One Piece: The Soul Purchasing Pirate

Chapter 84

When they saw this scene, the marinescouldn’t help but took another deep breath.

Looking at the roof just touched by thefire and wiped away directly, everyone’s eyes trembled.

“Is that his real power?”

The Vice Admiral became so serious.

"Logia! Flame Power!"

The marines couldn’t do anything.

"Ah, ah! It’s terrible!"

The golden light flashed, and five metersahead of Rogen, a figure emerged, it was Kizaru.

Unlike the previous moment, Kizaru’s facewas very serious.

The Vice Admirals and marines looking atKizaru, they were shocked when they saw such a scene.

"The admiral’s shoulders!"

The shoulders badge on Kizaru scorched. Atthat moment, the transformation of Kizaru into his element was not fast enough,so his shoulder was burned by that flame eruption.

"If we kept fighting here, I’m afraid thatall the marines in this island would pay for your ego, Kizaru!"

Rogen’s tone was somewhat threatening. Theeyes of the admiral glanced at the vice admirals and the rest of the marinesbehind him.

Kizaru s eyes narrowed, watching Rogen’seyes, which were very fierce.

“Seems that you are threateningus.”

"You’ll find out by yourself."

Rogen didn’t answer clearly, but he wavedwith his Zanpakutō, and a huge pressure exploded.

The face of the Vice Admiral changedimmediately, and his hands were raised sharply in front of him.

"Armament Haki!"

“Iron Body!”


The air pressure swept over the ViceAdmiral’s arms directly, causing his body to slide toward the rear and drawstraight for nearly ten meters before stopping.

“Your strength is soaring fast!”

Kizaru looked at the Vice Admiral and sawthat he wasn’t injured, so he turned his gaze and stared at Rogen.

"You have to choose, Admiral Kizaru!"

Rogen faintly said.

Tightly staring at Rogen, Kizaru’s bodysuddenly turned into golden light.

"Alright then!"

In the twinkling of an eye, he appearedagain in the sky at high altitudes.

Rogen glanced at what Kizaru did, and thenin a moment, he floated up.

“He, he’s flying!”

"My God! That guy, what kind of fruit doeshe has?"

The marines were shocked.

The speed of the Kizaru was indeed fast,and when he turned into light, even if he did not deliberately show himself, itdid not even take him a breath to get from the street area to the port ofBaterilla.

Also, Rogen’s figure suddenly disappearedand reappeared in the air again.

After a few moments, he was steadilyfloating in the air behind Kizaru.

it is one of the four basic combat skillsof the Shinigami, ’Shunpo’ Flash Steps!

Kizaru and Rogen were already in the sea.

"This kid is really mysterious!"

In the corner of his eye, Kizaru saw thatRogen could follow himself, so he became more cautious.

Whether it is the black flame seen onDragon or the short transient blow, the power that has erupted made Kizaru feelthat Rogen’s power was abnormal.

It seems that Rogen has suddenly changed tobe another person.

Once again, Kizaru turned into a goldenstream and headed to an island far away.

After 10 minutes, the two appeared onanother island.

"There’s no one lives on this island, restassured."

Kizaru’s tone was cold.

“I’m just afraid that my power is toostrong and that if I don’t control it properly, it will destroy the wholeisland."

Rogen was very serious.

Compared with Itachi Uchiha, the power ofYamamoto’s captain is indeed terrifying. The sudden burst of flame, burningeverything, made Rogen feel that this island wasn’t enough for him to fight onit.

“Oh ~.”

Kizaru seemed to give an unbelievablesneer.

"Well, I’m going to start then!"

Kizaru disappeared, and in the blink of aneye, he has come in front of Rogen.


Another kick at the speed of light, Rogensingle-handed held his Zanpakutō and accurately caught Kizaru’s kick and thecracks under his feet expanded rapidly.

However, Kizaru’s attack didn’t stop atthat time.

His attack was very fast, and he struckagain.

Rogen’s eyes were cold, waving with onehand.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang bang!”

A series of dull thunderous sounds cameout, and more and more cracks appeared at Rogen’s foot.

He held his Zanpakutō, and he accuratelycaught every blow of Kizaru.

Gradually, Kizaru’s legs were turned intolight, and they were too fast to be able to see them clearly.

Rogen’s face was so serious, his Zanpakutōwas just in the usual state, and he had some difficulty using it.

Suddenly, another blow with huge force,Rogen caught it, and he slipped toward the rear.

"This is the real power of the admiral."

With a low sigh, Rogen’s eyes suddenlybecame more serious.

After the last attack, Kizaru stopped itfor a while, but he wasn’t done yet, he just kept looking at him withcuriosity.

Rogen slowly put his Zanpakutō in front ofhim, and then he touched the blade with his left hand.

This is a great sword. It is different fromthe Yuan Hong sword and also different from twelve Supreme Grade Swords (12Saijo O Wazamono Grade Swords) in One Piece World. Ryūjin Jakka ’FlowingBlade-like Flame’ is a blade made up with composed of spiritual pressure, whichcan only be used by one person.

In this world, Rogen could acquire anyskills by himself, but every Zanpakutō does only work with the mysterious powerof his owner (Shinigami), which made it not possibly able to acquire.

But in contrast, at this moment, the powerof possession was also terrifying.

Rogen slowly put his Zanpakutō down againthen put it at the waist.

Rogen laid his right hand on the hilt ofhis sword and made an attacking gesture.

In the distance, Kizaru’s eyebrows rose,showing confusion.

"A Sheathed Blade Technique?"

Rogen was very proficient in thatswordsmanship, but such an attack would it affect Kizaru?

Just in a moment, Kizaru’s eyes suddenlychanged.

“This is it!”

Rogen pulled out his Zanpakutō, and theblade threw fire flow toward the void ahead.

The wind and the sea stopped at thatmoment.

An unparalleled sword pressure burst out,forming a powerful and incomparable flame wave, and rushed toward Kizaru at avery high speed.

Slowly, Rogen put his Zanpakutō in thesheath, and his faint voice came out.

"This is not a Sheathed Blade Technique,it’s...."


The wind was blowing up, this chop dividedthe island surface directly into two halves, like a shark cutting the water,and went toward Kizaru.


Kizaru turned into the light elements,trying to avoid the horrible blow.

But in the instant on contact, his facechanged.


He has turned into the elements of thelight, and he could not avoid it. The moment the chopper collided with him, itbegan to offset and consume his strength.


"Sure enough, the spiritual pressure couldwork on you!"

Rogen’s eyes twinkled, and he smirked.

Physical attacks could be completelyexempted, But this energy attack originates from the spiritual pressure.

Obviously, Kizaru couldn’t hide.

At this point in the battle, Rogen didn’teven liberate the true power of his Zanpakutō.

The old Master Yamamoto’s Power is indeedstrong!

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