turning into a standard katana.

"He is the captain of the 1st Division inthe Gotei 13?"

“Really, a good possession ah!”

Rogen was in a peaceful mood with a smileon his face.

Countless experiences, Skills, ImmenseStrength, Zanpakutō, Kidō, quickly flashed in front of his eyes and merged withhim.

The moment of attachment, even that hugeforce, forced his body to be transformed into a god of death.

Faced with the strongest force of theMarines, Kizaru with his Glint-Glint Fruit, this time the character that Rogensummoned was also too strong.

Having the strongest Shinigami in soulsociety with his most powerful fire-type Zanpakutō, Yamamoto is known as theCaptain-Commander of the strongest Death God in the millennium.


Thinking slightly, Rogen’s eyes becamesharp.

This action is for Rouge and for the futureof Ace. Ace who controls Flame-Flame Fruit, “Fire Fist” Ace.

“It’s really a perfect time!”

With a sigh in his heart, he staredstraight at Kizaru.



Kizaru’s eyes were fixed on Rogen.

“Fighting here will affect civilians.Let’s change places.”

Rogen’s voice was quiet.

The property of the blade is a full-rangeflame attack, covering a wide range of areas, and his power is terrifying. Ifit is fully deployed that could even affect an island, he could burn the wholeisland of Baterilla.

“Haha, I am afraid I don’t need to.”

With a faint laugh, Kizaru’s figuresuddenly disappeared.

In front of Rogen’s eyes, a splendid glowappeared, almost instantaneously, flashing, fleeting.

The katana in Rogen’s hand turned andsuddenly lifted up.


The ground beneath his feet burst, acobweb-like cracks spread out everywhere, and in a flash, it outflowed fornearly a hundred meters, making the whole street tremble.

However, Rogen’s figure residualmotionless. He raised his right hand with the katana, and above the blade was aright foot, shining with golden light.

This was Kizaru’s right foot.

“Oh? Suddenly he becomes muchstronger."

Nobody knows his power better than Kizaru.Kicking at the speed of light, even without exerting any force, that terribleexplosive output was not something that anyone can resist.

This kid is very surprising!

“Do you think that’s all? Huh!”

Rogen’s voice suddenly came out, andKizaru’s eyes narrowed.

The next moment, Rogen’s left hand quicklylifted, murmuring in his mouth.

“Hadō #96. Ittō Kasō!!! (Breaking theRoad 96).”

Before the words were finished. In his lefthand, a red flame has burst out and has grown rapidly.

"Single Blade Cremation!"


A brief shockwave followed by a massivepillar of red fire erupting from the ground in the shape of a katana’s tipdashed towards Kizaru’s face.


Kizaru’s pupil shrank, and his body hasquickly turned to an element.

A huge sword-shaped flame of about thirtyfeet suddenly rushed into the sky and slanted away.

This flame contains a high temperature ofan incomparable explosion, which can burn up almost everything we encounter inthe middle of the journey.

In less than a breath, it has risen nearly100 meters, directly wiping out the roof of the building.

From a distance, it looked like a giantshockwave in the shape of a sword made of the flame, growling in anger.

At this moment, all the marines that werenot far away took a deep breath.

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